Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #109

interdimensional essay
Inter-Dimensional Channel – Feb 8 – Mar 11, 2018


Whatever is in your present state of awareness, there is always a bunch more.  As you are paying attention to the details of your life, there is something going on in some other part of the world, and you may hear about it later, and through entrance this way, through your cognizant dimension, your emotional states could be affected.  How is this happening?  You are paying attention to your immediate environment, and just through the information entering your attentive focus, your experiential emotional condition is shifted.  Is this not enough clarity that your capability of flowing energy through dimensions of subtler channels is directly influential on the condition of reality that you experience?  This is the kind of thing that happens regularly, in the course of your life.  You can make deliberate use of knowing that energy flows in this way, and choose to direct the channels of energy flow in ways that effect direct experiential results for you.  It just takes the knowing and enough momentum in believing for you to make the effort to do so.
It is pretty easy to see that trying to process everything, all energetic channels of flow through all of totality, through the three dimensional, finite dimension, sieve through which your peephole of attentiveness peers, would get backed up pretty quickly trying to go through the sieve.  On the other hand, something has to be deciding what does and what does not go through that sieve to command your attention, at all times and throughout your existence.  What is it that is doing this deciding?  You have the capability to synch your will and intention into directing energy flow into your experiential attentiveness, at all times.  To effect results that are more to your liking, your habits need to shift from being more reactive-oriented to being more directive-oriented.
Your dialectic nature of operating in your finite domain is what eases your ability to forget what we are pointing out here.  You are entrained to classify the quality of your experiential coordinates through comparison with opposites.  For instance, if you spend two hours out in the cold snowy weather and are under-dressed for the occasion, it is an elevating circumstance for you to walk indoors and be confronted with the warmth of the fire.  Yet, some hours later, once your body temperature has overcome the frigidity of your two hours in the snow, your view of the fire is changed.  That elevated feeling of sensory shift from cold to warmth is not there in that moment, and you might even feel like the fire is making you too warm and need to make some adjustment for your sensory comfort.  The point here is that you were motivated because of your sensory discomfort, and your shift from discomfort to comfort integrated into your consciential experience in an elevating way.  Such is the nature of finite domain life, as you do this pole-shifting in many ways, most of them much more subtly than in our example of cold-warm sensory shifting - to which most of you can identify some memory of experience.
To convert to being more directive in your entirety of energetic flow, you must first understand that your finite dimensional being is doing things this way.  Watch and observe yourself, and see how you are continuously using opposing poles to what you are truly seeking as launching pads to propel you forth in your endeavors.  Integrate this understanding deeply, and notice the deeper and deeper layers of subtlety into which this seeps.  And... begin to prepare for a shift into a transcendent way of engaging in all of this...
Your gateway response to sensory stimuli has the effect of constricting the scope of your conscious view.  If you put your hand on a hot griddle, natural response is for your hand and the hot griddle to take center focus in that moment, and in the ensuing moments when your hand is stinging, your attention is pretty much prioritized to that.  If it is a significant enough alteration of the harmonic balance of your physical body, it can carry on for quite a while as the mainpiece of your attentive focus.  This is one example, of course, but this kind of thing goes on, in usually lesser degrees of subtlety, and not just with physical sensory stimuli, but also emotional sensory stimuli, and the mental/emotional/physical interactions which complexify your sensory reception and produce a resultant focus for your finite world interaction.
Evolving your involvement in consciously receptive sensory stimuli is to take conscious intent into just how much your view of scope is narrowed or widened.  Your automated response to sensory interaction can and must be consciously directed.  Your quest must involve observation and noticing how these interactions are going on at a regular basis.  You don't need to go and put your hand on a hot stove - these interactions are continuous, and you can just notice how much you regularly trigger your mental/emotional paths just by noticing the little things about how you are feeling.  As you notice these things, begin to integrate the understanding that the paths orchestrated in stimulus of your sensory responses are choosable, and this now becomes your responsibility in deciding the path in which to follow.
