Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #99

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Sep 4 – Sep 23, 2017

If you've ever wondered about how things seem to happen when you're not looking for them, or things get created when you stop caring so much, it is because in relevance to the thickness of the world of your existence, the energy from which all manifests is so less-dense that it can seem to you a void of nothingness, and the concept of creating out of nothing is contrary to the principles which guide the developments in your world.  So, the last thing that would occur to you would be to allow your conceptualization around your intentions to vaporize into apparent nothingness in the best interest of allowing them to arise.  In contrary, the approach nominally taken, to bring things into being through deliberate effort and concentration and maneuvering the density, narrows the orifices through which energy can channel into creation in accordance with your conceptualization.  Consequently, when you stop trying, or forget about something, this releases the stricting of orifices, and the energy is allowed to flow.
When you are in a state of acute anxiety, emotional convolution, emotional distress, physical discomfort, physical pain, amidst the obvious collusion of finite plane precipitation which is therein integrated, how can you dissolve the self, so as to allow your energy to diffuse and re-integrate in harmonic convergence with your definement of being as experiential conscience?  In course of finite world integration, facing the furthering of gathering of such states, how can you turn the cringe of anticipating such inductance of energetic configurations into a diffusive awareness of the totality of your energetic state in vibratory essence?
The understanding needed here is that diffusive shifting of energy that is about some conglomeration of physical conditions is not occurring through the limited scope of the condition itself.  The condition itself comes into prominence through diminished recognition of the wholeness of energy which comprises you, yet has become submerged in regard to your awareness level.
Thus, the dissolving of the self arises through arising awareness of the totality of wholeness of energy which comprises you.  This, from the appearance of prominent conditions which are typical to arise out of the physical situations, appears to be energy which is not sentiently available because of the relative fidelity of the vibration.  Yet sentience is only of infinite variety of ways to feel.  Thought energy is a direct connection with the feeling dimension, and thus the path to dissolution of self is brought into imediate access with your thought dimension.  You are therefore advised in these situations to govern your thoughts toward feeling of the summation of your totality of energy of your comprisation.
Sentience does give you some direct communication that there is something going on of direct integration with your physical plane experience, which is evidentiary to your realization of totality of being.  Yet, you are not told you must release your need to traverse the trajectory of your path to diffusion of energetic being amidst imposition of finite plane constraint.  Think first, and allow diffusion to emerge, surrendering your experiential realization to a dawning upon your self of being.
Awareness of your continuous reformation of energetic pulsating issuance of substantive dimensional conglomeration is inhibited through the integration of your conscious energy with your sensory impulses feeding through your emotions.  Spikes of emotions such as fear, arising through physical plane conditions have the innate effect of retracting your expanse of consciousness within to the shell of the finite dimension.  This is one facet of what we have referred to as 'surface tension'.  This, in higher dimension view, is merely a means for assessing stability for the finite being construction, and sustenance of the energetic configuration to allow for the illusive projection of the concept of being being onto itself at all.
Imagine a goal of assuming independence in your emotionary reaction states from your inter-dimensional conscious awareness of your continuous creation cycle.  This necessarily entails freedom from attachment to the exclusively finite plane items, and thus to life itself.  A tall order for many of you, and hence we hint in this way through suggestion of imagining, which, to such beings who are trained to retreat through finite-plane fear, equates to the 'unreal', there is nothing to fear from considering the prospect imaginarily.  Imagination energy is real, and is energy and intersects your finite dimension continuously, and through loosening the grip of the surface tension, allowed to promote expansion of your being into inter-dimensional completeness.  So, know that your imagination energy is doing this, and it is your willingness to allow the dissolution of your finiteness, which is happening continuously, to enter into your awareness.
Resultant from this means of endeavoring is transformational shift in continuous interaction of unfolding experiences of the finite plane drama play.  Surprise in the precipitated energetic conditions in all moments become a prevailing governance in place of your habitual linear-minded mapping of conditions, plans and expectations.  The linear mind and all the goodies that go with it are very much still there, yet it is now in perspective with respect to the limitation dimension within which it operates.
