Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #108

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 28 – Feb 5, 2018

When something which is present feels as though it is not, or feels distant, what is going on with you?  You feel inwardly connected one day, in some moment, and another time, what you knew you felt as a part of your inner self has become elusive.  You have a memory, such as the definition of a word or someone's name, and you know you know it because you can remember having known it, and at some point it is beyond retrieval in your memory in that moment.  You may have noticed that such memories often become restored when you are thinking about something else, and this is a big clue.  There must be some tension created when you are trying to assimilate connection with something more subtle, which itself is preemptive to making a connection.  What happens when you stop thinking about the thing you are trying so hard to remember, or the riddle you are trying so hard to solve, that opens the channels that allow the elusive to flow into integration with your conscious mix?  Whatever this is, how can you more deliberately get it to happen, rather than simply happening through happenstance?  How can you carry on in a way that results in more frequently coordinating the integration of the connections you seek with the times in your experiences that are relevant to them being integrated?  Upon realizing you are in a situation in which proceeding, according to your desires, motivation, enthusiasm, is impeded by some elements of more subtle energy, mental, emotional, connective energetic threads to the breadth of dimensions composing the totality of existential reality, how can you directly effect the unblocking of the channels in order for these elements to flow into integration with your intersection of consciousness into inter-dimensional pathways so as to bring forth the satisfaction of the entire experiential effects you are intending to invoke?
So, there must be some kind of hidden force field going on, which is hiding things from your engaging conscious attentiveness as you quest for carrying out your intended endeavors.  Let's then, go on an inquisition, shall we, and see if we can find out some insight into just what this hidden force field is all about?  If this is hidden and producing the impedance of integration into your conscious presence, then very likely that there is ongoing impedance throughout all you are doing, and it is just something that has never been obvious.  So, no need to wait until those times when you find it notable that you are unable to reach for something you are conscious exists.  How about exploring something that is commonly happening and finding ways for the hidden to reveal itself, and thereby exposing the nature of the field of obfuscation?  How about anxiety?  Do you find feelings of anxiety common?  Do you find anxiety as a seemingly intrusive presence in your state, which would otherwise be peaceful?  If there is a hidden force field whilst your presence is in tensive noticing of what is yet to be integrated, perhaps there is obscuring of integrative energetic paths associated with your feelings of anxiety which cause the anxiety, as it appears in your conscious presence, to be intrusive.  If not anxiety, find something which commonly seems to just show up and rain on your 'peace parade', being identifiably a presence without which you would otherwise be feeling just fine about things - ennui, boredom, confusion, cloudiness, choose one...  We proceed this discussion with reference to anxiety being in this role.
So then, allow us to offer a new approach in your relationship with anxiety.  Heretofore you have likely had a hate-hate relationship with anxiety, seeing this feeling of nebulous discomfort as something which has shown up to just make you be in a state of disarray and further from your desired state of being.  Starting now, and going forward, let's change that relationship.  Consider that anxiety is only part of something, part of something whole, which constitutes your entirety, the whole of which experiencing in awareness would exalt you to a state of wholeness and thereby of immeasurable sense of well being.  Consider that anxiety is part of something that is always there, part of your conscious entity, in its completeness, and that the appearance of anxiety is happening at times when the hidden force field mechanism, that is for some reason going on and on hiding energy paths from your integration into consciousness, is operating in a way that makes the anxiety visible and noticeable.
With this perspective now integrated into your psyche, you now approach anxiety, not as something to be dismissed and for you to be rid of, but as an exposure of part of yourself, part of yourself which, in those moments when anxiety is present, presents those parts of your self to you in the way your sensory response receptors receive as the feelings you have identified as anxiety.  Knowing that you are sensing only part of yourself, your inquisition now carries you into carrying into consciousness, the sensing you are receiving as anxiety, along with the energy paths which are being obscured.  You can expand into awareness of these energy paths through awarely experiencing your anxiety feelings with an inquisitive attitude of "where is the rest of the wholeness?", with a gentle receptiveness.  This, rather than a fighting to remove the anxiety as the trigger for your sensory responses.  Know your anxiety differently now, in this way, and deeply observe, with passive non-resistance to the sensory responses which ensue from this point.  You are guided to engage in this quest starting in this very moment, and moving forth from this day.
