Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #117

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 16– Jul 28, 2018

When your physical sensors become overloaded, it is common for you to disassociate with the densest form of your stuctured body.  This happens in extreme traumatic situations, but it also happens regularly while you are sleeping, or just 'tuning out'.  In the interest of healing/transforming your physical structure, you can deliberately become aware of the distinction of your energetic structure, and release the identification with the densest layers, and allow energetic shifting to take place.
It is your consciousness which occupies your body, and therfore is it at your disposal to be acutely aware at the intrinsic level just how the consciousness fabricates attachment in clamping onto the identification with the physical body.  In the course of occupancy of physical body, this is happening autonomously, without your needing to willfully take any action.  Yet, with your attentiveness, you will realize that you are able to deliberately effect the connection which is assuming attachment with your physicality and release the clamps enough to allow your physical state to be independent of your conscious identification.
It is your emotional body which, although being of softer sublety, actually serves as a force to maintain the stability of the identification with physical state.  As you loosen the binding at the physical level, the channels of expression and communicative flow for your emotional states suddenly perceive a gap, and the sensation of having nowhere to go.  This creates a sudden perception of emotional overload which serves to scare you back into self-identification with your physicality.  Releasing the attached sensorial connection of the emotional being is actually easier.  It is more subtle, and hence of more readily graspable energetic state.  Yet, you are not innately trained to traverse your integrated state of consciousness with individuated being in the direction of dissolution of concentrated form.
So, at the emotional level, you continue in a natural progression from your entrance into direct release of vibrational attachment at the physical level - feel your emotional being as strict energetic vibration, letting the mental triggering be released, mental triggering which inspires emotional sensorial transmissions.  This will create an illusive barrier of emotional stagnation which you must traverse.  This 'emotional tension' is the protection mechanism of your being's propagation of itself as entity.  Persist with your focused conscious perception of your energetic being in vibration feel, integratively blurring the distinction that distinguishes physical and emotional as distinct conceptual perceptions.
Identification with physical substance, i.e. your body, which is itself transient, has an effect of convolution upon your concordant emotional body, presenting a dooming prospective course forward.  It would seem then, that there is something dooming about being succumbed to identification with the strict physical nature of your being.  Yet, it is just the physical nature which offers the uniqueness of occupancy of physical being.
When you notice convolution of this nature occurring within your emotional body, you must recess your identification level to the level of subtlety of the emotional body and deal with this directly there.  A direct intention leads you into discernment of this self-identified level of subtlety, as the tendency for you is to allow the most dense, being the most contrasting with your essential nature, to command your attention.  Thus, discerning the emotional body's level of subtlety does not autonomously occur.  Discerning is not difficult, yet your knowledge of the need for this discernment is also non-autonomous.  Thus, we are pointing this out here.  If you will discern your emotional layers, you instantly open these layers up to freedom for dissemination into inter-dimensional space, and the dense orientation of the state of convolution is relieved.  Practice this.
True encounter with your emotional body state in pure awareness releases the threads of attachment to the dense world and its spawned triggering of emotional sensors.  This getting of a sense of emotional state in its essence, for its own right, is a different feeling.  You will be feeling what is, how it's vibrating, and using your emotional body as an interface for judging your experiential unfolding in physical plane will not be part of the equation.  This may take some getting used to, and some releasing of habitual, autonomous expectations.  Take some time now and work deeply with your ability to connect and focus on your emotional state as its own entity, giving yourself some weeks to overcome the habits of using your emotional body as an unconscious sensor.  As you proceed, you will begin to know your emotional state as its own entity, and see it as an independent organism which expands and contracts energetically, channelizing in response to physical plane interactions.  However, you will now begin to see that as its own entity, and in coercion with you as a conscious being, your emotional body energy channels will be allowed to expand and grow at will, with the habitual autonomy associated with physical plane dense organism having been released.  You must persist and continue to reform your habitual nature in this regard.
We are using the term body to refer to your emotional energy system, yet the shape attribute of body as you are known to apply in the dense sense is not the same.  There may some tendency to visualize a physical shape in congruence with your physical body, yet for your energetic consciousness to integrate with your emotional state in its own essence, shape perception is both distorting and limiting.  Your preferred method will be for you to accept your feeling states in a given snap of momentary physical plane time, and thereupon realizing awareness, shift your attention immediately to your energetic state of vibrational transmission in accordance with your feeling states.  This, and allow to fade into peripheral awareness any associations with dense plane activity which has occurred in congruence with such emotional feeling state generation.
Allow your conscious attention to proceed in this way, and allow yourself to be led by the vibrational feel as you do this.  Your consciousness energy knows how to seep deeply into the energetic channels through which your energetic vibration perception will flow.  Allow this through alignment of your mental energy in concordance with release of your will's tendency to take the helm and control the mental flow.  There is a letting go factor and there is a trust factor, as you would normally see it from the physical being's attitude.
Your mental habits will have to change.  Your dependence on interaction with physical sensor-stimulating interactions will have to shift from dependence to independent experiential observation.  Continually perceiving through the great eye of your consciousness into the inter-dimensional energetic channels rather than the grossness of the denser construct of the environmental world is one of the hardest things for a nominal physical entity to learn.  Yet, you can learn this, with continued implementation of your own willed effort.  There may be a leap of faith to trusting that this is taking you somewhere, but if that becomes a question, just ponder the question of what the alternative could possibly be.  If you are buying into the allness of the physical world and it seems to be getting the job done for you, then carry on with your path in that way, until you see it otherwise.
Sooner or later, seeking fulfillment in the physical world in its own right will leave a gap.  This must be so because the physical plane itself is a filtering of dimensions, and you are getting a transitory representation of a subset of the dimensional essence of your true source.  This means that, although there will be some harmonization with your true source some of the time, it can't be happening in totality all of the time.  Secondly, the physical world itself, at any snap moment in time, is a precipitation of crystallized result of creation force shaping energy in pure essence into formation within that world.  As such, what is, at any given moment, is decaying and dying and fading away as the new is created.  To continually be in a reactionary state to what is already decaying an dying is to be in a state of detachment from the source energy of creation, and in such state, fulfillment is not possible in any kind of sustained way.  So, although you may tend to think, and to keep getting sucked into believing that the physical world is going to do it for you some day, really, it just can't work that way.
To practice this, you are really being asked to enter into the dilemma of NOT thinking about things, NOT paying attention to the physical plane tie-ins and the experiential triggers, and to focuse purely on the vibrational energy of your emotional states.  The problem with NOT is that NOT is really another form of IS, and there is no possibility of focusing on NOT something without having that very something in focus.  But what you can do is make use of the dialectic contrasting nature of your physical environment, and learn to flip the switch.  Using the light switch as a metaphor, when a room is lit, and you flip the switch into darkness, you imediately notice the experiential essence of the darkness.  As time goes on, you become accustomed to the darkness as the way it is, but in that first switch flip, you notice and energetically experience.  In a similar way, when you notice you have established emotional energy states as a result of physical environment, you can immediately 'flip the switch' into pinpointed focus on the energetic vibration of the emotional energy states, and use the sudden contrast to fade the physical environment situations into NOT-ness.  Doing this, you then remain in the vibration feel for as long as the momentum can carry your consiousness in this way.  As time progresses with this practice, what happens is that you become accustomed to the vibration feel and will be able to just do it, and thereby render your attachment to physical environment into NOT-ness.
You can also at any time notice your current emotional active state, because there is always something going on with your emotional state, and you can just do this at any time, regardless of whether or not severity of emotional states is strong enough to raise your feathers.
So, please, please practice this.  It is time for you!