Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #5

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jun 16 – Jun 22, 2016

Regarding what we call surface tension.  As you physicists are aware, high frequency energy, such as light, traversing through inter-dimensional space, shifts in perceived velocity, speed and direction, when passing through physical media, some reflection occurring, some directional persistence with shift in direction and speed, and intensity.  You are of such a high frequency energy, and are traversing through inter-dimensional space, and are shifting energy as your physical world precipitation occurs, shifting direction, reflecting, filtering.  This is all integrated with your inter-dimensional consciousness.  Your interface with the environment is known through the sensory parameters of the physical bodies, and the effects that strike contrast between your natural high frequency state, and the experiencing of the resultant effects upon filtering into a finite dimensional existence, we summatively refer to as "surface tension".  Surface, because the finite dimensional intersection within infinite dimensional energetic reality is a 'surface', just as a thin, two dimensional object that is twisting and bending within three dimensional space is considered a surface.  The tension is the configuration of forces which enable the surface to remain in tact within a higher dimensional space.  And your surface tension is the configuration of forces that allow you to experience a three dimensional body and ensuing three dimensional world life within an infinite dimensional reality.
Although your world is created through a blueprint of paradise, for individuated beings, it is this surface tension of which we speak, and the navigation thereof, which deviates seemingly individual paths into a course that is anything but paradisaical.  Navigating this surface tension, and finding your way back to the original idea of paradise, at your current state of species evolution, constitutes a good deal of what you call your spiritual quest.  In that regard, our stream of guidance frequently encourages, in several ways, maintaining focus within, gaining continuous awareness of the inner source energy stream reachable from your consciousness center of congruence with your finite dimensional being.  Maintaining this focus concommitant with existence in a finite plane intersection is itself replete with surface tension, bending the consciousness flow according to the multitudinous surfaces of navigation along the journey.
An energy structure, a lattice, is present which will, if focused upon, draw your mental state into clarity, from places of oozing foggy headedness, being mentally unclear and feeling entangled in the physical drama.  Your attention to the energetic lattice work, held mentally, enhances the prominence of this energy, which shines forth in clarity, dispelling the foggy states.  Your seeing and perceiving arises through knowing.  Knowing bridges the gap of doubt in things like this, which are initially so subtle in contrast to the physical environment, that you may feel like they are distant and imperceptible.  Knowing required no sensory confirmation such as vision or sentience.  Maintain the know, and move onward from the knowing.  In the foggy times, you can feel the fog rushing into absorption within the lattice structure, and you find that maybe you see something, or can envision or feel something, but that doesn't matter, because you know this is there and having the effect you are intending.  Remember, ongoing, this lattice is there.  Amid the activities, this can draw into your usefulness, bringing energetic support immediately into what is going on in a given moment.  The energetic vessels of the lattice grow in prominence as your attentive focus remembers.
Restructuring and repatterning of the energetic lattices occurs in congruence with physical coordinates, and your being in the middle of such get your sensory receptors mixed in with it all.  If you process such sensory signals as you would in a purely physical way, you are subject to being misled into directing your energetic focus toward strictly physical imbalance.  Releasing attachment to your physical only perspective would be very helpful here.  Seeing the inter-dimensional changes occurring whilst experiencing from the physical vantage would at first appear to be going inward into things like pain and suffering.  This is only the surface tension level.  Going into the vibration level, the depth of the energetic ocean, you are able to place the physical perspective in perspective.
Sometimes, some of you, may be so used to the struggle of healing that you don't quite know how to handle it when healing actually happens.  The kind of path taken is usually something is noticed to be out of balance because of discomfort or a change in appearance, or maybe even just because someone else says so.  Having recognized some imbalance, hence need for change, hence healing to be sought, you somehow embark on a quest to restore balance, and thus heal.  Your existence is replete with long journeys of effort to heal, and little or no change, which makes the struggle of healing familiar to you.  This creates a contrasting situation when change actually occurs and the object around which the healing struggle is created becomes restored to balance.  How does the energy of struggle then gracefully disengage itself and withdraw so as to keep from creating more imbalance and havoc due to its skewed nature?  How do you shift your psychic engagement so as to integrate the balance that has been restored so as to generate waveforms as such rather than the waveforms of struggle to restore some imbalance?
Answers to these questions defy the means for asking them.  In approaching your somatic, life, experience situation, from a common place of seeing a struggle to heal, there is an implied out of balance as a fundamental frequency, and you are continually generating waveforms from an internal resonance of struggle to heal.  With this as an internal resonance, there is not going to be a resonance with the harmonic state of having been healed, unless the fundamental resonance state itself shifts to be generating waveforms of balanced harmony.  Therefore, if your natural state is of struggle, as it is for most humans, then the healed states will be short lived.  There may be healing, and it may be noticed, but with these kinds of fundamental wave forms, those states will be the transient ones, and the 'norm' will be the struggling, non-healed states.
The secret to achieving a configuration in which healing will be recognized is to fundamentally shift your inner resonance wave form generation to generate physical, emotional and mental wave forms that are of harmonic, balanced, already healed states, independently of whatever effects you are witnessing as a creation process.  This may take some entraining, both to dissipate the transient effects of being in contrast with your peers, and to have the fortitude to maintain the inner waveform generation of harmonic balance even whilst the tide of transient imbalances crosses your data stream.  Your most direct and effective way to do this is to work directly with your innermost waveform generator.  To do otherwise - to address the shift to an inner state of generating healing energy as a regular basis by individually trying to settle down every out of balance condition and convince yourself that it is back in balance - is about as reasonable as taking a bottle of water and dissipating it throughout the atmosphere and trying to drink it by chasing after every drop and drinking them one by one, given that you would even be able to locate them all.
This all of course raises the wonder on why your fundamental resonances get out of whack in the first place, and what to do about shifting the basis resonant frequencies to your liking.  The one step in this that would likely most efficiently and effectively guide you to understanding is that rather than a seeking of some place, such as within your being, where this magic resonance generator resides, connection with the elemental energetic repositories aligned with your being directly gets made as relieving the barriers and just letting what's left when the guards have been let down come forth.  Any moment, any place, any sequence of what appears significant in the physical plane, penetrating the solidity of the physical and recognizing it as vaporous, allows your pulsating resonant heartbeat to be revealed.  Approaching this way initiates the process of shifting the resonance which integrates to your fundamental physical world interaction to align with your consciousness-being, and allows the transient effects that have been constructed as guards and barriers in the physical to evaporate as dissipative.  Most significantly for an individual would be to remember, simply remember that this is how it works.  Remember that there is a resonance heartbeat of your consciousness-being, and that it is not up to you to figure out how to make it be there and how to calibrate the frequency.  It is.  Guard rails and physical plane inspired intersections are the factors in the frequency shifting into whatever you are experiencing in the physical plane.  Just keep remembering.  Upon this mental thread of remembering, your consciousness already knows how to follow into inter-dimensional consciousness and sensorily connect with the energetic essence heartbeat of your centric being.  Softening your physical plane surface tension, then, you proceed into feeling, perceiving the shift in your intersected frequency, your being and your consciousness as the division between your inter-dimensional consciousness and your physical plane intersection seams you into unified consciousness.