Using imagining in opening in this way, the divisive surface tension between the worlds of finite plane and inter-dimensional consciousness becomes mutable, and in so, effusing higher dimension energy in integration becomes possible.  This is a matter of flow with allowance of flow enhanced through the dissolution of only appearance of energy forms having structured in finitely objective ways.  When we speak of energy in this way, with respect to flow in apparent contrast with relegation of finite resultant reality projections, this really means facets of all energies of every level of subtlety as they traverse trajectories along the finite plane coordinates, rather than merely physical objects, about which it is easier to speak because of the tangibility factor.  Yet, our discussion here is applicable to the subtleties of energy which your sensors interpret as emotional states, the subtleties of energy which your mental sensors interpret as thoughts, as well as all other forms of energetic flow which intersect the finite domain in some palpable way.
So, as you reach into experiencing your physical plane phenomena in recognition of dissolution of the stability of energy forms, even whilst experiencing the interactions with such forms, 'know' the allowing of higher dimension energetic flow into accordance with the summative totality of your experience.  This is done passively, yet your aggressive components of deliberation are essential to your totality and these are engaged as well.  Thus, for instance, you can choose to experience the infusion of light, color amidst the allowing and perceiving of energy flow.  You can choose to direct energy into infusion into specific components of your finite reality, even amidst the greater perception of the energetic flow.  It is your greater perception which is key to this.
When things seem long-term, such as physical conditions or life-long challenges, your principles on being able to turn things around, absorbing your physicality and all that associates with it, into pure energetic state to allow reformation into created anew, can be approached the same as with the simpler blips along the course of your existence.  There is just more 'weightiness' to such conditions and this translates into sustenance of your energetic approach.  It is not so easy to see the effects available downstream if you will sustain your energetic intention consistently.  The tendency is to reflect back the conditions which have become so familiar and become resigned to being unable to change.  This is the threshold across which you can step, and to not give up on the changes you wish to invoke.  You are surrounded with pressures, besides the physical states, such as social reflections, which press you away from initiating the changes you wish to initiate.  Do not give up.  Seek the changes you wish, and begin with yourself.  If you wish to change the world, allow others to take their course, and re-orchestrate the energetic conditions of your own being.
It may seem complex to you because your linear mind tends to focus on one thing at a time, often inspired by the perception of what you feel is causing the most discomfort.  The thought of persistently shifting your energy into dissoluting the conditions of the many things that go on continuously in this way can seem daunting.  Yet, this is not how you must approach this.  Your thinking in this way is locked into the time dimension, which is a product of the finite dimension domain.  You can continuously be in a state of moment-to-moment energetic re-creation as conditions arise.  The key is to be aware and wary of your tendency to get sucked into the sensory (physical, emotional and mental) absorption of your attention as such conditions arise.  Catch these things early as they come up, and shift into your energetic awareness immediately.  This may be 1000 times a day that you are making this kind of shift.  Time is irrelevant.  You do not need to maintain an hours attention on one item.  You make the shift mentally, beginning even with the imagination dimension, and raise your aspirations to sighting into the vast higher dimensions.  If something persists, nothing to stop you from doing this numerous times within even a short time period.  This must be undertaken, rather than your innate tendency to hold focus on what you consider to be the 'problem'.
If it is a life long thing, make it a mission to keep entering into the finite plane reflections from which you receive sensor stimulation of the notification for desired change, and make the shift to perception of your energetic vibration state, releasing all physicality, and enter into higher dimension energetic awareness with allowance of energy reformation.  Place no limits on how many times, nor how long, this is needed.  Just make it integrative in your being to approach all finite plane induced tension in this way.
As time goes on, you will realize more and more deeply that the source of the feelings that you register as good for you is the source energy through which you gain realization in sentience, allowing your vibration state to feel through your physical plane perceptions.  Realizing this, you realize that such 'good' feeling states are readily available for your experiential realization within any moment, from any point of perception in your physical plane environment.