Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #106

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 3 – Jan 17, 2018

Pulsing deeply within, through eventual layers of dimensional interconnectednes, driven through your energetic consciousness, beats the heart of your inter-dimensional soul.  Giving your attention here relies on alignment with your depth of soul, and authenticity in clarity must be so.  There is not any frequency of fakery.  Clarify your conscious intention and see this.  Wrapping in your consciousness this understanding, attentive to your depth of energetic pulsation, extends leverage for you to initiate clarity of alignment into authentic extension.  Bring yourself into this, and let the rest of the dimensional residue take its course, as it is cleansed.
If there is any sensation of tension due to contrasting with the definition of reality in some dimensions of subset origin, keep reminding yourself that you are pulsating and resonating with your soul depth, your true inner being, impermeable and intransitible, as the core of the creation of the origin of contrast itself.  You then begin to see the fakery of the created world itself.
Much will be continually jettisoned.  The coarse layers of the precipitated dimensional space interact with your primary sensors, but be in mind that you are pulsing into the core depth of inter-transcendence, extensinve through infinite dimensions.  Infinite layers of subtlety ensue, and your feelings, sensations of emotion, thoughts, sensations of mind, beliefs, sensation of energetic structure, values, sensations of encrusted transmission through a finite experience, knowledge, sensations of inter-cellular mental energy; all of this is still mere surface sensation, yet all of this is transformed so as to abide through authenticity in pure essential clarity.
Typical of your earthly origin is to first realize your motivation to shift your attention to the depth of your energetic pulse upon some contrasting conditions which are relevant from your world of finite scope.  Mentally knowing this shifting is desired, you may proceed from the awareness of the contrasting conditions, as this is where the presented moment of conscious leverage is focused.  Proceeding as such, allow your sensory states to notice the vibrating at the surface.  Surface refers to the intersecting dimensions of prominence within your finite domain, as there are fewer dimensions than actually comprising the existence that define the worldly domain.  So 'surface' refers to a focus on fewer dimensions, just as the surface of a body of water focuses on the two dimensional plane at the top of the water body, even with the depth of the third dimension extending into the bulk of the body of water.  Thus your entire three dimensional world is really a surface with respect to the multidimensional energetic presence within which it exists.  And so we say to attend to the surface vibration of all that is about the contrasting conditions which are alerting you to a desire to go into depth of higher dimension.  Comprising this vibration is all sensing states of physical, emotional, and mental streams.
Bring your self into complete awareness of the vibration essence about it all, and now is when you carry your conscious awareness into awareness of your energetic pulse, carrying you deeper, dimensionally.  Releasing your faculties for interpreting finite dimension as a totality is necessary, as your consciousness is now being consumed with awareness of dimensions which are not relegated to finite dimension interpretation.  Attempts to interpret and describe as you would normally be inclined as a finite being must be let go of, and your consciousness allowed to carry you into full experiential existence.
If you will make a practice of entering higher dimensional space through the feeling states, independent of the apparent coupling of the feeling states with the consummation of your present conditions, you will become trained to maintain focus free from being distracted into the physical conditions.  Feeling states are the connection in subtlety with your consciousness and your finite conditions.  As they sometimes correlate with your observances and sometimes not, you become accustomed to maintaining and carrying in remembrance the conditions associated with feeling states.  This creates the oscillating forces of thinking, remembering certain reflective observances, and generating feeling sensations that you have stored an accordance of association with them.  This is all arbitrary and completely fabricated.  You are the orchestrating force which generates the energy of your feeling states, and you have the choice at all times.  With lower vibration consciousness, it is the autonomous mechanisms that are closer to the surface which carry the main factors which govern the generation of your ongoing feeling states.  As a physical being, the autonmy at the highest level relates to the preservation of your physical life, survival, and thus the feeling states stored near the surface relate to survival affectations.  Without conscious intention, your background generation of feeling states will clamp upon memories of survival threat, or noticement of conditions affecting your physical existence in some way, or patterning of thoughts relating to the prospect of the transience of your physical existence.  All of these lower your feeling state vibration, and thus propagates such a cycle continuously.  Having fallen into depth of this kind of cycle, clawing your way to a higher vibration through the same route of surface patterning of thoughts and stored feelings is an arduous effort with little to no chance of success.
