Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #112

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Apr 29 – May 19, 2018

Being consciousness, your being is in entirety as consciousness.  Be present in conscious presence of your being, without compartmentalizing your conscious center into the head, and your various somatic areas as being distinctly different.  Simply feel your entirety as a unitary Eye of Consciousness.
Feeling your being in entirety, you are now in position to issue self-healing, through observing energy flow.  In conditioning for world existence, your operational mechanics cause you to go into maintenance mode through noticing things that are wrong, off kilter, and tend to them.  This is functional, yet is not inherently designed for restoration of balance.  What we are guiding you to do here, using your conscious awareness for encompassing completeness of your energetic being, in congruence with your physical, worldly being, does allow your being for shifting into harmonic balance at all levels of energetic existence.  Be watchful, and observe the dynamic flowing, oscillating, pulsating of energy, and if there are imbalances, they will be tended to.  You can watch this all happen and not become involved in the drama of the somatic effects.  It takes a bit of paradigm shifting to approach in this way, and there will likely be some re-programming in the psyche to go about in the physical world being in a nominal state of health and well-being, which defies much of what is nominally said and practiced in society.  But, none of these things are show-stoppers, so proceed, and go forth as such.  Just become more practiced at being conscious of your being in totally wholeness.
Healing in yourself, or in your involvement in healing with perceived others, comes to your attention usually in some form of what we will call a 'gap'.  A gap in your own state of being, experienced as discomfort in some way, physically as ailments, emotionally as distortion of your perception of reality as being different from what you would like it to be.  Healing in others, as similar types of gaps within the others themselves occur and come to your attention, also presents gapping in respect to your perceived involvements, arising out of distortion in energetic representation of your states of reality from your viewing lens of finite, physical domain, precipitated existence.  From such finite domain perception, your inclination is to overcome these types of gaps through action.  You feel like you need to 'do something', and this leads to the typical kinds of approach taken by earth plane denizens - deferring your shifting of reality state to those acquainted with science to the level your species has managed to advance up to this point; finding ways to relieve the most prominent symptoms; etc.  Sometimes the remedies are obvious and seem to work; sometimes they complexify the very issues you are facing.  Healing you seek comes through energetic, dimensional expansion.  This addresses the perceived gaps.  We say 'addresses' because you might say the gaps get filled but it isn't like that.  It is that the gaps are perceived through the illusory result of finite domain filtering, and energetic, dimensional expansion shifts your perceived domain of existence, and thus the gaps are rendered in their having been illusory state, which fades their perception.
In facing your healing needs, your approach is therefore to detach from the surface dimension of finite world and allow the 'doing' and acting to become consequential and not the main focus.  Your approach is to settle inward into dynamic inner stillness.  Quieting the dense plane chatter which pervades your continued conscious interaction with such created world plane, what is there is to be allowed to emerge, with the lead-in of some gap that brought your attention to the need for healing as a peripheral subject of awareness within your huger perception of your expansively reaching being into dimensions of immense proportion.  This comes to you in the energetic feel and awareness of yourself as a vast Universe.  Deeper release of finite plane fastening deepens your experiential awareness in this way, and your 'healing' happens in a way that just seems to emerge as though there really is not anything to be concerned about, like there is no other possibility to harmonize, once the constraints of the finite dimensional world are loosened.
If you are ever constrained through what appears to be denseness engulfing your natural energetic nature, note that your time dimension is the nominal means of perception which is used to measure.  Yet, this time dimension is from within physical dimension as you are perceiving it.  You, in natural energetic nature, are infinitely fast.  Nothing is keeping you from being infinitely fast in the perception of your dense dimension, other than your own choice to perceive the dense structure and the arbitrary rules which keep its definition in perceptive range.  You are thus only a shift in execution of your mental energy away from shifting your densely percepted reality states in infinity.  You can mentally shift into moving all of your perceived reality very fastly through time-space, thusly shifting the precipitated states.  You must vibrationally feel your unitary being, and allow your laser-pointed focus to direct your energetic velocity therefrom.
