Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #96

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 19 – Jul 29, 2017

There is a core, brook, of energy source, completely available for your attention, with coordination with your inner being.  You can feel this if you bring your attention here, and if you are willing to let your senses of this feeling deepen, a experiential existence significantly more direct and meaningful awaits.
You will notice, if you bring your attention to the surface layer of your being, the constitution of your organic self is continually created and re-created, infinitely fast.  In the course of creation, light is produced and is being emitted.  On nominal grounds, your implement of being structure is tendered to suppress the light emission, or dim to be in confluence with the environment of physicality in which you are present.  Yet, this is the nominality, and your consciousness is at the level of operation to determine this.  The light emission is visible to you, and it is only up to your intention to be able to see this and bask in the emission of light from your own, entire being.
Passively seek to see, as observance of light emission from your being.  This would somewhat appear to you as though you were just patiently waiting.  Effortfully trying to seek seeing would itself ripple waves of obscurity in the inter-dimensional transmission medium itself.  Even the tension of your mental willfulness, trying to concentrate in this way, creates ripples of distortion through the medium.  You can employ a tactic of relaxing as you realize this, and here is the way the cyclic nature of the high, infinitely quick, creation frequency allows for you to correct in this way at any moment.  You don't have to wait for a long time for the transients of the ripples to dissipate, as you would do with dense media.  You become to a realization point that in observance of your true inner self, you are absorbed in your entirety of consciousness within frequency states of the level of subtlety as the frequency of imagination.  This means that it may be likely that you would at first feel you are imagining light emanating from the divining boundary of your defined being state and the infinite, and upon quietly relaxing into observance this seemingly imaginary light becomes more prominent.  Allowing your being to be carried in this way, experientially you expand beyond, way beyond, the initial visual lead-in of the observance of light.
You thus enter the 'witness zone', whence you realize that the 'You' that is experiencing is independent of the body and the inhabituary mental operations therein.  You can see/experience the faculties of your accustomed awareness yet with deeper awareness of the real source within which they exist as creations.
A key turning point is happening here, with your realization of knownst integration of the sense of frequency of imagination.  Heretofore, imagination is categorized in a divisive separatist way as 'unreal' and not related to real in any way.  You, with this insight gained, realize that your inability to sense the subtlety of this frequency is the root of your conclusion that it is unreal and separate.  Now you know differently, and thus make use of this knowledge.  You see now where the sensory openings into reception of frequencies of this subtlety expose your consciousness to integration with the real inner source of your being, and hence the creation of your vitality.
You see, it is all coming from within yourself.  You see a tree and are struck with its beauty and you feel a unification with nature.  Your human programming would give credence to the tree and nature being the source of your moment of unification you are feeling.  Yet, it is you, it is the source within you that does this.  The tree is one example, yet it is continuous for you to go on emptying the conscious awareness from your inner self and bounce along like a metal ball in one of those pinball machines, from dense plane reflection to dense plane reflection, and on and on.  Seeking to repeat your 'moment' of unification with the tree, your inclination is to seek out the tree, or seek out another moment.  And, maybe if you do, you find your mind running along at 190 miles per hour and that moment doesn't get repeated.  This is because your relationship with your inner source is narrowed to such a trickle that you are not seeing things with full presence.
So now, with this in mind, it would seem that your objective can be advised to be continuous in supporting your awareness of your inner source energy, and this is why we are mentioning this core, brook, inner source energy feeling for you to turn your attention regularly.  Just remember to keep doing this, and remember to notice when the impulses get caught up in reacting to the dense world precipitations.  When you are in the mode of being mesmerized by the dense precipitations, there needs to be some means of gaining leverage to shift control to your inner source, and this is how we are suggesting.  Knowing your inner source, core, brook of energy, and knowing your frequency of imagination energy, you can feel, and even when your finite plane sentience is not readily attuned to palpable feeling of this, this is when you bring your imagination frequency dimensions into intersection, and raise your inner patience, inner waiting, inner witnessing into prominence.  You may sometimes feel a rush of tide trying to vortex you into exclusive focus on the denseness, but your willful sustenance of conscious focus inward, sourcefully, holds you steadfast.  So, now, make this a continuous practice to focus in this way, and remember that when you are noticing things in your worldly environment, that the source, however differently it may seem at the time, is within your inner being of infinity.
So, do you know how to shift internally so as to keep the transient energy waves from your reactionary states to the external from becoming the prominent domain of your focus?
Well... there are different facets.  There is the strength of your innerness - your inner pillar of energy; there is the handling of your reactionary states when you do get grabbed into a symbiotic relationship between your inner emotional energy and the effects manifesting in the physical dwelling; there is the becoming absorbed in dimensions alternative to the physical three, such as the mental, and upon shifting back to attention on the physical three becoming entrenched in the external vibration effects in that envelop of transition to becoming rooted in your energetic pillar in your composed operation within the physical dimensions, which throws you unannounced into that mode of dealing with your reactionary states; there is the particular form of being in reactionary states with respect to energy emanating from other beings, as there is the open chanel for energy transmission which can effect direct infusion of energetic dimensions which affect your frequency states if you allow this - and this is particularly of effect with beings of the same species.
In all of this, you know that energetic pillar strength develops ongoingly as your awareness continues to focus there.  This becomes more 'real' and integrated into the whoness of your physical being, and you get to where you are not ever quite so far from full awareness in this way.  So, this is a given.
Additionally, get interested in your impulses, the more subtle, the most subtle forces which influence your volition in directing your attention to that which absorbs your awareness energy.  This is the secret and the key to prompt restoration of basis within your energetic pillar of central core being, upon finding that your distractions within your environment have taken hold.  As any impulse arises, it is the awareness, the realizing of it, which enabes you to interject your volition and choose the energetic path.  So, for instance, if you have become absorbed in some mental energetic endeavor and suddenly some being dumps a bucket of water on your head, typically you find yourself in a state of anger and are vocalizing or acting according to impulses which seem as though you have not had any say.  If you are aware enough at the precise moment when you realize that your mental endeavor has been disturbed, to pereive the impulse prior to entering the anger state, you are then in position to take a choice, whether to still jump into actions of anger, or to become in depth in your core energetic source and proceed through your true being.
Now, the practice of this needn't only be carried out when someone dumps a bucket of water on your head.  This should be a habitual practice through and through your finite being's courses of existence.  Practing when you can be more deliberate, such as when deciding what to eat or whether or not you are hungry and should eat something, you feel in more depth inside yourself and get a reading on the energetic feeling states which are driving you to action.  Allow your action to be autonomous, yet with volition, as we had started training your mind to accomplish with breathing in a recent discussion.  Remember?
In doing this, your acquaintance becomes associated in the domain from which impulse energy arises and you become recognizant of this frequency, and as such, your influential will in such domain becomes independent of dimensional time constraints, and hence the rapidity of events such as when someone dumps a bucket of water on your head whilst you are absorbed in thought does not enter as an effective parameter of hindrance in your engagement of volition in concordance with your core energetic being in confluence with your arising impulses.
You don't either have to wait until you are hungry and deciding what or whether to eat.  Your impulse to breathe is always there, and is always of autonomy or volition, and now we are again at the suggestion of training you to bring your attention to breathing, volitionally, with autonomy, as your breath is at the source of your impetus for continuance of the life itself of your finite being.