You can acctually attune yourself, your senses, to feel your inner energetic vibration, even more strongly than the sensations which you have become accustomed to receiving through your finite domain, physical, sensory receptors.  This is a matter of scope of attention of will to your extensive feeling state mechanization.  Sustainment of such willed focus carries you into transcendence of the exclusive prominence of physicality sensorality.
Radiate from your inner core, inter-dimensionally, in all channels, including those in play for your three dimension existence.  This is a must of will, and is not the instilled means of operation when you are born into a three dimensional presence.  Radiating outward integrates your resonance core with what is happening.  Being in consequence mode of having everything 'happen to you' shuts off the stream of your inner source energy.  This is what happens when you go about reacting to everything that has already been created in the precipitated world around you.  Changing this habit changes everything around you.  It takes habit changing effort to change this habit, and habit changing effort must arise out of will that is summoned from your inner core.  You are not going to find precedents in the precipitated dimensions.  So, some kind of ongoing remembrance and focused inwardly energetic contact is in order in order to do this.
As your perception is of specific dimensions in main focus, your experiential world of organic life is by definition disjointed.  This being the case, in no way does it make sense for there to be an expectation that ensuing experiential creation be extended from from what is currently existing in a smooth continuous way.  Yet, by noticing conditions and patterns and having instilled expectation that what will follow is to be the same, you are doing just that.  This is common in your species, and you really must change this.  If you are ill and you want to be well, the first and most important thing for you to do is to impress awareness into your mental energetic realm that there is complete independence in what is to ensue with respect to what is.  You must keep at the effort to remember this and to change your programmatic thinking.  Set your course on what is to be, in a way that aligns with your harmonic energetic core.  Always do this, each moment of your existence.  This will change things.
Your mental energy is so powerful, can move so fast, can access all channels of all dimensions, in the midst of a subset of life, bringing this energy into focus necessarily involves clipping out much, most, of what is capable in any moment.  Wholly opening the energetic flow would quickly extinguish any distinction of structure of definition in the environmental world in which you are trying to do business.  Thus, you have some means for selectively allowing the mental energetic flow to suit your purpose of the current need.  This mechanism serves well for allowing existence and function in that world.  Yet, that world is sculpted of and within energetic vastness, and your sculpting process which enables control in order to function mentally within the confines of your world does not automatically adjust to harmonically merge your sculpt of real space with your vast energetic body.  In finite, dot to dot, moments, you usually manage to get the job done, but the bigger picture does not construct a dot-lined structure that harmonizes with your energetic core.
You need to learn how to open the mental energy channels readily, yet continue to stream the channels needed for your sculpting exercise in finite domain.  What involutes you into constricting the channels is the association you have with opening of channels to bring a sense of loss of control, and hence transition into non-existence.  You must now learn to 'flip the switch' to allow opening of mental energy channels beyond the scope of control which is serving your immediate concern.  You do this, and at the same time tend to the channels needed for your immediate concern.  You must get over your need for control in every moment of your existence in your world.  You can use multipel channels of your mind at once, and open channels beyond those which you are currently using.
If you will do this, then much opens up to your disposal.  First off, opening channels which are beyond the finite domain immediate needs engages your energetic core energy frequency, and instills smoother transitions as you move among finite domain concerns.  This harmonizes what you are creating in your sculpting with you.  This enables you to generate your precipitate result in your world, rather than to be a reactionary consciousness trapped for a ride in an unknown land.
To do this, you must first be aware of your inherent need for control.  This you will often be heard referenced as 'survival instinct'.  This is all well and good to keep your organic being going through its lifetime, but you don't need to overdo it as you are wont with the installed mechanisms in your ordinate being.  You can be focused on something and lighten up, allow light to shine in the vast areas of your mind, and as you shift focus, allow the light to bring you into new mental coordinates which harmonize with what is happening.  Let go of enough of your autonomous reaction to grasp for mental control so that your mental energy channels which are other than needed for immediate focus are softly available, and you can seamlessly transition into how your experiences are time-shifting.
Start doing this, and use the prompt 'flip the switch' as a reminder, for now, to shift your tighness of focus on your mental needs, when you notice the discomfort of misalignment with your current mode of operation with your inner energetic core.  Flip the switch to open your mental channels and let the light in.