Inter-Dimensional Channel – Aug 4– Sep 22, 2018
You may have noticed from the corners of your physical consciousness, some threads of conscious awareness that are actually interested and enthralled with the observations of developments transiting in directions that correlate with what you realize to be the demise of your physical being. This being in contrast with your viewpoint as a physical being with identification with your physical beingness, there is a visible opening into greater consciousness. The contrasting viewpoint is unexpected from a physical being and, being of higher dimensional consciousness, is more subtle than the noise level of nominal physical existence, including your mental chatter. These factors combine to result of only the more discerning of you noticing this, along with other perceptives of your greater consciousness dimensions.
Your bodily layers, of varying levels of energetic subtlety, from the dense physically outer structure to to the consciously perceived subtle energies, coalesce to unite into the presence of being within the worldly environment which you perceive at the coarsest levels. Variation in porosity at your energetic bodily levels correlates with your level of conscious discernment. The coarsest levels of dense body correlate with lower levels of porosity, and this constructs the conditions under which your emotional energetic level of body is somewhat containable within congruence of physical body space. Under these conditions your emotional and physical bodies are allowed to intermix, with such effects such as physical sensations genertating shifting in emotional energetic frequencies, and emotional energetic waves stimulated through thought energy generating physical sensations. The emotional energetic level is higher in porosity than the physical level, yet not high enough to escape, and this is key to the strategy of the physical being, in the interest of maintaining its presence for some sustained length, is able to get you to use your motivations through the emotional body to take action to prevent the demise of your being.
Discernment to the level of being aware of consciousness dimensions which are taking independent observation of your physicalness, and actually taking interest in developments which appear to you to be destructive in relation to propagation of your physical existence, happens because energetic being levels of higher porosity are being sensitized within the receptors of your conscious awareness. This is the first step into transcendence of the limitations placed by confinement in the apparent immutability of the third dimension body. Relaxing into such awareness and allowing your conscious presence to accept the flow of energies at this level of porosity will expand your transcendence in this. The catch is that your physical and emotional state will, in their coarse way of doing things, correlate this with your demise which to you appears as a death.
Characteristic of your innate energetic flow is the carrying of impression of density into energetic levels of thinner essence. This is evidentiary in all energy flow, and perhaps your thought energy is one way to most easily see this. Impacts of experiential conditions upon the dense plane carry more weight in occupying your thoughts. If there is a lot of racket going on in the physical environment, this carries into occupying your consciousness even after things have settled down. You can go on thinking about how to resolve whatever you have faced, and develop a strategy accordingly. This is nominal as part of being a being in a dense world. You have a choice, however. This weightiness of energetic flow has a direct impact on your reception of high energy sensations. It creates a boundary of tension that allows your dense planeness to infiltrate your willingness to expand your conscious experiential conditions. In reality if you are walking along and encounter a brick wall, your inclination is to consider the wall immutable and find to either stop or find some way around it or over it. However, you have the ability to subtleize yourself energetically into a state of porousness to the level of being able to pass through it. Few of you know this or do this. In the same way, you have the ability, when thought energy carries into itself the weight of dense interactions, to consciously bring your attentiveness to the thinness of thought energy which is porous to the point of being able to slip through the weighty. You can now experiment with this idea, and stretch your conscious capabilities in being able to do this. This will be instructive for you at this time.
The emotional sensors which drive the pull of strings of orchestration of your injection into the mould of the world of environmental existence for you are vectored inward, involutionally, from the interfacing surface of interaction of your more densely definitive shaping of being with its external environment toward the centric place of being, as you perceive. The effect of this emotional vectoring is for your dimensions of will to be triggered and energized through the vibration of this emotionally-vectored energy, and thus ensues your emotionally-driven motivation. This inward vectoring is instilled independently of your conscious interaction, yet is controllable through your direct conscious intent, if you will choose to do so. This is, as is your breathing, one of multitudes of autonomous processes which are instilled in the form into which you have stepped as a sentient being. Infinite dimensional space is available for your energetic, and in particular for this conversation, emotional, vectoring. Spatial orientation with your world of definition is arbitrary, and is only the innate habit into which you have embarked. Work your conscious growth to the point of being able to sense the directional flow of the energetic bases which drive the motivation for your injection into finite space. Step into growth in this way.
So how can you incorporate those things that you cross into your finite space path which you identify as those things that you want or want to happen or want to be, and keep those energetic influences in the stream of generation of your infinite being amidst the finite space? There is a stickiness which is induced through your time dimension, as the nebulae of nature of this dimension, in contrast to the identifiable physical nature of the three dimensions, produces seeping effect into your will and consciousness. The resultant effects of this can be such tendencies as to come to intersecting energetic path with liking something or wanting something, and thus 'deciding' on something based on conditions at a singular point along the time axis. Time coordinate is always in motion along the time axis, and the stickiness factor causes you to carry forward the result of some energetic conglomeration from the past which delivers you into behaving according to liking or wanting some identifiabe physical factorization of energy without actually assessing according to your present energetic state of conditions. On the other hand, the time factor, as a dimensional presence in your finite space itself, presents constraints which render the possibility of continually re-evaluating your complete suite of desires and preferences as impractical whilst still being able to operate from within finite space.
So, how can you reconcile this ostensible dilemma? This cannot be completely rectifiable from within finite constraint land, due to the aforementioned implanted constrictions of opposing natures. You must, therefore, find a way to tap your states of preference and desire from a more subtle, pure energetic level, and thereby transcend the stickiness imposed through your time dimension's nature.
What you can do is learn to discern the frequency of your wanting/liking energetic state and learn to integrate this, with awareness, into the ongoing travel of your energetic being through the dense medium of translucent finite space. Train yourself to distinguish at the subtlety level of recognition of such energetic stream within your inner being. Ask your self inwardly "what do I like right now in this moment?". Ask yourself inwardly "what do I desire in this moment right now?". Do this with release of your innate urge to follow up with a third dimension verbal response to such questions. Do this and then be silent and receptive. Be receptive of the vibration state that occurs in your being in response. This, you feel and allow to seep into your conscious being, and you become knowing within it. You thus become to know this frequency of vibration energy within yourself. Do this periodically and frequently, and as your knowingness evolves, so too will your ability to integrate awareness on an ongoing basis the entrainment of this frequency within the occurrences of your dense expansion. This entrains your regular means of operation to adjust continuously, in real time, according to your inner resonance being.
In undergoing this sort of training, you may of course choose other questions besides the examples we have suggested. However, you will find that it is the 'feel' of the energetic nature of the entrainment we are guiding you into receiving that is the essence of integration of this into your being. Asking questions inwardly help you to focus and to get the message across to your faculties that intention for energetic entrainment is being projected. This is helpful. You will find that as you do this more, the discreet energetic frequency of the response to your inward queries will become of prime accessibility within your consciousness, and that you will be able to 'just feel' this frequency within the real time experiences of your existence.
Training in this way we are suggesting will be quite eye-opening in regard to insighting you into the inner nature of the clinginess and stickiness caused through your adherence to stationary points along your time dimension axis. You will likely find, at first especially, that in querying within yourself according to provocation of your vibration frequencies of resoance with your uplifting nature within finite experience, your response which you silently await will emerge from being cloaked in sheaths of encasement constructed out of the fabric of imposition placed through your conitional states based on past 'decisions'. This will readily both allow you to see the constraining nature of how you have been operating, and provide for you the means through which you will free yourself therefrom.