Be ready for whatever emerges as you do this, and approach in the same way.  As the energy paths open, your sensory receptors will be stimulated, and you may very well receive other recognizable conditions which you have heretofore been accustomed to treating as unwanted guests.  Approach in the same way as we are guiding you toward anxiety.  These are all components of your entirety of being, and if you can remember that, why then, the heck, would you try to get rid of them?  So, instead of something that seems to just show up and sometimes not be there, anxiety is now part of a 'white noise' that is always there, and so are all of the sensory receptions from the results of these other energy paths.  Seen this way, there is no way it makes sense to push any of this away and sever it from your experiences.  This would be akin to removing an arm to try to get yourself to swim faster.
Unification is readily available, to be invoked from within.  Light intra-permeating infinitely, right within the whichever of encompassment of your conscious noticement, is ever-present.  During times of focus of absorbment, you are not inclined to notice or look for this.  Yet, other times, when the fragmentation relevant to a filtered existence is making itself evident, rapprochment is to your avail with the subtle shift of your attentive consciousness.  You can think, 'unification', or a mnemonic that will initiate the shift in your energy of focus.  Bringing unification into integration with your present experiential coordinates unfilters what is being blocked from your core energetic flow.  This entirely changes how you are experiencing your present state - on all levels.
You can take a moment to reflect on how powerful this is.  As your energetic core is in impeccable harmonic state with what you see as your beneficent experience, there is no purpose in attaching your habitual positivity or negativity, or perhaps neutrality, to your experiential coordinates.  Whichever is happening currently, unblocking the filters which are keeping your energetic core closed off takes you to a place of impeccable harmonic state, and this is the underlying motivation for all motivational endeavors you seek.  A simple shift in attentiveness from the corner of your conscious presence is all it takes to strike the chords of momentum into unification resonance.
We say light intra-permeating infinitely as light is the directest clue-in through your nominal sensory channels - this enables you to envision, to attain a contact onto which your mental faculties can clasp; intra-permeating sensitizes your conscious awareness to understand that permeation is throughout your entire state of being, intro and extro, in all possible directions, all at once; infinitely nails you to the point that unification is limitless, all inclusive...  So you think of it in all of these ways at once, and in ways that provoke independence from individual dimensional matters on your plane of concentrated precipitation.
You may at first see this as an antidotal use in the face of adverserial conditions to your natural state of harmony, and this surely can be a good teacher for you to remember this.  However, your advice from us is to see this as a continual membrane of function of your consciousness, ongoing, throughout all and any conditions through which you sieve your sensitizing of experience into finite moulding.  In so proceeding, invoking unification in this intra-permeating way, regularly, under any conditions, you are encouraged to remember to do.
Just remember, when you are noticing the resultant effects of your finite plane sensors, there is more.  Allow infinite light intra-permeation to carry your conscious effort into noticing what is more, what else there is beyond what is most prominently evident, which is what you have a tendency to notice.
You will perceive this as a difference in thickness.  When your attention is summoned to engage in the world of choice for your dense endeavors, the 'thickness' surrounding the density is compelling from the angular facets of your being which interact in that world.  Yet, as your conscious attention opens to intra-permeation of infinite light, in unification of all that you be, the first impression is that unification is of such a subtle nature that it can be swiftly disseminated into ignorance, and this is what must change now.  Keep the attentiveness in your consciousness, and allow the differing levels of thickness to integrate - just as you would when mixing denser substance into liquid, yet this integrates and mixes using your conscious awareness as the mixer.