Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #98

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Aug 27 – Sep 3, 2017

Dimensional environment is of scope to corral your focus into forms to which your primary sensors within your dimensional world can register detection.  As you are of infinitely expansive energy, this is of which you are and always ever-present.  It is the constraining of your awareness which allows for your scoping mechanisms that sculpt your perception of your world as onto itself with dimensions only of which such world is defined.  Thus, it feels to you as though you are a separately-defined being within a finitely-dimensioned world, in which your conscience, perceptions, actions and registrations of sensory results are independently propagating along a trajectory which you understand to be 'your life'.
As is the nature of your life, say in n dimensions, there are n-1 dimensions of allowment for interactivity and variation, with still freedom for movement in a defined being form.  Thus, your three dimensional environment conforms to the dialectic environment of two-state linear oscillations of what you perceive as opposites.  These occur physically, mentally, emotionally, and produce the states of ups and downs that you experience.  Particularly your emotional states will train you to carve paths that you believe are likely to construct configurations of emotional results that are aggreeable to you.  As complexities of conditions take hold, this can really be a hit-and-miss undertaking, and onward it goes in your quest to find the answer to that which would just make things feel good all the time.
This is now a perfectly viable means for navigating a finite life form in a dimensional world, and this is just how the nominals in your world do this.  It is not the only means, however.  As your awareness of your world is orchestrated through the scoping which renders your perception of inter-dimensional energetic dimensions as subdued, you have of your avail at any time the capacity to scope your awareness to readily perceive higher dimensional facets of your essential existence.  If your experiential results in finite dimensions of ups and downs have seemed to mostly result in downs, such an expansive approach to awareness of higher dimensions would likely be appealing.
Upon undergoing such a quest, however, what you readily find is that assuming awareness of higher dimensions immediately fascinates you into such an incredibly expansive existence that the detailed world of finite dimensions becomes trivial and insignificant in comparison, and thus begins the journey of how to be expanded spiritually into high frequency space even whilst going about the organic life within the finite world.  In finite world motivation comes through 'caring' about what is going on in that world, yet heightened awareness renders all of that about which to 'care' as transient energy states of inconsequential significance within the infinite.
This going back and forth between the awareness of the higher dimension energies and the scoped focus within finite world creates an elasticity in your emotional states which define a surface tension that tends to keep you in finite scope and perceiving the higher dimension world as a separate thing that is out there but not integrated into your life.  This is part of design of finite energetic form, the vortices which allow the energy to precipitate into some definitive finite dimension extraction within higher dimensions.  Integration of your consciousness into finite form is how the basic character of your organic life is established.
We are here to discuss means by which you will be able to ameliorate the contrasting starkness that seems to separate your life of finite transience and your permanent essence of high energy being, allowing your awareness and existence to freely motivate all the while.
There is always, always, some going back and forth between your perception of finite world and your awareness, or at least wondering, of your true essence of infinite dimension energy.  At one end of the spectrum, you go through a whole lifetime excluding consideration of your essence and basically see your finite world as all there is.  Upon termination of your finite life, your awareness filters dissolve and you can see your true essence in a different light.  Somewhere further along the spectrum, you become aware enough to perceive your true nature, at least briefly, but are deterred from endeavoring further in this way by the sense of extinction of your essence of finite life that is first perceived through the contrasting nature of these levels of awareness.  Yet, when you go back, you have had such experience, but your finiteness is all still there, so you have some evidence that your finite life has the resilience to sustain you through varying levels of awareness which allow you to glimpse your true nature.
The going back and forth is the key here, because the secret to allowing your existence to continue in finite domain yet with expanded awareness of higher dimension energies is to learn to shift your awareness in this way at very high rates.  The time constraints in finite world are illusory and you have the capacity to shift your awareness from perceiving the ostensible finite-only existence to perceiving your infinite true nature, at an infinitely high rate.  Recognizing the feel of your vibration state is the key to doing this.
