Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #110

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Mar 13 – Apr 15, 2018

Reflexive interaction of your consciousness from within finite confines is your norm, as this represents a means for maintenance of structure which allows the defined confine to be sustained.  As you are of a nature to contour thought streams in concordance with the dimensions of your surroundings, two-pole dialecticity is rampant in your innate approach to contrasting energetic radiance arising from within your vaster infinite being, in matching up with these involutionary reflexive conditions of conformance to the defined state of environment.  As your innate thinking would go, the opposing extreme, which would be complete allowance of energy flow of infiniteness, in all dimensional streams, would be the answer to meeting with contrasting conditions.  As your finite being sensors would immediately warn you, allowing energy to flow completely like this would mean the demise of your finite being as you know it.  This is as illusory as your finite world itself is, and the complete opposite extreme is not the only way to approach this.  You can shift your immediate conditions with simply what would be perceived as short bursts of openment of energy flow into concordance with your current finite world environment.
So, as you have built-in mechanics for detecting when your creative endeavors in finite world have worked into a dilemma of contrast, you need neither go the long route of trying to alter the conditions of your finite state, nor go the extreme route of destroying your finite creation through complete release of infinite energy.  Just give it a boost with a short shot of infinite energy into direct integration with your concurrent presence of now moment.  You have the capacity to turn  on and off the energy flow.  You just don't readily use this or even realize this because the 'off' state is somewhat of a guarantee not to inadvertently destroy your physical conditions.  Yet, this leads to your fear of lack of control upon releasing the energetic flow, and you tend to play the safe route of keeping the flow turned off.  You may, at your will, selectively align energy burst of any duration within your time dimension with concordance of your finite coordinate transformation, and thereby shift the momentum in your current state of affairs.  Loosening the glue which bonds you to finite condition itself is needed and necessarily a part of doing this.
Loosening your third dimension attachment, and realizing that bursting higher dimension energy arises not from within your third dimension structure, but from the deeper whole of which your essence is, this leads you to understanding that action as your third dimension being knows action to be is not the action involved here.  Action of non-doing, which arises from the mental energetic space, rather than the more dense physical and emotional space which consumes most of your finite domain investments, is the effect which allows energetic bursting in higher dimensional form.  Getting yourself used to placing your effort in the mental space first, and having your effort lead to releasing the grips of your more dense structure in allowing the mental impulse to flow freely, is perhaps one of the most difficult, counterintuitive, things that you must learn to undertake.  Not just undertake in an experimental or temporary way, but undertake as part of your constitution for existence in navigational three dimensional space.  Navigational means navigation of consciousness being in all energetic forms which coalesce to form your identification as an entity of perceived existence in a dimensional space.
Light, awareness of light, is your way to bridge the gap between complete finite plane distraction and your intersection with mental energetic space.  You, even the most densely oriented of you, have the capability of maintaining awareness in the mental plane of presence of mental energy as light transmission even whilst the most demanding conditions in third dimension are going on.  A comparison is easy for you to see - when you are focused and doing something that is absorbing your attention, and yet there is a light in the room that is always there, independent of the degree to which you are noticing it, and you somehow know its there and feel its presence, even whilst working in a focused way.  This is the same, yet the light originates from your mental space.  You should become more convinced of the significance and substance of light which you know to be there through thought.  You think light, and it is there and exists.  Knowing this exists, you are integrating this into the presence of coalesced dimensional energies.  Notice that light is always present, whether or not you are actively thinking about it and noticing.
Constitution as a being, necessarily entails structure at some finite level, yet your infinite essence as your whole inextricably remains.  Although the two extremes of absolute stucture on one hand, and absolute unstructured infinite energy on the other, appear conceptually independent, constitution of your reality as a being always does, and must indeed, involve both, interplaying together in infinitely complex ways.  Your nature as a consciousness, occupying some being-type vehicle, can tend to run back and forth in identification of these as distinctly separate concept.  Yet, existing in unification, integration and wholeness allows you to open your pores into direct experiential consciousness of the infinite nature of your constitutional essence throughout all facets of your existence in being form.  We now offer this method for you to open your energetic pores experientially, using your main energy centers of congruence with your physical being.
The intention here is to run through all of the seven energy centers of your body in succession - root, sacral, solar, heart, throat, eye, crown.  The goal is to bring focus onto each of these to the point of feeling palpable vibration sensation, dwelling there for long enough to integrate the experience of the vibrating energy into consciousness, before moving to the next.  As you progress through the awareness of vibration sensation of the seven chakra points, your physical being system producing into all somatic levels of energetic density, becomes your direct experience of energetic vibration standing waves of power, continually alive and generating injection of infinite energy right into the coordinates which you occupy during your conscious life.
Begin as you would according to your personal customs for entering inwardly for energetic awareness.  Consciously bring your attention to your root chakra area and simultaneously bring your attention to your breath.  With the objective of your attention to the root chakra area stimulating sensation of physical vibration feeling, use your breath to stimulate this, varying the breath in all sorts of ways as needed - depth, duration, intensity - continue to vary your breath until you sense something in the chakra area which you know to be a vibration feeling.  Once the vibration feeling comes into consciousness, allow this to open you, allow it to lead, allow it to consume your consciousness understanding, and allow your breath to take its own course at this point.  Remain in this awareness for as long as it feels right - might be just a few seconds, might be a few minutes - the time duration in physical coordinate measuring systems does not matter.  When you have come to contentment with absorbing the feeling in the root chakra, now bring your attention to your sacral chakra, and proceed in the same manner, thus moving on to solar, heart, throat, eye and crow chakras.  When all seven chakras have been traversed, now you expand your awareness to the vibrational sensation of all of them at once, as a complete bodily energetic system of standing waves of vibrating, dynamic energy of aliveness.  Remain in this awareness for as long as you desire, and the feeling remains alive.  When you are ready to move onward and re-integrate with your surroundings, allow your breathing to guide you.  Be watchful of it, and bring a dawning of integrative awareness into your being, and simply move forward and go about your business, with stimulated changes in your consciousness now in effect.
As you move through this exercise and beyond, many things can happen, and it is best to be open, agendaless, and recede your surface tension of being.  This, particularly at the mental level, affects the degree to which your transformational integrative shifting is allowed to occur through this exercise.  If you really, deeply, are wanting to experience infinite reality whilst being in a finite being's body in a finite world, you can.  If you like that idea as a theory, but are poised to balk at allowing real transformational change to occur, and go through this exercise, your mental chatter will assure that it remains at the theoretical level only.  It really takes some courage to change at the deep energetic level, and we are encouraging you to develop sufficient courage and move forth as we are prescribing.
Continue to practice this exercise, regularly, preferably several times a day on most days.  As you become more attuned to the practice, you will find that there is not a lot of gymnastics needed to get to the feeling state of vibrational essence with each of the chakras, as the feeling will become more readily accessible to you.  This facilitates the attainment of the state in which you can be aware of all of your body energy centers vibrating all at the same time, in their each individual energetic states.  From this, your awareness of your entire somaticity becomes available, and from thence move you forth into more complete integration of wholeness of your totality into whichever facets of your individuation are attaining scope of your finite-faceted consciousness.
Infinite aspects of your being, to which we oft reference you, now will become more readily available, as you become less divided in your perception of self as individuated yet continually of infinite source.