Inter-Dimensional Channel – May 24– May 28, 2018
Your mathematics in many ways arises out of motivation through your observance of spatial criteria within which you witness the observances of your finitely, ostensibly appearing, world. This presents an encompassing of dimensional space which gives you structure from within which to abstract concepts that allow your minds to expand in analytical ways along the path of your quest to make sense of the dimensional criteria of your observance, as well as to create new understandings of your dimensional world and beyond. The dimensional facets of your mathematical approach allow for the definition of shapes, of dimensional bodies structured through surfaces structured within spaces of higher dimensions. Thus, you would have the paramatrized curve - a one-dimensional shape moving through three-space, or a surface of two-dimensional constitution with definition within thee-space such as a spherical shape. Your being within finite world is this way, as all of your physical shape, your emotional shape, your mental shaping, your consciousness of yourself as an individuated entity, is all shaping of your existential presence in finite dimensions within the infinite dimensions of constitution of your deeper essence.
Knowing this, you now know that there is nothing keeping you from being aware of your entirety of constitution in infinite dimensions, just as a spere can be seen as a surface shape definition within three-space, yet can also be known to constitute the entire volume of the spherical shape, that which is contained within the spherical shape. Know yourself in this way, and you can now see that your 'shaping' is porous and non-absolute. This being the case, none of the obstructions which you see as created within finite world - and we are talking at all levels here; physical, emotional, mental, progression of circumstantial realities and your reactions to them - are absolute, and can all be moulded according to your deeper energetic state. It is a matter of your integration of your intentive will with your abstraction of pure energetic stream.
It is the porousness of you, yourself and everything which you know to have been created and part of your finite world of definition that is likely the hump you struggle with in understanding this. But, to absorb otherwise as truth would be akin to seeing clay, crystallized, sculptures as having been sculpted out of crystallized clay. Clay begins as a malleable substance, and is sculpted, and crystallized. Your essence which constructs that which you experience as finite reality is of pure source, infinit, energy, and it crystallized into your experiential undergoings. See it this way and approach your ongoing undergoings in a new way. If you perceive stuckness, use your conscious will to integrate porousness into you and all you see as definition of you and your experiential conditions. This, and allow shaping and resurfacing of you and your experiential conditions within infinite space. Be open minded to what then ensues.
You may be wondering what the best means you have is, for maneuvering through the low vibration sinkholes you get yourself into. Low vibration means all of your perception is projecting low vibration and in the physical sense, your time dimension, as a prominent player in such filtered reality, gains prominence, and is perceived to vibrate lower, which means is slower moving. Thus, it perpetually appears to you that the sucky times go by slowly and the good times blitz by. That is because they do, and the sucky times are of lower vibration, and with your origination from lower vibration state, the high vibration solutions would appear to you totally ineffective from within those sinkholes. And thus you are not motivated to shift your consciousness intention into a higher vibration acceleration into the future. Yet, this is exactly what you need to do if you are interested in moving out of these sinkholes without it appearing that being in the sinkholes is consuming the entirety of your effervescent reality space.
All of this creates a trap of involution, wherein your low vibration state is self-propagating, protecting its own existence by creating the perception in your consciousness that rising vibration is unreachable, which redirects your conscious interaction into low vibration state. Some of this relates to your innate survival mechanisms, as the perception of fleeting time experienced when you are vibrating highly would create the illusory conception of the rapid progression and termination of a finite life. This is a trick, and your life is neither finite, nor is the perception of slower progression along the time axis going to change the experiential satisfaction of that life. You have the capacity to live infinitely long in the physical body you occupy. You just don't choose to do so. You all have agendas in other dimensional coordinates, and the occupancy of physical human bodies is only needed for brief durations.
The result of this sinkhole of low vibration is a gap that entraps you into the kinds of experiential interactions you don't enjoy. What is your action, then? It is really very simple. It is simply a matter of shifting your attention state from the outwardly, observed, reflection of the environment around you (and this 'environment' includes your own emotional and mental states), to the inner core of energy at the essenital, centric of your being. Attend your focus deeply within your being, and trust. See, feel the inner core vibration and this begins to change everything. Don't worry about the time axis, just do this and remember that whatever happens you are not any worse off because of attending your focus there. It can help to see visually, or knowingly, light inside your being, and this helps when your experiential vibration is low to the point of being difficult for you to perceive the feel of your inward high frequency vibration.
This is so simple because you are not really doing anything. You are just paying attention to what is there all the time. Your impressions of the environmental conditions in which your consciousness dwelling within a finite being finds itself cause you to forget to notice, and this upon doing so, you entrain with the vibration of the environmental conditions, which is a lower frequency, which defines the energy level of the sinkhole into which you are immersing yourself. This is all a process of repetition. When you do find your way to higher frequency vibration, you again approach and notice the environmental conditions, which now appear more friendly and interesting to you. Again you are seduced into giving all of your attention to them, and again your energy level entrains to their vibration. So, you have to overcome this gap again and again. You may remember that it works, and this will help, but you still have to take the initiative, every time you realize that you are being seduced into entrainment with the lower vibration of your created reality conditions.
When your focus becomes absorbed into the subset of your infinite being which correlates with your created world, there is a bubble that is created. This bubble is of containment of the encompassing scope of your conscious energy, and transports the contrived illusion of entirety about your scope of conditions which you treat as the 'all' of your reality at that time. Such bubbling effect forms an illusory shield between your immediately perceived scope of totality and your true infinite source. You must now learn how to merge such bubbles with your infinite source, and thus allow harmonic energetic resonance to strike the chord of your existence, removing artificial boundaries of perception.
The first thing you have to do is become conscious, become aware of this 'bubble'. If you are unconsciously caught up in your third world existence, then you can be thought to happily be enjoying that world. But at some point you become aware. There is something that catches your attention and you notice that there is a synchronicity that has gone awry. This may be discomfort, or it may be excitement at some peak and the realization that perpetuity of the peak doesn't follow the course of finite world progression, and your attention turns to how to perpetuate your experience. It can be numerous sets of conditions. It may just be that you know how all of this works and you decide to just notice the bubble at any time you choose, and deliberately merge your bubble into your harmonic energy stream.
The easiest entry point to realization of awareness of the bubble effect is your emotional sensor vibrations. You are always feeling something. Becoming aware of your feeling states, in summation, exposes the shape of your current bubble. Now, once doing this, your awareness now simultaneously opens to realization of the deeper, essential nature of your being, which immediately strikes the chord of your energetic core. Striking this chord, you allow the bubble to be taken into resonance with the resultant vibration frequency, and the bubble changes then. The bubble merges and gradually fades from being its own defined shape. This happens on its own, simply through the power you bring in through invoking awareness of the energetic resonance which constitutes the energetic basis within your conscious being. You only then allow the merging to take effect, and for the bubble to become wholly integrated into mergence with the totality of your being. There is a willful awareness of releasing the cling of attachment to third world conditions. When uninitiated, this may seem unnatural and difficult. Yet, as understanding dawns about how all of this works, you see this as the natural process that is going on all of the time. Your clinginess only perpetuates the concept of the bubble and its divergence with resonant core propagates to create a dissonance with the real you. You experience this dissonance as the denial of fulfillment of your aspirations for enrichment in your experience.
Just let everything be absorbed into your resonance stream - clinginess and all. You don't have to make a disjointed effort to first release attachments and then do the integration process. The integration process takes care of all of that. You just must allow your inner resonance core expand in prominence, which allows the bubble perception to become absorbed into it. Do it this way!