Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #116

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 10– Jul 14, 2018

Having assumed entry into some form of being with a sense of identity, you are afforded the ability for conscious impression directly into integration into comprisation of all that is experiencable from your existence as such a being.  This you commonly know as your will, your choice, your means for projecting what you manage to gather as basis for moving forth in your experiential being, and stream this forth in confluence with the flow of energy of constitution of all you are and all you experience as such being.  Your conscious impression is always present in you and is always integrating with your movement forth as a being.  What varies is the degree to which you are aware, and the degree to which you involve yourself in intentional presence of your conscious impression in your ongoing experience.
We speak of your conscious impression as integration of dimensions comprised through your consciousness and will, and the amplification of the energetic influence of these dimensions is a variable which you can directly influence through choice and concerted directed effort.  Nominally, for most humans, dimensions of conscious impression integration are diminished to being reactionary to matters confined to the human physical world.  This need not be the end game for you.  Each moment, you are the instrumenter in projecting your conscious impressions into your energetic flow, and you can learn to keep your senses attuned to the higher dimension energy frequencies amidst the knock about things going on in the human world.  It is a matter of attuning yourself to keep your focus, reminding yourself again and again, on the subtleness of pure energy, no matter what is going on in your dense environment.
In your physical form, you receive the energetic frequent result of this projected experience through your sensory interactions, and the emotional body is the connective tissue between these.  Your tendency thus is to follow your emotional condition as assessment of quality of experience.  Multidimensionally, you know that these emotional conditions are the result of the projected, cookie-cutter, reality presented through physical earth.  States of being are not emotional and do not follow the dialectic oscillations of your physicalness.  These states, rapture, joy, exaltation, are highly dimensional and expansive and do not follow limited contours.  The closest connection you make with these states from a physical place is through vibration.  Thus, when you are mired in your lower vibration emotional states and feeling confined with no evident path through, your vibration is always available for you to feel, and to use your ability to freely choose where to place your focus.  Shifting your attention from feeling angry, sad, depressed, to the pure vibration state, independent of conditions in confined physical coordinates, immediately takes you into flight toward awareness of your high dimensional being states, releasing the trap.  It is a gradual progression, and that means it takes what you often like to refer to as time, in your physical dimension.
You experience the spectrum of sensorial interactions, and emotional interactions in physical plane, because you can.  You are experiencing things that are available only through using a cookie-cutter to project into experience of filtered dimensions.  You do this to experience, to take a ride...  But when the ride gets stuck, your path is always available before you to expand into your inter-dimensional being and awareness of experiential states available to your true source of being.  Vibration is the beginning of this path, and the attention to vibration must be accompanied with sustained awareness of your expanding nature, and willlingness to allow your physicalness to fade and your inter-dimensional being to arise.  You can keep doing take-offs and landings like this, at will.  Just remember that even your lowest experiences on earth are being experienced because it is possible.  The higher dimension being of yourself is enriched through this experience, and contacting your inner vibration allows you access to your higher consciousness which is seeing things this way.  Doing this more regularly will align your earth being in the way which will make this more conscious within you, even whilst engaging in earthly experiential conditions.
If you take off and don't land again, then you have left your physical experience for the time being.  But, your higher consciousness is well-poised to navigate the realms and decide what is appropriate.  In this understanding, you must not let fear of disintegration of your physical being be a hindering factor.  Your consciousness is master, not the root chakra oriented survival mechanism of your densness.  You are equipped to consciously use your root chakra, as well as all of your energy centers, in alignment with the progression of your source energy stream.  It is only when your higher consciousness has been squeezed to a sliver of light that is ineffectual that it can appear that your physical environment is such that your root energy center must master your reality.  Many of you are doing this, and that is indeed a way to make your physical experience seem real, but it is not necessary nor is it very useful from the consciousness understanding of your source being.
Entrance into vibrational awareness need not begin from low energy frequency states.  Low energy frequency states correlate with emotional states which you tend to find distasteful.  Higher flying emotional states correlate with vibration awareness of nature which is close to the connecting point between your emotional body and states of elevated consciousness into your higher dimension being.  From more uppity emotional states can you proceed from flying into soaring, beyond the take-offs and landings of habitual endeavor among the most mundane of your experiential conditions.
Soaring you are de-anchorizing yourself from the mundane, and this is chiefly among the constraints which keep most of you from soaring very often.  You become bound to the mundane, you become sucked into the buy-in that it is, in itself, an onto state of completeness, and of course soaring into higher dimensiona frequency existence reveals the illusive nature of the stance you adopt from having been bound.  You cannot carry your property, your ego-attached prestige, your attachment to gratification through approval of others, into your multidimensional being conscious awareness state.  None of those have meaning at all, and you must free yourself from these bindings that get you to thinking that they do have some meaning.  You must keep this in mind as you move into soaring into high frequency states of being.  Otherwise your endeavor into vibration feel will remain as a physical matter oscillating kind of experience, and that is nothing you don't already encounter on a daily basis.  Cut the cords of physical attachment, and then you can soar for reals.
Cutting the cords of physical attachment is not really so abrupt as the image of cutting cords would imply.  It is a matter of expanding into energetic awareness of the greater constitution of your true being.  As expansion occurs, which remember has been entered through vibrational feel from the physical state, higher dimension energy enters, and this is so vastly greater than the physical mundane world that you engage in physically that that world is rendered into perspective of its transient nature within the greatness of the energetic wholeness.  You now see your world, which you have been observing as appearing complete in itself, as energy which has assumed some form, and with expansion of the energy from which that form arises into your consciousness, the true nature of the form itself becomes revealed.
So, you must be prepared for this, and make space within your inner being for the conscious experience of expansion to take place in this way, and your physical being must step aside and allow your higher energetic being through for your experiential state expansion.  You can do this to varying degrees, and for varying durations.  It is not an 'all or nothing' type of thing, as your wont of physical perspective would tend to think.
What may not be obvious to you as a physical being is that whilst you are elevating consciously into high energetic state, the physical mundane carries on as it would normally.  You are not destroying the physical reality, nor its ability to funcion, nor your ability to funcion within it, by experientially reaching through your vibration of physical organ into completeness of awareness of your true source.  Experience will teach you so, and it will become evident to you.  Our saying so is only going so far in contrast with the non-obvious you see.
Functioning in a projected world whilst expansion in inter-dimensional space is rampant means that your wont to see your finite physical world as of complete in itself is satisfied only through narrowing of consciousness channels which reach you into expanded awareness of higher dimensions.  Having narrowed consciousness in such way, a belief becomes instilled that your faculties are only capable of handling the mundane physical world, and all of that higher dimension stuff is swept into the corner.  The sweeping into the corner is merely the narrowing of consciousness channels you are carrying out so as to make the finite world seem more real.  Expanding higher dimension consciousness channels does not narrow the physical mundane channels, hence there is no inhibition in your means for functioning as a physical being.  The contrast between the physical environment and totality of energetic space is the illusion created only through physical space and the projection of consciousness easlily accessible from within the state of physical beings.
Progression in awareness toward realization that physical world functioning continues uninhibited whilst consciousness expansion into inter-dimensional space is occurring is really a very simple matter.  It is not something to measure, as measurement itself, as anchoring into physicality, is inhibiting.  It is a matter of noticing vibration, vibration of your innermost being, whilst going about things in the world of dense physicality.  You can do this at any time, and whenever you do this, you are stepping through the gateway between the world of the finite and the world of the infinite.