Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 3, 2017 – Jan 1, 2018
You know how to respond to what is happening around you, and discern some outcome of effectual result in your vibration state, which you interpret as your feeling response. You know how to judge and discern, so as to envision changes in what is exterior to what you know as you, in the interest of conforming it all to be what would be more compatible with what you would like. How about the converse of this? How about expanding your within, so as to render all that is perceivable from your current state as being in harmonic resonance with your being. You are the key player here, after all. What all is existing along your traversal through your spatial dimensions is what you have arranged to be there. It has to be in resonance with the consumation of vibrations which are being generated within you. And, from that viewpoint, it has to be okay, for it all to have been created. This means that if you are not seeing it as okay, then you are reducing the channel through which you are perceiving in a way that excludes the necessary elements which would make it okay. If you can find a way to expand and allow these in, then everything would be okay. So, how can you do this?
Your mental channel, in transmittance through the medium of dimension, is encumbered as transmission of light through physical medium is. In clear space, light is at rest at super high speed. It is effortful to progress through medium of physicality, and the effects of light energy are diffused into integration with the medium. This, within the confines of your medium of dimension, is how you experience light within such dimension, and that becomes the 'reality' of light within your experiential world.
Your mental energy is like light in this way. Mental energy is not static , and when 'at rest', it is moving rapidly. As a being of dimensional world, the most dense becomes the greatest common divisor for movement of energy, and ultimately all energy must be tailored to its capacity for movement in order to be assimilated into your experiential dimension world. Your willfulness comes into play in this, because you are free to view your elemental energetic sources as separate and independent - and it is common for your species' to see things this way. Your mind, your body, your emotions are often treated as separate entities, rather than an integrated energetic orchestration which comprises your being.
So, we are scanning for an effective means to communicate to you, for you to integrate into effectiveness, the transmission of the energies of comprisation of your being, such that all energetic sources are flourishing at the level of your dimensional correspondence. We are seeding for communication on this...
The method is mental - emotional - physical, sensory awareness in succession. Thought, and sensing the energy infusing into your emotional level, and sensing feeling state, and sensing the interaction with your physical feeling state and the vibration sensation that results. And you remain in that vibration state for as good a long time as you can. Then you begin again with the mental level. Choose something in the mental plane, something with clarity. If you are already noticing something there, go with it. If not, choose something. Think of yourself skiing down a slope, flying, solving a mysterious dilemma. It can be anything. Just get a sense of the mental energy about it.
With the sense of mental energy, sense more deeply as entryway into the palpable emotional state you are feeling in that very moment, and shift your dwelling there. With independence, free of scrutiny and judgement, feel whatever is happening in your emotional state. It is in its own vibration, and you can infuse your consciousness more deeply than your physical plane sensory states, and perceive the vibration directly. Do this and give some time for you to feel this vibration state. Now, proceeding more deeply, more abstractly, allow the sensation of the vibration state of your emotional level to dawn into physical sensation, and allow your consciousness of this physical sensation to grow as much as you are capable of experiencing in this moment. Free yourself of strain of analyzing, or questioning. Just allow it all to take its course, and when you feel yourself ready, just move on into whatever else you are doing at the time. Revisit this exercise often, and allow change to gradually grow through you.
Times when you suddenly realize that you have worked into some emotional state, and that energy is grabbing your attention, do this same kind of thing, but differently. Take the strength of your emotional energy and gather yourself in the swirl of this. Feel the intensity of it, and feel it in pure essence, with fading focus on the conditions surrounding this, which you may have come to view in a cause/effect way. Feeling the essence of the emotional energy, allow the gravitation into feeling of physical vibration sensation. Experience this in its abstract pureness. Then, shift back and give your attention to the emotional state and whether or not it has changed, repeat the process of conscious shift into pure energy state, and physical sensation ensuing. Do this, back and forth. As rapidly as you feel in resonance doing. Oscillations in this way generate energy which propagate your being into inter-dimensional realms.
You can also go the other way. If you have some physical sensation that is commanding your attention, say you bump your head, or stub your toe, let the physical being consume your reality and become centered in the pain of sensation of the physical condition. Feel the sensation of vibration energy from this and give it a chance to sink in. At this point you shift your attention to your emotional energy state by allowing the physical vibration to ease into the subtlety of the emotional frequencies. Dwell in your emotional energy state for a time, and allow the energy to go further into subtlety and bring you into the mental plane level, and in the mental plane level, allow purity of thought to instill direction in what your thoughts become, carrying your consciousness back through your emotional energy and into physical sensation again.
As you progress in doing these kinds of exercises your divisive relationship which appears to separate your physical/emotional/mental states becomes integrative, and your being will become less segregted as an isolated energy force. You become merged with the entirety of energetic existence.
Now, what happens most commonly is that you find yourself under some condition of dynamic flux of emotional, mental and physical sensations, with not any one taking front stage for a duration that would allow you to focus in the way we are describing. Here's what you do in this case. Use the physical sensation as an entry point, and use the perimeter of your physical being as the focal point, holding your focus with this for a long enough time to give prominence to the energy sensation, physically surrounding your finite being coordinates. From this premise, you then allow your energy focus to gravitate into shifting into the subtlety of your emotional being, and proceed from there into the mental plane, as we have been discussing.
Now let's take a state of contrasting physical and mental conditions, such as tiredness, and see how we can handle it. You start with the knowledge and awareness of the contrasting state. Your tired feelings are tugging on your physical and mental states, and you focus on this. From here, you gain attention of the physical sensation of vibration about it. Dwelling there for a time, you then proceed in the same way we have been asserting, moving your attention into the subtlety of the emotional energy that is concommitant with your contrasting conditions. Emotional state then shifts into mental state, and you go then backward.
What is going on here? With all of these exercises, in moving among the different levels of energy which your physical finite being is capable of perceiving, you are weaving through dimensions of energy analysis which you are not perceiving, and integratively mapping your finite level of experience into presence in inter-dimensional space, and thereby allowing the energetic forces of dimensions which are not prevalent in the three, finite, dimension world. What this does is institute a resonance in the 'unseen forces' which is harmonious with your energetic core, and causes your propagating fabrication of finite conditions to be in vibrational essence with your inner being.
As you go forth in this way, radiance will become more readily apparent, through your inner and external worlds, and you will see that your external world and inner world are indeed the same. Radiance is nominally understood, from within finite dimension, in terms of light. This is how radiance is most easily compared and how some understanding can surface as examination from finite levels undertakes. Radiance is energy transmission through and throughout all dimensions of constitution. This of course includes energy which is processible through your sensors which translate energetic reception into light forms for you to witness. If your desiring intent is to fully experience radiance, you will see your light-perception sensors as an openway into sensory expansion, uniquely presenting sensoral perception along all of infinite dimensions, and all at the same time experientially undergoing energy transmission reception. This could be quite an extensive experience from a third dimension point of entry. Try it...