Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #120

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 4– Jan 7, 2019

Dipole is your way.  Three physical dimensions allows for two dimensional oscillation with expansion into third.  This is how your physical world is contoured to the premise of three dimensions, with the dipole states as a root structure.  Evidence abounds of manifestation of the dipole structure throughout your world, with the dialectic nature of opposites of such familiarity to you.  At present, we wish to discuss the feeling states you experience in this regard, and suggest means for integrating higher dimensions which experientially elevate your physical consciousness into deeper realms from the stark contrasting states you submerge your being into.
So, common in your experiences are concepts such as happiness and sadness, which you see as opposites, and hence mutually exclusive.  You tend to think, I can be happy or sad, but not both.  Why not?  Conceptually, these are opposite, but your being has infinite capacity for presence of vast dynamics of feeling states in unison all the time.  Your concept-processing mind is the driver for filters that only allow through sensory perception of consistence with its conclusions, and if it is resigned to dipole submissiveness, then so do its driven filters impose constraints of discrete feeling states, and you do indeed follow a pattern of being able to feel happy or sad, but not both.
Step one here is to realize what we are talking about, noticing in yourself that you are continually invoking an interplay between your mind and emotional body that dictates the magnitude and direction of energy flow, or at least it is trying to, with really only limited success in its endeavor that leads to confusion in your feeling placed, through suppression and emergence of ununderstood emotional conditions.  So... watch. Watch your mind and how it processes the conditions of your experience and develops expectations about the course of your feeling states.  Step two then is to impose the understanding that such mechanism in your mind is autonomous and you have free will to involve your conscious integration into how your feeling states are energetically progressed.
Step three is to practice this, and this is more than an interlude of practice, but rather a shift in fundamental understanding, so step three is more than a step - it is a life-changing transmission.  Developing understanding and putting into practice direct choice, will and influence of the mental/emotional interplay going on within your being is an ongoing endeavor that most human forms don't think of undertaking.  This, thus, is of a changing nature, rather than a discrete lightswitch kind of thing.  Your conscious attentiveness varies in relation to your responsive conditions to your environment.  What you must do is resolve to change, and when you slip back into the old ways, remind yourself to engage consciously yet again.
Having now some integrative understanding of your autonomy over the energetic streaming coursing through your feeling sensors, thus giving your emotional flow to be of control through your will, the next step is to notice how you are now able to defy most of what your heretofore belief in the independent autonomy of your emotional response system had been taking as inevitable.  Most notably, you are by no means restricted to the dipole representation of feeling states.  The sharpness of your environment continues to present introduction of feeling responses for you in this way, but you are now wise to the power within, and you can now allow multiple 'poles' of apparent dipole nature to concomitantly be present in your psyche, and through your will, direct the energetic basis itself, from which arise the projections which contact your feeling sensors, to rise in amplitude, thus rendering a sphere of wholeness containing the presence of all of your emotional states.  In this way, such things as concomitant presence of both happiness and sadness, both joy and grief, both anger and peace, are natural to you.
As your understanding integrates, and with some assistance from your conscious intention, what can now happen is that your programmed response to expect things to be a certain way, such as the mutual exclusivity of emotional states, can crumble away and you can instill your own ideas as to what is appropriate for your conscious being.  You needn't longer fear grief as the absence of joy; you can allow grief to have its day, yet your joyous state can radiate brilliantly all the while.  This in itself gives grief a completely new personna.
You are discovering unlimited ways that this shift in fundamental understanding to your emotional response system opens for differences in what had previously been thought to be limited scope of availability for feeling states.  For instance, if you find yourself snapped back into your innate auto-response of feeling something like grief, and resigned to that being all that is allowed in, you now know that such resignation is not inherent in your expansive being, but merely entrained along with your inception into integration of spirit being with organic physical being.  Knowing this, you are uninhibitedly free to implant the state of your free will's choice into your being consciousness, such as joy or peace, or anything that you desire.  This initializes as a blueprint to be energetically filled as you now know how to allow the higher dimensional energies to fill the arbitrarily created gaps resultant through your physicalness.
