Inter-Dimensional Channel – Oct 2 – Oct 15, 2017
Time transcendence, as you perceive, is attributing your time dimension, relative to your finite, physical dimension definition, in integrative understanding, thus attaining its place among the completeness of dimensional integration which is concomitant with the structure of the finite world. This may appear to you as transcendence because your perception of change is habitually relegated to measurement along coordinates of the time axis. This, however, is merely a matter of convenience to allow you to continue the delusion that the finite world is an entity unto itself.
Observing through inter-dimensional view, you see that changing is occurring in all dimensions, in all directional perceptions, and it would seem both inconceivable and superfluous to somehow attach a time dimension to every possible dimension among the infinite. This, though, is effectively what is happening with the elevation of significance you customarily place upon the time dimension. It is so integrated into your world and your psyche, that most of you don't think deeply about it in a way of understanding the dimensional aspects of it all.
Your transcendence potential comes through the trick of extensive self-perception through multidimensional projectile thrusting of your intrinsic energy. This we have used terms such as diffusion, in re-inventing your experience of self in this way. This allows you to be in the thick of things, in perceiving the dynamics of the true source energetic existence of your infinite being, and as such, experiencing each dimension among the infinte in respect to its own time axis. This is how you attain time transcendence, and your path must flow through the course which appears to you that would render your self as non-substantial, nothingness. This perception creates the tension which pushes you back into time-illusive coordinates.
And so, as your awareness dawns relative to the disproportionate placement of the energy of time dimension in such reality state, your courage to pass through the surface tension, veil of illusion, of finite plane congealment, grows strong enough to become, really, seamless. As this occurs, your perspective on the finite world and its true nature reveals it for what it is - a transiting crystallization of energetic accumulation, amidst the infinite realms of source energy.
Knowing this, you can now become very adept at shipping your conscious perception into such aware state, and integratively interact in midst of finiteness in such way. The division, which is common perception, that physical and non-physical are two exclusively-defined concepts that are totally separate, is easily jettisoned, because this is just not true. Physical is nothing other than energy in manistation of particular form. Inhabiting a finite being's body, with sensor input which controls the autonomous perception of energetic true nature, sets you off with the illusion of lack of awareness of source energy, true nature. As this is merely a starting point, it is only a matter of choice for you to receive awareness at the extensive inter-dimensional energetic levels.
Now you have higher dimensional energy striving throughout all of your perception of your existence, and it renders unnoticeable because you are trained to interact with sensors that are attuned to the physical environment around you. Now it is time for you to learn that these sensors, although maybe attuned for finite domain, are perfectly capable of receiving senses throughout all dimensions and delivering to your perceptional processing. It is for you to re-attune your senses to know this. You can see, hear, feel sensations throughout the inter-dimensional domain. As you go about your daily, physical life business, just do this. Hear the higher dimension energy. See it, feel it. Connecting your conscious mind to this intention is how you engage the attuning process.
This can be really handy sometimes, even as a finite being. As you have seen, gaining focus which gives prominence to finite domain lends itself to easily render the organic experience to be full of friction, difficult and unwieldy. Your sensory receptors are piqued in these situations, and that alerts you to the degree that your awareness of your true self has strayed from your focus. At these times, with developing adeptness in opening your sensory receptors (even simply one or two of the three-d ones) to higher dimensional energies, the prominence of focus shifts now, and the finite domain is revealed in its perspective. You have the power and ability to shift your reality perspective in any and all moments, whilst navigating the life of a finite being. You are hereby suggested to cultivate this and develop into mastery of this, using your conscious intent to entertain the capability of your finite senses to receive inter-dimensional energy channels. Remember this when things get difficult, when your emotional sensory receptors make you uncomfortable, and when your physical sensors make you uncomfortable.