Enter consciousness, through which you consciously enter the feeling of the feeling states, the vibration essence of the feeling states, without coupling to conditions of the finitely defined life.  Entering the feeling states in vibration relieves the constraints of following the paths whose surface traversal must conform to the level of vibration of the feeling states.  Entry into vibration opens infinite channels of dimension for your consciousness to enter energy paths, and through this your experiential conditions are governed by such energy paths rather than your dimensional sensors.
You just have to get past the illusion that your environmental conditions, and your thoughts themselves, are the source of your feeling states.  This, and make the regeneration of your consciousness intent a regular effort.  Continuously remember to do this, and eventually it will become second nature, and your tendency to lapse into the coupling correlation of your feeling states with conditional observance will diminish into insignificance.
Throughout the course of activity, it is common for you to find your observation amidst some dynamic flux which renders the sensory perception of consciousness into reception of vibration essence appearing to be moving so fast that your finite processing seems unable to register any feeling recognition.  Your reactive tendency would tend to recoil in tension in the effort to narrow focus enough to feel the sensory vibration in some way, some particular area - physical location, specific emotion.  Rather than do this, as tension constricts energy flow, bring your focus to the center of your consciousness, and allow your mind to be aware of the light of the core energetic harmonic resonance within you.  Release the reactive tendency to reach for palpable recognition in feeling states, and keep your focus here.  This may be the most challenging aspect of this because you are amidst the sensory swarm of physical plane environment, and at the same time calling upon yourself to keep your conscious focus sharpened into a way which provides no discernable feedback.  It is your need for validation through sensory feedback, and the releasing of such, which is the fulcrum for the shift in paradigm that is being requested of you, here.
Use the power of your mind to be attentive and notice the impulsive reactions that catapult you into a consumptive presence of primary attentiveness given to the sensory reaction to your feeling states, whether physical sensation or emotional sensation.  Upon noticing the impulsive reaction just as it is happening, you can continue to be aware of the sensations, yet your deliberation of conscious attention does not have to be consumed into a capsulated place of dominance exwardly driven by finite domain sensors.  Directly inject your conscious energy into sensory reception of all of your presence in vibration state, inattached from the finiteness and its related controversies.  Feel the sensation of vibration presence in its pure, energetic form, and simultaneously be aware of the core beam of light emanating from the center of depth of your consciousness, concomitant with all in which your conscious presence is associated in involutionary state.
As you engage in this way, your presence changes, your interactions change, your finite experience changes.  Your discernment of sensory response continues wisely, with broadened depth.  The surface response of finiteness is still there, yet your conscious being will now understand this in the inter-dimensional energetic perspective, and your responses and interactions will be characterized through inter-dimensional consciousness, rather than finite domain reactionary methods.
Whatever seems to be provoking worry, whatever seems to be provoking tension, if you will, instead of clipping your attention onto the whatever, allow your energetic fabric to unify with the energetic vibration of the worry itself, the tension itself, the direct intersection of the feeling that gets your attention with the physical plane presence of your being.  At the moment of unification of this, bring your attention inward at the same time, and be aware of your presence of inner harmonic energy core, and its vast array of inter-dimensional sensory implications.  Just allow, allow this to extend through the reaches of your awareness, and with your clutching onto physical plane conditions thusly loosened, the transmission of energetic precipitation along the course of your physical plane trajectory is propelled through the resonance energy emanating from your harmonic energetic core.  This aligns your consciousness with, for you, higher energetic mind states.
Similarly, when you are feeling excited, when you are feeling enthused, you have somehow found your way to energetic mind states that are more aligned with your energetic harmonic resonance core.  Rather than allowing your reactionary resonse of clutching onto the surrounding conditions, do the same thing - allow mergence with the vibratory essence of your feeling states, using those very feeling states as a lead-in, and create the energetic pole, rooted in your mental realm, of presence of your harmonic resonance core.
These two, rather extremes, are perhaps the easiest prompts for you to do as we are discussing, because the energetic presence is enacting sharply with sensory response in your physical experience, and the sensation of vibration state is more readily available.  Much of your experiential situations fall between these two, in the middle, with feelings of just 'blah' when you are not feeling much, or brief feelings of one extreme of the other, shifting quickly, too quickly to get a sense of the vibration state.  Here is why we suggest to make your practice of energizing your harmonic energy core, independently of triggering from the physical plane conditions.  Gaining leverage in this way takes skill of using your mentality, your will, and your essence of trust in your inner guidance, to form the basis of your effort of intention in moving forth.  Do continue to persist in this effort.