Inter-Dimensional Channel – Apr 22 – Apr 29, 2018
If you have been going through experiences of finding ways to uplift yourself internally but then suddenly bump into contrasting 'lower vibration' conditions which bring you down, into the lower resonance, you can remember that these ostensibly external conditions are carried forth through momentum that has been in place, and your reactive force to these conditions themselves serves to propagate them, and breed a continuance of this vibration state which you feel is contrasting. What will help you to transcend beyond this back and forth situation is to remember that the contrasting conditions are not an external of, but are an extension of, you yourself and the vibration you are creating. The divisive perception of you as an individual with your seemingly rising vibration being disrupted by the external world which has nothing to do with you, is a distortion. Continuing in this vein is isolating and completely contradictory to your objective of rising to a higher vibration.
Instead, when you feel subjected to lower frequency environment, construe your internal focus to elevating all, anyone and anything, which is congruent with your state of existence in being. This does include the seemingly tall objectives of projecting high vibration feelings, love and joy, into creation of beings, the very beings who seem to be in conflict and contrast with you. But, you don't have to start there. You start inwardly, with yourself. As you perceive inner light, rising energetic resonance with your inner core energetic state, know, realize, be in consumtion of awareness, that you are at the same time producing what you are to perceive as additional to your individuated being, and sustained resonance of your inner energetic core is served through injection of your willed intention, through your inner being, but in extension of its extension into entirety of the environment within which your being exists. This is an uprising of measure, a releasing of attachment to all which you innately perceive as belonging to you as an individual. Realizing that others experiencing joy is an extension of inner joy radiating from within yourself is where it's at, man.
So, as we have been guiding you recently, into using your somatic energetic centers, the chakras, as a guide to focal points, and exercising to the point of feeling the vibrations emanating from these points, and feeling your entire system as standing waves of vibration, using your breath as a pointed guide to attentively sharpen your awareness of these points, now realize that your breath, in its somatic function of carrying air and oxygen through your bloodstream, is of energetic significance in allowing sharpening of focus of your willed intention into direct perception of any of energetic subtlety which would be sounded over by coarse dense conditions. You have the power to direct throughout all of your perceived experience, pointedly, using energetic streaming, as in breath, in a directed way. Breathe joy into all of your created surroundings, continuously. Make this an objective practice. Wake up and start doing this. Respond to contrasting conditions by remembering that you are the contrasting conditions, and breathe pointedly, joyously, into each creative moment as you move forth.
Your sense of vibration is a means of transmission. Your breath is a dynamic influence of connective energetic sustenance with injection within your perceived world of creation which renders your individuality as well as the infinite from which you are of source. You can now consciously pay attention to your breathing process, with palpable awareness of the vibration feeling. Hereby, you can integrate your mental energy of less subtlety than the density of the world around you, into vibrational transmission through your breathing dynamics.
Your unguided tendency is to self-contain and be in a mode of receiving sensory input from the physical world. In contrast with your innate, sourced-energy infinite self, your reaction is most habitually of a painful nature, rendering the world an unhappy, unwelcome place. This places your prospects for happiness and fulfillment in your world in a daunting place of convolution, through seeking to meander around all of the sensory-provoking states of the created world. We are seeking you into a new approach to all of this, through heightened awareness of your breath vibration. Heightened awareness of your breath vibration, as continued, sustained practice. Now, with such awareness, you begin to turn your habitual interaction with your created, physical, environmental world, into a new direction. Rather than to be in receving mode, of isolation, you bring forth your own, inner, resonant vibration, and issue resonance into your resonance of breathing vibration. In this way, you 'breathe into' your experiential surroundings, emanating from deep within yourself.
