Weekly Channel – July 13 – July 19, 2014
Talk about color, and how that it can be used when engaging in the high dimensions, for manifesting in the physical dimenstions.
Color should first be ‘read’ when attuning to the vision of the desired manifestation. The color that infuses into the vision with the Great Eye is a vibrational carrier which can be propelled into the physical dimensions through the mental process of manifestation.
How can I sharpen the vision, and align the root of the desire with the concept of result in the physical dimension?
You don’t exactly need to sharpen the vision to pinpoint exactly what will manifest in the physical dimension. In fact it is better to leave it open and allow the energy to manifest as it is directed. It is similar to that you plant some seeds that grow into plants and the plants grow buds and the buds bloom into flowers. It is better to plant the seeds and tend to watering the seeds and taking care of the plant and waiting to see, with wonderment, what the flowers will manifest into. You don’t need to decide ahead of time how you want the plant to look, like how many leaves it would have and how the leaves and stems would be and how large they would be. Nor do you need to decide how you want the flowers to look. You let go and allow it to happen and enjoy the experience of seeing the seeds sprout and the plants bloom. So, your vision does not have to match an eventual result in the physical, and should not attempt to do so. What should be sharpened in focus is the essence of the desire, and this is also where color can be helpful. When you get the urge for something in the physical world to happen, be it healing of your body or someone else’s life, or something in the world, or some material thing, anything, there is some energetic desire at the root of it, and if you focus on the essence of the energetic vibration, there is color there. Now, color, in the vision of the Great Eye, is multitudes of dimensions, and reaches much more deeply into energetic existence than your physical vision, so you should stretch your mental engagement beyond your physical dimensions when perceiving this color. Now, sharpening your focus on the color essence brings you right into the energetic essence of the desire aligned with your intended manifestation. If you focus on this and hold the focus for a time (in your physical sense), then the energetic result will bring into the physical experience manifestation or manifestations that arise out of this energetic essence. You can become accustomed to having a desire, even something like wanting traffic to move faster, and go right to the color essence of it and focus on that. Color is actually a strong mechanism for allowing you to travel swiftly into the energetic essence of your desired experience.
Can this be a productive pastime – to sit and think of desires and perceive the color of the desires and focus on that and take the mind into the energetic essence, and hold it, and then go on to a new desire, and on and on?
Yes. This would really be a good thing to do, because this means that you would be spending a good amount of time with your focus on your own desires, and your energy stream would be pumping out things that you want and things that you like. What tends to happen when you get caught up in the events of the physical world is that you react to things, and your desires arise in reaction to the things that bother you, or that go wrong. This in itself is not a bad thing, because that gives you a vantage point for striking out in energetic directions according to your internal, multidimensional alignment. However, as is the nature of energetic beings playing roles in dense bodies with dense mental realms, the tendency is to give attention to just those things that are wrong. It is as though there is just enough awareness at the banal physical being level, to know that there is something important about the things that are creating the disturbances, but not enough awareness to comprehend the role that those disturbances play. It requires just enough of a stretch to realize the purpose of the disturbances is to set the course for your energetic alignment. And, this is the way of growth. Just enough comes naturally into consciousness, and it takes a stretch to expand. It takes something new, something not obvious, something not yet experienced. Think about it. Take learning the piano. If all that could be done were to make sound then anybody could immediately do it. All you have to do is strike the keys. However, to play a classical music piece, you must learn to synchronize the movement of your hands and fingers with your mind in accordance with the musical structure. This is a stretch for the nominal human and thus a human feels growth and expansion in learning to play a classical piece on the piano. So, in deliberately spending your time, as a pastime, getting a lead-in to somethings that you are feeling excited about, and colorizing the energetic essence, and using that color to ride the wave into the energetic multidimensional realm, and then just moving on and on, and allowing what will be to be, you are pumping energy into your own manifested experience, which is aligned with the being you are flowering into. Do keep in mind, when you are caught up in the physical world seeming real, that the things that don’t seem to go your way are really only there to show you the way, not for any other purpose.
Is there a way I can consciously use color as I enter into sleep?
The secret to productively using your sleep period is to let go of your humanness as much as possible. Your tendency is to take your dreams, the interface between your multidimensional being and your three dimensional physical being, and interpret them in a human way, and take that energy back into your world. That means that if you have a ‘good’ dream you feel good about it, and if you have a ‘bad’ dream, you feel bad about it. This is way, way oversimplifying things, and this happens because you are clinging to your human state on both sides of your sleep experience. Get it through your skull that your human state is not the main event, and is a trip you are taking. So, in getting ready for sleep, prepare to let go. As we have talked before, doing this right can evoke some challenges, like a feeling of fear akin to suddenly being thrown out of an airplane without a parachute, but persist in facing this, because this will lead you to sleep habits that will greatly enhance your life experience while you are in ‘human mode’, and they will be very closely energetically aligned with your multidimensional being. So, this is the important thing to keep in mind when entering sleep. Your goal is to let go before you totally depart human mode, and stay let go at the very beginning of when you re-enter human mode. We will emphasize emphatically the profound effect this will have on your life. When you can do this consistently, it will be like going from a car that is badly out of tune, to one that is running on all cylinders. Now, for using color, it is similar to what we have been saying about drawing the essence of the color from your desired effects in your life experience. You primarily are aware that you must consciously let go of your three-dimensionalness as you settle in and prepare for the sleep realm, and as you do this, calm your mind enough to allow the dense vibration to settle into the background and for the subtle vibrations of the multidimensional planes to enter into the foreground. As you begin to sense the foreground of the multidimensional energy, draw your focus to its color, and allow yourself to be transported consciously into this realm, and allow the sleep to take the course it takes. If you awaken during the night, do this once more, as you re-enter the realm of sleep.
When in the midst of the non-sleep stretches of human existence, yet feeling fatigued at times when energy is called for, how can I use the engagement in the energetic essence of color to work with this in an effective way?
For one thing, if you do as we speak above, and engage in your sleep by shifting into the higher dimensions before departing the conscious three dimensional realm, and by remaining in the higher dimensional realm before re-engaging in the three dimensional realm, this situation where fatigue is onset and energy is called for will not happen very often. But for now, when you find this happening, you can shift into the awareness of the subtleness of the higher dimensional realms, just enough to perceive the essence of the color’s energetic multidimensional magnificence, and keep this focus in your vision as you play your game of negotiation with your physical tiredness. This will help to speed up this healing process. The days are numbered for you to continue to have to deal with these tired states so frequently.
Let us move onward!