Inter-Dimensional Channel – Oct 15 – Oct 22, 2017
Very high energy mind states of indescribable proportion accompany freeing of conscious containment which accompanies existence in finite form. Such elevation of mind state frequency defies comparison with the mind states of the norm of finite experiential existence. Mind states of norm for finite existence follow channel paths which conform to the boundaries which structure finite environment, and are inherently of the nature to reduce frequency to resonate with finite definition norms. The effect of this is to render elevated mind states to be unreachable from perspective of beings opening their waking conscious from origin of finite norms, and peeping into the dimensions within which such finite structure exists. We are here to open your conscious understanding into realization that the nature of channeling mind states through finite dimension sensory channels is unimpeded from allowing higher dimension transition of frequency into experiential mind states, and elevated super-emotional states for finite beings. Beings must be knowledgeable to allow the boundaried restrictions of finite channel paths to open on their own.
The opening for motivation in this is when the limitations of the capacity of the nominal finite plane energy paths become evident. In finite being experience, these are the feelings of disturbance which subject you to friction as part of your finite life experience. Upon such observance, your next step is to heighten your awareness to attune, rather than to the finite conditions about which the friction is created, to the channel paths themselves - you do this by feeling for sensation of the traversal of the energy through the mind state feeling channels. Gaining this awareness, through knowing that all of this is happening in the midst of higher dimension energy substance, allow the sensory channels of finite plane to become mutable. As their rigidity of boundary softens, feel their opening into allowance of the energy dimensions external to the finite dimension boundaries. From here you enter a state of openness through which the boundary tensions of finite domain dissolve, and elevated states of being ensue.
As your practice with this becomes developed, you will be able to relieve the need for using the finite plane friction conditions as motivating factor, as you will become attuned to the feel of the energy vibration of the finite structure sensory paths, and you can, at will, just go into conscious direction of direct elevation of your experiential frequency states.
Shifting your mind states in this way shifts your outlook within your finite world itself. Shifted outlook in finite world constitutes a different basis from which your consciousness injects energy into creation of your experiential world of finite nature. And thus, if exultation is your basis for formulating objectives within finite world, your creations you are propagating throughout your world develop in harmonic resonance with your mind states of exultation.
So, on an ongoing, more sustained, basis, you will be capable of adepting yourself along an increasing inner strength path, one of which your 'inner norm' is constituted in deep awareness of inter-dimensional frequencies integrating with your solidified worldly experience. Your wont of response to the reflection of dense plane precipitation directly into your inner vibration is cultivated to shift as you proceed on a sustained level, with inner reconstitution in energy reception which accesses the full capacity of your reception sensors. You begin to see the coarse response mechanism, which is emphasizing the dense and its mental/emotional effects, from the perspective of inter-dimensional being, and as placed in thus perspective it becomes natural for you to assimilate understanding of the finite being view as limited and illusory. This dawning of understanding will, as sustainance continues, just lead you to a place of development where your former reactionary mechanisms toward dense plane conditions just don't make sense in any way anymore.
Integration of higher dimensional energy throughout your finite being and its undertakings in finite world entails some acclimatization toward experiencing effects of these higher energies amidst a world of which your heretofore experience has been of unto itself. Seeing light with no finite plane ostensible source, hearing sound of origination from beyond some vibration on finite dimension... these become more natural to you, and you become accustomed to navigating, doing the third dimension thing, with ease whilst your focus is of the much more in-depth inter-dimensional energetic source. Interfacing with the third dimension, as well as its presentation of life forms is now known as one facet - a trivial one, within the vastness of inter-dimensional space.
Sometimes, when you get to feeling an inner-bursting due to what you would see as emotional feelings, such as anxiety, and you would conclude that there is a disharmonic offset of balance from what you would consider wholesome, you should remember that such conclusive assumption facets your finite definition of being in view, and it is from that view that something surrounding such emotional state would be seen as wrong, errant, intrusive, and in need of healing. Deeper self, you understand and know that the state of underlying energy of your presence is infinitely expressive, and the construction of views within three dimensional space incorporates containment of energetic power which is in its natural state dynamic and infinitely expansive. Thus you have the perception of a pressure cooker effect, due to containment within the intra-spatial structure of finite space. This knowledge can be immense in paradigming you into propulsion into new approach to responsive reverberation amidst your centrally-received emotional energy states.
So, in a new approach, rather than to think "oh crap, that anxiety thing again", shift your paradigm to experiencing the pure energy at the core of your emotional reception. In pure energy and knowing that there has been a self-containment into structured third dimension which is the main player in triggering your emotional receptors, allow the fabric which holds the energetic states into third dimension form to thin, to become vaporous and simultaneously allow the energy which had been stirring within your finite being to flow on its own through the thinning fabric into dimensional channels into which it will naturally flow, without you having to be an orchestrator or decider. Feel the power in this fusion of your inner energetic self throughout the streaming of channels of energy that are filtered out during the course of your nominal three dimension existence. This takes what had been a disruption within the narrow confinements of your finiteness into serving as a transport into experiential inter-dimensional space. The feeling states of this invoke sensory receptors of higher dimensions, and thus in transcendence of your nominal means for receiving through emotional receptors of correlation with your finite definition.
Of course, you do not need to wait until you are bothered by some conditions of emotional pressure cooker energy building up within your finite dimension containment in order to create the energetic pulse to motivate you to allow your veil of finite dimension surface tension to thin and use energy within finite containment to transport your conscious awareness into experiential realization of inter-dimensional space. Knowing this path, you are perfectly capable of generating energy in preparation for this sake, and launching into space in the same way. We point you to this method for facing your emotional disturbances mainly to point out that they only appear to be emotional disturbances from the finite dimension angular view. And as a resolution to your experiential dilemma of them being disturbances, your bird's eye view can shift into view of the basis for your emotional state in a pure energy form, in which this is energy just as though you conjured the energy for the sake of inter-dimensional consciousness transmittal. You thus have a means for dealing with the ongoing situation of your consciousness riding through finite dimension in a finite dimension body developing surplus energetic state causing disrupt through production of the emotional receptory sensors. Transmutation into transport into trans-dimensional space is your path to celebration of progression along the surface of your dimensional coordinates. You will see, though, that it is at your will, and you can proactively generate energy and transport yourself in this way.
Perhaps the easiest way to generate internal energy is to view the light source from within, and see its emittance of light growing within. You can sense the imaginary boundaries of your finite being and allow the light to grow into filling your finite boundaried being. At any point, thinning the surface tension boundary is simply a matter of willing this to be, and you thus see the light flowing beyond. Beginning from third dimension you would at first envision this as emanating outward from your being in third dimension. This is there, but be mindful that such a view is itself finite, because the third dimension coordinates are sitll in play. You should, and must, release your mental grip on the concept of third dimension, and allow your mind to expand into experiencing light flow in infinite directions all at once. This must take your enwrapping of mental perception into transcendence of the constraints instilled for the sole purpose of understanding the third dimension perspective. From your third dimension perspective, this transition means the release of what you know as 'trying' or putting forth 'effort', which is what is meant by 'allowing'. Yet, there is effort streaming through consciousness which is essential for you to maintain awareness and follow through the intention of will for this course to take. It is the dexterity that you must develop to maintain the effort of conscious intent and awareness, yet with the release of tension of the third dimension mind in order to let the third dimension perception dissolve into allowance of infinite perception.
So, do this.