Inter-Dimensional Channel – Oct 28 – Nov 13, 2017
As pure energy transcends time and distance, in that energy, such as thought, can move instantaneously. Thought can be any spatial distance within a span of no measurable time. This is transcendence. What then is going on when transmission over distance appears to be time dependent? Traveling, even along the surface of your planet seems a slow moving process. If your planet and your being and all of the environment is constituted from pure energy, why is there this apparent inhibition in transmittal?
The answer to this question lies in the meaning of what constitution means with regard to the formulation of you and your physical environment. Pure energy is timeless and spaceless, and this is transcendent. Constituted energy is formed, and formed in conjunction with time and spatial concepts. Thus, the perception that movement must take time and things must move slowly is purely an illusion. Constitution and re-constitution can be done infinitely fast. This is a powerful concept when your intention is to manifest change and heal your physical being and environment. How can you make this work for you? We are here to discuss.
The biggest step is to undertake the understanding of yourself, meaning your constituted being, which incorporates the physical, emotional, and all levels of energetic formation coordinate with your body, as of pure energy in continuous formation and re-formation. Inwardly you must see and feel and perceive this, and become acclimated to knowing yourself in this way. This is the biggest obstacle to you being able to understand that everything is this way, and that your ostensible external environment is also this way, and that transcendence of time and space is accomplished through, not traversal through finite dimensions, yet as de-constitution and subsequent re-constitution in relative coordinates.
As you do this, you can pay attention and feel that there is a unification of vibration among the individual energetic cells, each contributor being of resonance alignment with your core energetic frequency, unique to your being, yet synched with the entire Universe at the same time. Imagine, like, there is one bee flying around and buzzing, and then among multitudes of bees, all buzzing in resonance, the vibration has a unified feel to it, a power, which amplifies even the linear multiple of all of the individuals. This sort of thing is happening with your energetic resonance frequency in allowing your physicalness to be dissolved into pure energy and continuously reconstituted into the new and onward phase of your being.
Your emotional states tend to pull in one direction or another, in a way, like glue that encourages your being-state to remain fixed in some snapshot of time. In a way of navigating this, and allowing yourself the flexibility to arrange construction of your entire physical reality on a regular basis, first step is to realize the unification of your emotional energy with your entire being, rather than as some outward input through your sensory channels. It takes some deliberate effort to see it this way, but if you will loosen the grip which is tying you into the drama of your physical conditions, and take the pure energy view, integration is perceptible, easily, and your energy merges, swirling with your physical energetic essence, and thus becomes your entire being-state, as unification of your energetic center, at all levels.
Becoming accustomed to continuous change will become more natural in this way, because it is your emotions which interface your will with the conditions of physical state themselves, and cause you to become attached or repelled to certain states, which causes your narrowing of scope of possibility for energetic precipitation. It is this limiting in scope which colludes to exclude from your reality states, just that which you are trying to achieve. Hence, your species is finding its way to concepts such as "non-attachment", "letting go", and bringing attention to the high energy mind states which are transcendent of the emotions that attach to the physical conglomeration surrounding your conscious entrance of being in being-state.
So, if you can, spend a lot of focus over the next few days spending time with attention on the pure energetic vibration feel of your being. Integrate what is in the current moment into the feel of this, and even whilst experiencing and wheeling and dealing in the physical plane, have your consciousness primarily on the observation deck of awareness and experiential consciousness of the pure energetic, which is of constitutional essence of everything in perception of your conscious experience.
In the continuous interaction toward 'what happens' for you, in the instrumentation of your conscious will, translating into some action forward into the limites scope of the finite environment, you should be noticing that there is a theme of perverseness in your gathering of energetic entrance with respect to the appearance of what would seem to bring about your intended achievements to result in physical environment. The completely passive and subtle (from physical vantage view) contains the most power in effecting results which would appear to require the most strain and burdensome effort. This is one of the fundamental principles you must integrate deeply into psyche-consciousness in your quest for realization of infinte self in concomitance with physical transient life. You must now embark on a determined quest to realize this principle at every moment, every breath, every movement, every thought. This instills the infinite channels of energy, of totality of existence, into your presence of moment, in transcendence of the filtering which is placed by finite world in the interest of propping up its own appearance for existence. If you wait until a big rock is on its way to falling on your body, it becomes harder to do, but if you continuously integrate the change of your physically-innate tendencies to always consider, which appears as opposite generally from physical perspective, interweaving the alternative approach which would not autonomously come to your linearly-minded finite being, then the unfolding of events would be seamless, instead of it appearing as though a big rock falling on you would be some intrusion in your 'reality'.
The alternative energetic integration appears as opposite often, from your finite world, because your world, being of three dimension physicality, drives itself through two-state dialecticity. The concept of opposites comes readily and easily for the linear mind of the physical being. The complexity of integration of intricate energetic channels in accordance with finite life propagation, not so much.
So, if you are absorbed into the main scope of physicalness, and you are paying attention to the underlying impulses of motivation which drive your will to action, and you notice that you are being corralled into motion with respect to some idea that appears opposite to your intent, take a closer look. It is not just a matter of going the opposite to what appears intuitive to your goal. It is much more complex, and the approach is to realize that opening your consciousness to dimensional energetic channels is in order, and that expanding your scope of perception beyond the limited filtering of the physical only perspective is a path to achievement of your objective.
Just resonate. Eternally, in your depth is core energy which is thriving and driving the concourse of your existence as you are experiencing. Just resonate with this, letting all else to which you are clinging amidst some worldly-defined existence loosen and yield to the beating heart of the core resonance in depth within your embodied spirit. Sustain focus in resonance, allowing its feeling to grow in magnitude of excess in relative to worldly sensors that command attentive focus usually. Persist in this, and make this a long-term, regular conscious practice with full awareness. The seed of awareness is thought, remembering. Remember, and spawn the thought energy, and sustain conscious intent and awareness will, and alchemize into integration with resonance, knowing that the world of observation is created and illusory as a construct of your source energy of resonance. Remind yourself of this as the compelling sensory chords are struck, trying to command your attention away from your resonance awareness. Just remember, and allow your expansion of being awareness to assume resonant experience.
No matter if there are times for a span where your focus is on other things, or your awareness is limited. Just remember and get back to it. As this cultivates in your integrated being, you will find that when you appear to forget and get caught up in other things, and then remember and turn your attention to inner resonance, you notice that you haven't really strayed very far from awareness, and that just remembering quickly brings back the feeling. This must be so because your core energy source is you, and is not something that appears and disappears as your awareness waxes and wanes. It is just that your feeling of resonance, for you as a being, waxes and wanes as your awareness tends.
Having free will, it is a choice you must make each time you notice that your attention has become absorbed within the confines of the boundaries of three dimensional space. Absorption within the confines of three dimensional space attunes your sensory channels to paths which specify transition through and into such confinement, and nominal expectation for a being in such condition is that this defines what is 'real'. However, this is a facet view, and what we are talking about here is resonance with what is 'real', realization, through infinite space, free of finite world confinement. From the nominal finite being view, awareness of resonance in this way appears so very subtle as to feel so unreal that it would be readily dismissed as nothing significant, and this is where we lead you to differ in intended will to move forward with your awareness. This is why we speak of resonance. Resonance increases the sensory perception, through all frames of reference, most notable, your finite confinement frame of reference. Sustained through your time dimension, resonsance increases in sensation as the time axis moves ahead, and this allows your conception of what is 'real' to experientially absorbed into your inter-dimensionally expanded sensory perception.