Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #107

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 19 – Jan 27, 2018

Self healing, changing conditions as you are currently observing them, commonly becomes a topic of interest when the life form entails a scope of observation which shows as obvious only a small portion of the results of infinite energetic flow.  Infinite energetic flow is the means of transmission by which changes toward your self healing objectives can be achieved, yet the observation which motivates the desire for self healing types of changes itself arises through a frame of reference which denies the perception of the very energy which carries this out.  Success in your self healing objectives entails the reconciliation of these poles of observation, and we are coming forth to discuss insight in this way.
Just as energy, in its purest form, flows into transmutation into precipitated density, evidentiary reception in your conscious attention of necessity for self healing arises from precipitated density, and at this point, energization should be attained.  The involvement of the precipitated state takes you to the point of noticing, incepting the idea, and gaining motivation.  At this point, energy shift must occur.  Energization is the shifting into perception, from that of dense result, into flowing, energy movement.  Flowing energy movement is the means by which self change occurs, and this is where your focus must be.
Progression in this way means your perception of the world of result around you, which constructs your basis of outward observation, tending to appear so dense as to be absolutely stationary and immutable in many ways, shifts into realization of the fluidity of its nature, and a more subtle understanding of the appearance as density, immutability, being relative.  You have direct help in entering such perception realm, as the less dense abounds within your physical environment.  Liquid itself is more fluid, light more fluid still.  Yet the anchoring into your presence as a physical world being arises from the dense nature of matter, and self healing, really changing what is manifested in your dense experience, entails being in continuous perception of the fluidity of all which is created.
Entry point into understanding the fluid nature of dense matter is available through feel.  Feeling the vibration nature of dense matter carries your consciousness across the boundary of perception as absolutely immutable into knowing of movement.  This is the opening of the door of perception into perception of fluidity.
Feel of vibration in dense matter is everywhere.  This is energy, this is the constitution of dense matter.  This includes the dense matter which composes the housing of your individuated being.  Feeling the energetic vibration within dense matter, including your own dense being, is available through conscious choice - just paying attention.  Settling your sensors of perception enough to feel, and allowing the feeling to expand into wider areas encompassing all that defines your experience, this allows you into perception of the fluidity of it all.
As you deepen your understanding of fluidity of it all, you are now preparing to directly engage in the instrumentation of change, healing, alignment with your resonance of inner vibration.  Your thoughts are a merging of your consciousness with desire for change, and your thoughts are of a substance of energetic composition, as is dense matter.  The vibration is different, we say this as different frequency for the sake of communication, yet the differences are vastly exposing of inter-dimensional nature.  So, your thought energy is among the definition of your defined existence, and manifesting change becomes a matter of integrating the fluidities of these 'different' frequencies of energy.  Fluidity in your dense being is essential, and this is what people mean when they say things like 'let go' or 'get out of your own way'.  Rigidity in your own denseness is the way you get in your own way.
You know from direct experience how your energy of emotional states integrates with your physicality.  You bump your head, and the physical sensory reactions interact with your emotional sensors and you feel the onset of frustration or anger.  Circumstantial interaction with physical environment triggers emotional sensors.  Your car won't start on a work morning, and this can easily shift your emotional state to be different from what it was moments before.  So, in this means, your more subtle emotional energy is mixing with your more dense physical energy.  They are merging into manifestations in your resultant experiences.  In case you hadn't thought about it this way before, we are mentioning it because from a mindset of taking the physical world as a starting point, it would appear that mixing energy of differing levels of density - the more subtle with the more dense - would not make sense, or be possible.  Yet, we are pointing out nominal experiences for you in terms of what is going on at the deeper energetic levels, because this is a lead-in to understanding integration of your resultant manifestation of experience with energy of comprisation of essence of your existence.
Take some time to really ingest what we are saying here, about how your emotional energetic flow integrates with your physicality, which is also flowing, yet in not so obvious ways that would provoke the use of the word 'flowing'.  Contemplate this, and invoke a deeper understanding within your consciousness of knowledge, adopting a different paradigm of recognition of interpretation of your experiential situations.  As you continue to do this, it is natural to expand your conceptual grasp into recognition of how energetic essence of extensive levels of subtlety are mixing with all you perceive in ways that comprise the totality of your experience.  And... just as you can choose to direct the flow of your emotional states as you become aware of them, and thereby shift the course of your sensorial interpretation of your experiential coordinates,  you can choose to direct the flow of essential energetic comprisation into integration with the experiential situations your consciousness is wont to witness.
You may have noticed that when excessive stimulus is noticed in the emotional realm, and you are presented with coordination of surrounding physical conditions, whether in your physical being or environment or both, often your path of least resistance is to be aware and allow the mixing of the energies, being somewhat an observer/experiencer combined, and the energies mix and take their course.  This allows the transitions to proceed in real time, rather than to channel into memories which translate into future inhibitions based on past emotional experiences.  Allowing the energy to mix will now be easier as you gain knowledge of how these are integrating.  You can now begin to do the same thing with the deeper subtle energies which drive the manifestation of your created existence.
This is why we are talking to you about perception of fluidity.  This will bring into regular awareness your perception of the energies of subtle essence of creation.  This will sensitize your awareness at this level, and it is this awareness which allows you to allow with direction into integration into energies of more dense precipitation.  This is what acceptance means: what is happening in the very moment is happening, and retracting against it causes lack of awareness, lack of flow, resistance to integration, and distortion of the intended direction of flow.  Acceptance means to back off on the recoil effect of what is happening, and be aware, be aware of the most subtle essence of representation of direction of flow - many times you would speak of such representation as thought because thought energy is significantly more subtle than even emotional energy - gather some sense of inner energetic mass/momentum and 'blow' with the breath of your consciousness forward, and accept your current mix of conditions and feeling states as is, whilst the movement forward continues.
It is the ingredients injected through YOUR consciousness, which fuel the characteristics of manifestation which constitute your unfoldment of experience.  The ingredients of your conscious injection are subject to the clarity of presence from which you are vibrating forth.  In relative purity of clarity of consciousness, you are emanating energetic flow in resonance with your inner being - this we often reference as your inner core - and this determines the degree of elevation of experiential reception in your life experience.  Inner core energy is there; it is you; it is the energetic essence which foundates your existence in form.  Bringing it forth is a matter of settling your conscious consternation, of aligning your conscious energy.  This dismisses any forms of strain of effort that you would inclinate toward exuding in a world of form.  This is why we refer to allowing.  From a world of form, allowing is a lot like thinking, noticing, being aware, and waiting; releasing your tendency to expect a translation into some decided action.  'Action' is more of a resemblance to driven mental states, such as remembering, and being discriminatory on the degree of sustainment of some mental paths.  We sometimes suggest you using light as a connecting mechanism with your inner core.  This is a means of giving your mental energy a clasp onto which focus in your core energy can be maintaind amidst the randomness of flow of energies of various levels of precipitated density.  Light you know in your precipitated world, and in your inter-dimensional, expanded world, inner world.  This can bridge the gap that allows for sustained focus in your world of form.
In the midst of gathering in awareness, dissolving precipitated self into fluidity, consciously directing the energetic essence of your creation, bringing your core energy into integration, in thus attaining clarity of alignment in your consciousness, is a matter of having the conscious awareness at an extreme level of subtlety.  Remembering, having intention, having the thought of its light, however distant and non-feeling you feel it is there, is enough.  Doing this and being present, allowing and waiting patiently.  This is all you need!