You may then wonder, okay, engage energetic velocity, but where to?  The key point here is to free your mind from the where to, because arising from the dense environment, you would tend to attempt construction of a point of coordinates of intersection with dense plane world, and this would send you right back into being locked into stuckness within the dense.  You should let go of this need to define coordinates in any world, and engage energetic velocity with destination unknown, and let the energy movement be allowed to flow at its own supreme power.
You thus realize that never are you stationary.  Just because the dense, appearing immobile, surrounds all you can see, feel, touch, no way does it follow that your energetic nature becomes subject to those same parametrical conformations.  Your mind, engulfed in linearity, will automatedly try to wrap a meaning around motion in the contour of the surface of physical plane, and this is where you get stuck.  If you are stepping through into perception of your energetic nature, it is not parametrized surface motion in dense plane that defines the course of this motion.  It will come to you most readily as feeling, vibration feel.  This is motion, of intrinsic energetic cells, which from a filter of finite world structure, appears subtle and of no influence.  Yet deeper perception reveals that each of these miniscule energy cells that you are feeling vibrating is the gateway to the entire Universal Realm.  Sensing these vibrating in consummation transports your consciousness into simultaneous infinite gateways throughout all Universal Realms, and hence the finite domain is of transcendence, and you are freed from the stuckness priorly holding you captive.
Conceptually, stuckness itself is not parametrized according to dense plane structure.  For instance you could be cooking along in motion in the dense world and ostensibly be moving freely, yet your mental patterns are coming into play which are trying to shape the progressions along time dimension, and comes along creeping discrepancies which diverge your will of consciousness from the path of progression.  This is stuckness even though you are in what appears to be motion in the physical plane sense.  You approach this no different.  Noticing the resisting of flow which causes divergence in your subtler energetic planes, you now know there is something lodged, of a finited world origin.  Engage the energetic acceleration through your palpable sense of vibration, and allow the energetic threads to accelerate into inter-dimensional space.
Triggered into inter-dimensional motion, through sensory feel of vibration as an entryway gate, by noticing something contrasting which carries into representation as divergence in your emotional/mental realms, movement, energetic movement, plows you forth in independence of the denseness, and shakes away the configured conditions which calcify the stuck situation.  The calcification disolves or breaks away or transmutes, and your core energetic being is allowed to shine.  This is loosely analagous to a centrifuge spinning off precipitant which is too dense, of too low vibration to meet the frequency of motion of the centrifuge itself.  In a similar way, the stuckness conditions are, as being too low vibration to entrain with your natural energetic frequency, shaken off and your intersection with dense plane world is allowed to re-constitute in harmonization with your natural energetic frequency.
If you will continue to feel this energetic motion, remembering that the cells of vibration are each themselves a gateway into Universal Realms, you can perceptually enter these gateways and therein see your energetic true nature itself.  Your energetic core is the essence of your being and the substance of which your earthling is constituted.  You thus realize it is you the conscious which makes your earthbound being what it is, not the other way around, as would be your earthling tendency.
Given that you launch yourself into energetic motion as triggered by mental/emotional divergence, you are freely invited to do this any time this mental/emotional divergence shows up in your spatial coordinates.  In other words, thus you have a solution at your fingertips, no matter how oblivious you are at any time, and no matter how dauntingly you appear to be mired into conditions of entrapment.  You can actually get stuck, engage energetic motion, get stuck, engage energetic motion, and on and on, at very high frequency.  This is not limited by the physical plane time dimension.  Getting the dexterity to feel your vibratory inner nature makes this very easy.  You will find that stuckness really is not stuckness at all, but more just part of the dynamically changing states of energetic conditions, appearing as stuckness only because you have mentally clamped your perception into finite dimension onto the time dimension axis.