Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #100

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Sep 23 – Oct 1, 2017

What is your best approach if you're tired and can't sleep - whether because opportunity is there and sleep is not coming or there is just no opportunity in sight where it is feasible to sleep?  How about when your feeings of discomfort keep mutating into shifting forms that defy your efforts to focus with emphasis on vibration state for a level sustained enough to bring a shift about in the physical plane?  These kinds of things can leave you feeling that you are engulfed into a world of discomfort with zero chance of gaining a path to relief.  What do you then do?
Any of these kinds of things are coming up because the time dimension is being allowed to dominate.  The solution then is to slow down the time dimension directly.  Most of you don't even realize that you can do this, but you can.  Go inward and gain a capsulation of the time dimension.  Reach for its feel and allow the vibration of its, to gain prominence.  Initially procure the rapidity of its rate, and observe.  Feeling its vibration, you have direct access to inject your conscious to shift its rate.  You do this, and for you the rapidity of the shifting around adjusts so as to allow you to access the individual elements in ways of presence, which allows you to effect vibration rejustification.
Misalignment with opportunity, such as becoming sleepy when the availability of sleep time is distant, or becoming hungry when food is distant, is wired into time dimension as well, and in directly grasping, vibrationally, the time dimension within you, and wrapping your conscious into the flow rate of its energy, you are effecting the alignment of synchronization of circumstantial time coordinate points with your energetic needs.
If time dimension is mis-represented in your presence, grasping its frequency state is readily available because among the inner frequencies which are available from immediately within the surface of your being, it will be noticeable due to its discordant state with repect to the harmonious resonance of your source frequency states.  So you reach inward with your conscious attention and assume the feel of this frequency of time dimension.  Adjustment of its rate readily follows.
When we say adjusting the rate of the time dimension, it is really about gaining conscious presence awareness of its vibration and observing how it is somehow kind of doing its own thing with respect to the vibration of harmonic essence of your source energy.  This awareness is all which is needed, and the restoration of the harmonic resonance of time dimension in its relevant proportion ensues.  Just one key thing to remember is that when things get out of whack with regard to time, such as when you feel overwhelmed, or there are inappropriate feelings going on according to conditions, or when physical and/or emotional states are rapid firing too fast for you to keep up, take your attention inward and give the time dimension a vibrational look.  Allow resonance to proceed on its own.
Feel the time dimension threading, as it extends through and through the interwoven course of your defined scope.  Having its vibration frequency in your scope of conscience, you can see there is emission of light.  If you will grasp your focus into allowing such light emission to gain relevance in your prominence.  Perceiving in this way allows integration of time dimension, in resonance, into higher dimensions which comprise the wholeness of you.  Light emission is always inherent in vibration and accompanies your awareness of vibration.  Attuning your sensors for perception is all that is needed for this light perception to gain prominence in your state.  Here we specifically call out the time dimension because this is a powerful method for integrating this dimension into elevation of significance, in a hindering way.  Restorance to resonance is the healing for this.  Light is a catalyst for this.  Light provides the energetic permeation which transmits resonance throughout domains of realms of energetic expression, and thus exploring the light emission directly opens energetic pores into inter-dimensional energetic space which immerse higher dimension energy right into all of your presence.  This, any time, however things appear in your finite domain subset of infinite space.
So when you feel rushed, overwhelmed, like things don't fit somehow, there is always some kind of imbalance going on with time dimension.  It is a matter of perspective in focus to, rather than wrestle with the resultant conditions thereof created, inwardly feel the time dimension vibration and ensuance of its light emission.  Allow this to integrate, and move forth.