You should practice awareness of the vibration essence of your breathing process. Noticing this upon first awakening would be good. You will realize that you are noticing what is there already. Your breathing is there. Your vibration is there. The variable here is your awareness and feeling of this. As this deepens, it becomes easy for you to tap inward and feel this, and in the midst of real time events, you can infuse your energetic breath amid all you are going through. In doing this, you are inject your energetic essence outward, through all dimensions, effecting adherence of structuring of your environmental world in resonance with this. You will find that your experiential involvement in a finite world shall become quite, energetically, different at this point!
When we say inject your energetic essence outward, this means dimensionally omnidirectional, rather than outward simply within the three dimensional representation of your being. In real time this could easily translate into just breathing and feeling the vibration, as its inception into experiential manifestation occurs omnidirectionally within infinite space through awareness as you do this. So, the trap could actually be that this simply seems too simple, but the complexity arises from just that, because in its simplicity it becomes indistinguishable from the background of your attention whilst you are operating in real time, and there is not an easy way to trigger your attention span to pay attention to the feeling and awareness. For this reason, cultivation of imminent sensing of vibration as you breathe, when you can deliberately focus, is how we are suggesting that you integrate this functioning into your life. This makes this background functioning of your objective being more palpable and readily accessible.
It is your choice how to use all of this. There may be times when you choose to directly 'breathe into' some conditions of your physical state, whether it be your own being's body, or some aspects of what is happening at the time. You may choose to 'breathe into' some visions of which you wish to make reality cross paths with your experiential progression. Do as you choose, but do remember that as you are energetically breathing to effect change, it is the resonance of your energetic core with your experiential vibration which allows it to come into being, so keep the projection of images into three dimensional space in perspective with respect to the infinite projector which is creating them. Going back and forth between dream mode and experience mode, know that your vibration essence is the continuous thread throughout these, and in this sense, dreaming and visioning and energetically breathing into this is really just one of many forms of experiential experience. If the current moment has you seeking effectual change and has you energetically breathing into such change, then THAT is your experience in this moment and your real time vibration is effecting THAT. Resonance with your core harmonic energy is called for in all cases.
But you will get the feel for this, more and more, and how your breathing and its vibration are instrumented into action through your will of consciousness. You will feel this and come up with your own ideas and your own style for practice, in directly projecting your integrated breathing energy vibration into experiential consciousness. Energetic breathing transports you, your consciousness, your will, as well. So, for instance, if you are motivated to effect change, and the motivation arises out of which you wish to change from, it is your core harmonic vibration which you want to integrate into your vision for change, rather than the motivating factors. Knowing this, and being in this circustance, in the wake of realizing some conditions you are experiencing to be motivating in this way, you can use your breath to transport your conscious will out of resonance from the unwanted conditions, and infuse your breath energy into the vision itself.
The essence of working with this practice is not dependent on specificizing particular characteristics of breath. Whether your breathing slow and focused, giving gradual, deeper sense of vibration feel, or whether it is deliberately powered by rapidity and/or forced depth, or whether it is erratically taking its own course, you are effecting resonance with your inner core energy through its integration with your vibration sensory feel.
Initially, pay more attention to establishing the feel of your energetic vibration in integration with your breath, and allow your sensing of how this can be used in the course of your endeavors to develop as time goes on. This latter will come naturally to you, and ideas will emerge, and natural responses will emerge, as you realize that just at the tip of your awareness at all times, is your feeling of breath, energetic vibration.
We say vision, as we realize the implication of this word for you is the eye sensors, yet inter-dimensionally, vision as we are speaking is vision of the mind - the eye of the mind. Eye of the mind provides vision in threads of mental energy, and it is such threads of mental energy which we integrate into your vibration in coercion with your breathing, thus essencing harmonic vibration with your vibrational core. Threads of vision through mental eye are infinitely varying in vast expressiveness, and thus for institution of effectual change, you only need be concerned with a mental thread connection with your integrated vibration/breathing sense. You need, and indeed should only, take your understanding of the construct of your 'vision' this far, and move your attentiveness into sensual awareness of your breath and vibration sensation.
Make operating in this way more natural for you, and see what happens!