As your experience becomes developed in integration of your sensors with energetic channels beyond the third dimension, you will begin to notice a feeling of being wide open, as the boundaries of the being with which you identify are in transmission with energetic space. This is normal, and upon first noticing this, you may tend to recoil and snap back into the exclusive perception of third dimension channels. No harm done, but don't let this feeling deter you. You will become more accustomed to operating this way in third dimension, and you will easily find that the boundaries of your being in third dimension space have no changed and are very capable of functioning as you know of them to be capable. What does change is the energetic construction of the third dimension experiential environment which is created in reflection of your integration with the experience. You will find that your reflective creations are more responsive this way. You just need to get over the sensation that your finite beingness is somehow being lost in the expanding into higher dimension energies. It is really more as though it is being found - the true source of energy which creates it and everything it experiences is now integrated into the developing precipiation of your reality states.
You can take the other approach as well. If you are willing to allow your third dimension-ness to settle, and see the fluidity in your concretely defined being, and allow yourself to allow your concretely defined being to vaporize into energetic state, then your sensory channels at the same time open into reception of the infinite energy dimensions. Either way, both of these experiential shifts will occur, whichever approach you take, or simply both simultaneously, which you will find happening more spontaneously, as your adeptness in this waxes.
Situations confronting from reflection emanating from your physical plane environment can be very compelling, we understand, yet it is just this compellation energy which you can use to transform your immediate configuration. If, you see, you see this as energy, integration of your volitional skills in directing the energy into your expanded beingness as absolute source energy effects the path of this energy, and transmutes what, in a physically-restricted environment, appears oppressive, into energetic manifestation of your will and attentions. The tricky part for you to learn is that you must make the effort; you must be the one to direct your conscious volition at the apex of the energy of oppression, releasing your clinginess to physical precipitation, and allowing the absolute, pure energetic state to subsume all physicalness. Moving along the bumpy paths of finite plane life, this would appear to go against the grain, yet you, as higher dimensional being, know that the energetic essence is the constitution of the grain. You must remember to remember your higher dimensional being perspective even amidst the most compelling physical plane circumstances! Yes, your survival instinct gets triggered, and that is enough for most all of you to turn your tail and run from the energy (i.e. limit your perspective to the third dimension). It takes a few experiences to realize that your finite being's survival is not coupled with your inter-dimensional perspective, and this is the big game-changer. It is just a matter of getting into a few experiences to become knowledgeable to the point where you will remember to remember your higher dimensional self, amidst the jarring emotions of the physical plane.
You can practice in ways that help with all of this, any time. Just feel, feel yourself as energetic being. This is really the essence of you, so this is not ever distant. Your view of yourself and your experience is designed to make it appear this way, but this is only a perspective result. Perspectives lead to habitual reactionary states, which crystallize into beliefs and patterns, which become to you, "just the way things are", the "reality" you are dealing with. If you would only remember, you are the orchestrator who choreographs such reality, it may wake you up a bit.
When your consciousness is shifting into perception of your true self, as expansive energetic state, in its subtlety of vibration in relative to the coarseness of the physical reality realm, what can happen is that the prominence of the emanations which are rooted in the physical realm structure can become like clogs in the way of your consciousness fully immersing in this. In such, your physical environment can become a distraction trying to grab your attention. Having attained relative quiet in this way, your emotional energy states can take center stage and apparently obstruct your sensoral perception from meeting with the subtlety of your expanded, true self. Your mental energy, and its rapidity can play a role in this, as its unharnessed projections can and do effect the priorities of your attention.
To do about this, you must first notice that some kind of inharmonic state has occurred which is tilting your consciousness perception in favorance of the physically projected world. Once realizing this, the solution may appear counterintuitive, as your objective is to dissolve your physicalness and all that goes along with it. The solution to going beyond the blocking that is arising out of third dimension world is to pinpoint your focus into zero dimensions - a pinpointed light energy with no spacial sense about it. This is counterintuitive because in embracing your true essence, you are doing the opposite, which is expanding into infinite dimensional space. Yet, when constricted within the three dimensional world, the higher dimensions are obfuscated so as to make this third dimension appear real in its own right. From this perspective of obfuscation, the higher dimensions will appear zero dimensional, and this is why you must pinpoint your focus to an energy light with no interlap of dimensional coordinates with third dimension. This will then take you right out of the third dimennsion clogging and into perspective with higher dimensional space, in which you can now freely allow your consciousness expansion in integrative energetic mergence with your complete wholeness of being.
This, you can do when, ever, the third dimension existence gets you to feeling stuck. Try this. Feel free!