Pockets of containment can be created as your emotional states motivate you to grasp after subsets of finite reality.  Funneling your vision into specifics which get your attention, momentarily you forget the energetic source of the created precipitations, and choose to somehow try to preserve them, unwitted that your motivating factor is the emotional state sensory reaction you are associating therewith.  Such pockets of containment create membranes originating through mental energy frequencies, that define the scope of expectancy for your conscious endeavoring.  This has the effect of reflecting the energetic higher dimensions outward from your experiences, and containing inward only the necessitated finite dimension subsets needed for whatever you have decided at the time is of utmost importance.  Going along in this way continually creates the need for you to work your way out of these containing pockets of energy, and find your way to allowing integration with higher dimension frequencies again.  Often this comes through transient effects of the waning of the significance of whatever got you excited enough to create the mental membranes, or through other, neglected precipitations of prominence calling for attention.
So, our encouragement is, when you find yourself getting swept up in desire about something, give the energy its free flowing motion, yet be mindful about creating a tunnel vision type of view that crystallizes the snapshot of vision created in your mind at the time of your heightened awareness of emotion (or, same kind of thing in retreating from something that strikes you in a displeasing way).  When energy arises in this way, and you become scoped on something that aligns with your energetic center, allow it, yet hold your energetic pores in openness to receive the continual integration of higher dimensional frequencies.  This actually allows such visions to really manifest for you, whereas your instinctual reaction creates pockets that tend more to filter out the energetic flow which would allow them to manifest.
So, even when you get excited about something (or repelled), stay mindful about being in sentient touch with your subtlest energetic essences.
In so doing, your inter-dimensional being, as integrated into a sub-universal world of select dimensions, elasticizes and you will see that density is really a property of energy vibrating characteristically so as to represent conditions within select dimensions.  Disidentifying with the selectivity of the being-presence in such form allows the availability of all ranges of energetic perception, and this integrates elasticity and fluidity in your experiential being, transcending the subsumption of finite dimension properties.  Your role in allowing this to happen is to engage your conscious will in openness of perception of your intrinsic energetic state.
To feel what you know as feelings, emotional states, you are actually clipping down the purest energetic state of your true realization, which comprises rapturous triggering of your finite emotional sensors.  So, when you are at your peak types of experiencing along the course of the range of your emotions, there may be a brief touching of your core essence which introduces a taste of the rapturous into your emotional stream.  Tying your emotional states into physicality and the coursing of events of the dense world, this seems to happen quite infrequently, when everything just seems to line up correctly.  If you are interested in directly experiencing rapturous conditions, rather than to let the wheel of fortune in the land of density spin until you get lucky, the way is to directly allow your exclusiveness of density of being disolve, and to allow the totality of your energetic essence to invade your experiential coordinates.  You can do this simply by thinking it, and intending it.  Often.  Do this often, and your experiencing mechanics of your finite plane being will become trained to become attuned to your inner spirit, allowing your direct path to rapturous feeling states.
As a 3d being your tendency would be to 'go after' rapturous states through grasping, or some form of action.  That is how you do things in the physical.  Yet, it is the opposite.  It is the complete realization of your physicalness as energetic form amidst the vastness of pure energy which defies some conceptualization as energetic form, and this evokes dissolution of your physicalness, in perception, rather than grasping, or constructing parameters of configurations which you are hoping will allow the rapturous mind states to manifest.  We are thus instructing you to 'go after' these experiential mind states directly, yet through transfusion of your conception of energetic form into pure energy essence.  If you can get beyond your innate reactionary response to the feeling that this is causing your being to cease its existence, it is really pretty easy.  We understand that you don't readily feel it easy to get beyond these kinds of innate response systems of your physical being, and that is why we are telling you, so you will at least take our word for it enough to try.  Why not?  There is nothing you can do wrong for intending yourself into rapturous mind states.