Third dimension relegates the transmission of feeling states to propagation along the course of dialectic oscillations, and prominence of busy-ness with third dimension life form, so too course the obvious sensory responses therefrom into primary interaction with consciousness.  To the nominal of you, this result gains appearance as of a going back and forth between a two category state of good and bad, and this corrals you into scurrying toward assuring yourselfs the good, running from the bad.  Problem is, running from the bad ingests the bad, and your progression in this endeavor proceeds toward an ever-narrowing orifice through which the 'good' becomes such a distant possibility that the prospects can be bleak.  So, you go on and on, just kind of hoping for some 'random' goodness to float into your reality state.  This is the nature of the approach to organic life with exclusivity garnered toward the dialectic nature of three dimensions.  Incidentally, in higher states of finite dimension, dialecticity yields to multiple states, yet still finite and limiting.  Thus, in third dimension, you are just, as human consciousnesses, beginning to glimpse some understanding of further dimensions, of more subtlety, such as time, as integrative into your view of world.  Thus far, in this discourse, we have been speaking of time dimension specifically, as this is most prominent in your present understanding of conceptual dimensional reality extensive beyond physical density.  Learning to integrate time dimension in how we are approaching here learns you into understanding which greases the skids for assumption of integration of all, other, high dimensions.
As we have been showing you, sensing the vibration particular to time dimension, and such light emanating in responsive transmission in concordance with such vibration sentience, this light, as is the closest you can ingest into human understanding of knowing this, is of a fluidity which expands your entire being consciousness throughout dimensional space of your choice of perception.  This, in perceiving the vibration of time dimension, sensing the vibration, light emission, through dissolution of your scrutinizing view which is orchestrated through your origination into interest from a three dimension world, serves as the fluid which effects the integration of time dimension, and your three dimension perception now becomes four dimension, and this is what you would know as the transcendence of time.
Imagine first, then feel.  Know, then feel.  Elevate intention, then feel.  As we speak of you bringing your attention to subject dimensions within your infinite self, and absorbing the revelation of the associated energy frequencies, those entering from a predominant third dimension attention span would likely expect to map directly into sentience.  Yet, sentience of some specific dimensional frequencies is not so easily discernable among the multitudes of dimensions integrating in consummation within your finite being portal.  Your infinite being can be more clever than this, in conjoining your consciousness with specificity of focus.  Everything is at your disposal from finite dimension.  Being conscious of, thinking about, dimensional aspects, integrates your inception of being with such dimensions in that moment.  Thus, thinking about time dimension connects you with time dimension.  Thinking about thought dimension connects you with thought dimension.  Sentience follow as your concentration sustains, yet sentience is not a necessary condition for effective results.  This is why we say to start with the thought dimension, the imagination dimensions.  The connection is made, and as you see, your finite being penchant for immediate confirmation of results is just a hindrance.  Imagine it, think it, and trust.
So, as we have been speaking here, your typical connundrums of friction with your time dimension are approached like this.  You notice, through some sensory (physical, emotional, mental) conditions that there is something out of whack, some discomfort.  As your associative tendency would seamlessly lead you, the shift to focus in higher dimensions would carry the momentum of the third dimension sensors, and this is where we ask you to create a new paradigm.  These sensors are vastly coarse with respect to the finery of the energetic vibrations of higher dimensions.  So, we ask you to engage in the energetic finery which is available to you in third dimension - thought, imagination.  These vibrations are not readily felt with third dimension sensory responses, yet the ingredients of your connections with them are of different nature in the consciousness dimensions, and just having your attention on them engages them.  So, you must rely on your memory and faith, to think about the higher dimensions and imagine the energetic feel, the light, even if it is not perceptible in the third dimension view in any way.  Do this and notice how things change.  Notice as your level of sensory comfort shifts in third dimension, and connect the dots with what you have changed in regard to your higher dimension focus.
So, when we say to go inward and sense the time dimension and to allow light to emerge as the fluid of interspatial connectivity, you can do this through imagining, and allow this to lead you by the hand.
Trust in this, in the dimensional intersections with physical, finite domain, which appear subtle, imaginary, indistinguishable for your nominal sensory mode of operation, and place your faith there.  These energetic sensory interactions are the actual facets of your instrumentation in your own creation.  Continuing forth, you will see this more clearly.