Weekly Channel – July 20 – July 26, 2014
When I have noticed fears that I would associate with the root chakra, I have tended to work directly with the root chakra. However, recently I have noticed that working with the heart has had a strong effect in alleviating these fears. Will you speak on this?
Heart. Heart. Heart is the gateway to the inner realms of the infinite. Your vibrational essence interfaces with you through the heart, and that is where all manifestation must transmit through. Your other chakras affect your ability to manipulate your dense matter in the physical world and your ability to interact with your heart chakra is affected by their balance. However, when you are at a point where these chakras are healthy, and can react and respond as needed in the dense world, then your ability to directly work through the heart is brought to the forefront. It appears that this is now what is happening with you.
My inclination then is to continue to expand on this because I have been noticing some relief from things that have been obstacles for me pretty much my whole life. This morning while I was running, I had the idea ‘heartvision’ come to me, as a union of the ‘great eye’ vision about which we have been speaking and this newly opened connection with the heart.
Heartvision is a good term. This would be something good to keep in mind while you are ‘in the midst of battle’ in your physical world, and when challenged, repeat this word to remind yourself to focus both in the ‘great eye’ vision and through your heart. Your life is on the threshold of profound changes. You have been extremely limited in scope because of the captivating fears you have faced. Now, you have a means to slip through the portal and into the non-fear state at any moment. Just do that. You have now seen how to do that.
How may I work with my heart, when there is some time to focus, so as to enhance my ongoing life experience, and manifest swiftly?
You may simply slip into the ‘great eye’ vision and bring your attention to the heart and feel, perceive the sensory response through your entire being. All of the explicit disctrete senses are there but you need not focus on them individually, linearly. You should only hold your attention among the ‘eye’ and the heart at the same time, and allow, allow, allow.
When working with healing other beings, is there a means for attuning to their deepest inner desires with regard to the healing, and to effect the energetic result that they seek?
You can… It is best to diffuse the detailed features which have crystallized in the physical world, and to infuse the energetic essence of the being in their pure state. You have been developing the means to work with the great eye, the vibration states, the reaching into the multidimensional energy levels, and now through the heart. Put all of this together and quiet yourself only as much as needed to get the sense of the subtle enough essence to be infusing the pure state of the being. This allows for the true state of the sought healing to come forth. Try this.
Will this, or is there a similar method, be a viable means for effecting healing in one’s own self?
Yes, actually this is a very effective means because the usual focus on the symptoms and their reversal is actually a hindrance to healing almost all of the time. If you approach yourself in this same way, and all you have to do is see yourself as a being just as you would another being, then you take all of the details and your attachments to them out of the equations. You can rest assured that if there is something bothering you, then your desire state is aligned in the way to alleviate the discomfort. You will only get in the way if you try to figure it all out and choreograph the change. So, yes indeed, do the same thing when effecting your own self healing. Usually you are inspired by something that is out of balance enough for you to notice it, and this kicks off your desire. Use that as a launching point, but only as a launching point. At that stage, diffuse the physical details and see yourself in its essence, and infuse your energetic nature, color and all of the great sensory impulses, through the great eye and focus through your heart.
What extent should frequency or duration of doing this be considered?
Duration is not relevant. The multidimensional frequencies do not adhere to the rules of time in your world, and once the energy is aligned, it is done. Frequency, you can think of doing this periodically in the sense that you listen to a musical piece for enjoyment, and at a later time, although you are not hearing it, you know the musical piece, yet you desire to hear it again to renew your energetic experience with it. The same thing. Even though you have aligned your energy with your own healing or the healing of others, you can return to the state of healing and do it again as you are inspired. This is like striking the chord of the musical instrument anew. Your inspiration to do this is the key to the energetic effect, so pay attention to that when determining how to engage your intentions.
Would the energy of the higher frequency celestial beings be advisable to hold in intention while doing these forms of healings?
Yes, actually they are there whether you are intending their energies or not. However, by holding them in your intention, you are glowing in their perception as acknowledging their presence and assistance, which serves to express gratitude, which serves to say that the effect is aligned with the desire. This has an amplifying effect, and is beneficial. By holding them in your intention, you are thanking them for their assistance, and that glows for them and is pleasurable in the higher dimensional frequencies. So it is good.
Can the heart be used as an entry portal to release from the entanglement among the dense matter, on the threshold of entering the sleep realms?
Yes, the heart takes you right into the multidimensional energetic realms. It is a good idea to prepare, somewhat similar to the way you would prepare yourself before engaging yourself to a device that is prepared to transport you through physical space. If you hold your attentiveness according to what is about to ensue, and mentally prepare, then the journey aligns with your being and everything in its focus. It is the same, because the heart is a fast track, and it is better to have all of your energetic tendrils aligned as you enter the sleep realms.
Enough for now?
Let us move onward.