Conceptually, you are all the time creating blueprints and allowing higher dimensional energies to fill the gaps which shape the forms of physical life.  This is life.  This is how it is created, and this is how the future takes shape.  What we are bringing into the mix here is the capacity you have for doing so consciously.  What happens nominally for most of you is that you come upon some focus of blueprint and rather than engage the subtle which allows the energetic forms to take shape, you begin to assess it's existence amidst the gaps which are initially present.  This merely perpetuates the gaps, because your assessing in this way overshouts the energetic subtlety which would naturally rise to fill the blueprint.  What you have to do is subtly implant the elements of blueprint and at same time be aware of the background white noise of inter-dimensional energy which is transmitting in multitudes of directional means in inter-dimensional space, and which gravitates toward higher momentum into material mass of the defined coordinates of your plane.  This requires some of what you know as time for this to play out.  So, to bring elemental impressions into blueprint form int existence, you have to do something closer to ignoring it than concentrating hard on it, as you are wont to do.  You don't totally ignore it, but you must keep it in a peripheral way, in a higher dimension place in your mind, and integrate it with a knowing within you, as you know your element of bringing into existence is done once you create the blueprint, and from there the energy forms are taking over, and flourish your blueprint elements into existence.  Physically, your breath is a good metaphor for the higher dimensional, white noise energies, and this is why your breathing is a good neutral place for you to focus.
So, if you are going to say, bring the element of joy within you amidst a state of grief, your mind need only snatch this concept and snap it into intention.  You don't need to and shouldn't immediately 'try' to feel joy.  You must immediately just know that it is done, and the feeling states will gravitate from there.  Your attention to the more subtle, that which is independent of your feeling states and physical states, is what you should advisably be attentive to in the wake of setting blueprint elements like this.  Things take care of themselves from that point on, and you may notice some joyous feelings eventually, and that becomes part of your experience, and as situations arise, for various reasons you can become motivated to intentionally set other blueprint elements.  As you gain more depth in understanding of how this works, you will also become more motivated to be more directive in initiating blueprint elements, as you will find that you can be much more creative about how you progress your life forward.
You get the 'feel' of the background white noise energy.  This is anything but white noise, but we reference it as such because this is how it first appears from within a scope of reference that renders the physical plane as of utmost significance.  The rest of the Universe goes dormant in that way, and its revival is through feeling the subtle vibration which appears as just some vibration.  If you implant blueprint elements and simultaneously/subsequently feel the white noise energy, and have the knowing that your elements are in place and you needn't do any more to tend to them, and that the white noise energy is carrying the creation forces forward with your elements included, then you can just ride along and tend to the presence of what is happening, sometimes noticing the fruits of blueprint elements already implanted and sometimes becoming inspired to plant new ones to course through your existential experience.
Planting elements of the physical natures of your life follows readily from the aspirations and motivations which arise in you.  What keeps them planted and without maturing is that your oppression upon the boundaried physical keeps them frozen in the planted state.  Ignoring the white noise serves the gaps of apparency within the physical realm.  Your feeling states tend to consume you and once the elemental seeds are planted, you tend to forget the nature of their implantation, and they remain fixed as seeds.  However, part of this partial endeavoring is that your focus is on the physical natures.  One important message we are bringing out here is that the feeling states themselves are to be implanted in your being as elements to be brought forth.  Planting feeling states of your aspirations and motivations lifts your spirit from the fixation on the purely physical and this readily brings you into attunement with being able to feel the white noise of your inter-dimensional energies.  This makes your elemental seeds come forth into maturity into your experiential life.
You are actually way more wholly immersed into your river of life the more your attentive focus is on the white noise and your feeling states, because these place you amidst the creation itself.  Focusing on the point to point parameters as defined by physical life clip out the creation medium and vibrate you right into time dimension, all of which puts your elemental seeds into compartments, deprived of the nourishment they need to grow.  It takes but an instant to plant the seed of a magnificent physical dream.  Honor such dreams by giving them nourishment from now on.  Always remember to feed your feeling states according to your aspirations, and to listen and feel for the white noise vibration of your creation medium.