Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #94

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 9 – Jul 13, 2017

Your shape of being, as interspersed with medium of finite world, comprises a gridlike structure of energetic nodal points.  These are infinite and infinitessimally spaced, yet for operating in a means of injecting higher dimensional energies in concordance with your sustenance of finite projection, knowing your gridlike structure in an envisioning of energetic nodal points of numerous quality beyond immediate linear mind grasp is enough for you to manifest integration of higher dimensional wholeness amidst the insertion of finite definition within your infinite being states.
Wholeness would have your energetic grid at full strength in all nodes, all of capability of spectral energetic frequencies at unimpeded amplitudes.  This would allow for interaction appropriate for your being in any and all circumstances of finite definition.  Short of wholeness and full strength of your energetic grid, your being is functioning in states of varying points of fragmentation, and impedance in functioning of some energetic nodes is resulting.  This is going on when you are noticing states of being 'unhealed', some imbalance in your somatic, emotional, mental states and the functions of your living of life.
We are here to discuss methods for restoration of full functioning of your energetic grid structure of your being, and hence restoration of wholeness, and hence healing of all conditions at any energetic level.
Our objective is to raise high frequency awareness of your complete state of energetic being, in its finite dimension form, so as to allow energy flow in all areas.  All together, your awareness becomes encompassing of the scope of your entire being, scanning, feeling in totality, and thus areas of diminishment are allowed to elevate in concordance with your energetic state.  At the same time, we are blending sensory interactions in your finite being with inter-dimensional sensory expansion in several ways.  Knowing your energetic being in grid structure, at times you will sense this in sentience, at times in visual sense.  Combining the coming and going of these sensory states with cognizance, you include a continuous awareness in one or more of these ways, maintaining contact in this way.  This allows your cognizance to fill the void when your sensory awareness is spotty, or when your energetic balance is weakened in some way.  Hold the level with your cognizant awareness, and allow the energy states to rise.
The power in this is the integration of the cognizant dimension.  Because a nominal effort in a physical being to maintain surface being awareness at a keen energetic level would be subject to interference from the emotions and physical sensations arising through the disruption of harmonic balance in the being grid state.  This would dissuade the attentiveness span from maintaining focus in the interest of overall being awareness.  This is now how you become wise to this.  The grid state can cognitively be in awareness independently of the sensory vibrations, and it is the maintaining of this awareness that allows the gaps in the grid state to heal energetically.
So do this, and give attention to the entire shape of your being.  Not just where the senses are being felt most prominently, and not just where the disruptions are being felt.  All throughouht your being.  If you can feel your entire being is humming with harmonic energy throughout the grid, then terrific, maintain blissful awareness and enjoy.  If otherwise, move systematically, mentally covering all areas of your shape, and feel, sense your energetic grid, and if no sensory feeling, sentient or visual or both, is happening, fill in with cognizance and hold for a time, giving a chance for allowance of energetic rise in these areas.  When there is a physical disruption in some part of the body, there is obviously some imbalance showing up there, yet you approach in the same way.  Do give this area energetic vibration attention, yet in a way that addresses the energetic harmonic vibration of the entire being.
Sometimes you may not feel like anything is happening, and you will need to trust your cognitive attention span and the effect it will have to maintain your cognitive awareness.  Sometimes there will be disbalances that are not obvious from the surface, and your emotional states will be fluctuating, and interjecting into your motivation to even put your attention on this awareness exercise.  You must push this through with your mental will and power.  One thing you can do here is, when you notice or even suspect there is some emotional stirring going on, feel to notice where it is associated in the body, and approach this part of the body as we have guided for facing physical disruptions - feel the vibration in that area and hold the focus with intent for rising the energetic frequency, yet continue to compass to include your entire being state.
As you can see, knowing your grid, and knowing your harmonic energy state, any disharmonic state of imbalance in your being as it is integrated into finite society is a depletion of energy flow in some areas, and it is immediately influenced by your attentive will to allow your energy to proceed in its natural state.
Let's call this process simply being energization, and let's just suggest doing this at least five times a day.  When you lie down to go to sleep, and upon first waking would be excellent times for this.  And, certainly when you notice signs of disruption in your being state, this can be a reminder to do this.  Doing this regularly will bring the harmonic energy flowing in full force of your being to be your nominal operation in the physical plane, and without even trying, this effect will be communicated to other beings.
You can move througout your being rather rapidly, some times, particularly when your energy is in moving, balanced state, in which case you will find it pretty easy to get a sense of the entire energy state of your being humming along.  Other times, sometimes, you may find that closer attention is needed and that you need to spend some time in some areas, allowing the energy sensations to emerge, using the strength of your cognizance to hold the ground to allow this to emerge.
And as you continue to do this - stay with the five times a day minimum as a basis - you are going to find that resilience is changing in regard to the heretofore lack of elasticity in regard to dealing with physical plane happenings.  Keeping your being in harmonic energetic scope, throughout the shape of your being definition in finite plane, you will see, establishes a nominal resilience basis that is quite responsive energetically, and allows your inter-dimensional being to be included in your experiences readily.  This ameliorates the conditions which drive you to be in extended periods of disharmony due to conditions that are ostensibly arising from the dense environment.  Something arises that would usually drive a reaction in you causing upset, dismay, your nominal response is going to become now to immediately go into awareness of your energetic being state, and into allowance for changing conditions in the dense environment to take their course in energetic resonance with your harmonic energy state.  You will see.
When you become absorbed mentally, as will be unusually possible as your habitual construction of energetic flow obstacles is rendered as unnecessary and seen as the inhibition it is in your existence as a high frequency energy being, you will/may perceive gaps in connection due to the weighty emphasis in mental plane energy.  It is not so readily obvious, but the restoration of energetic radiance throughout the grid of your being shape accessess the root of gaps such as this, and alleviates the appearance of disconnection that arises. Although this is being presented in terms of your 'being-shape' in congruence with your physical being as a starting point, you are seeing that the energetic grid emanating from, through and around your being is of infinite dimensions and the approach from a standpoint of your finite being is an approach which allows for entryway from a finite starting point.
So, now, this stretches you to bridge the gap with faith and trust that your energetic focus at the being level will address senses of disconnection with energetic flow in the physical plane arising from the mental level.  You can get quite absorbed in mental energy, and from that point, all indications of imbalance seem to make sense to try to approach mentally, yet, when that momentum starts, the mental approach feeds the discord, and it is worthwhile for you to take energetic breath and re-focus your attention at the level of your energetic grid, and the energy flow in all of the grid points, at high frequency, and at elevated amplitude.
You have a related situation when your emotional states become discordant, and you naturally tend to relate them to being effects of your finite plane existence.  You, left to your innate approaches, don't tend to think of the roots of your discord being addressed in your congruent energetic grid.  The emotional states are not so tangible and they are underlying as you progress about in the physicality of your existence.  It is not readily obvious that relief would be instilled through energetic balance in your energetic grid of congruence with your finite being shape.  Yet, doing this a few times and seeing the results will very probably give you some understanding of depth into how and why this is the case.  The non-obvious will become more composite in your nature as you undertake in these ways.  Basically, when you notice that things are feeling off for you in some way, give credence to attending to the energetic grid states of your being, and trust with this until it becomes depthly clear to you how the fundamental nature of your being relates.
You can approach this in many ways.  You can systematically go over every area of your being shape.  You can feel your energetic grid, sentiently, visually and/or cognitively, throughout your entire being at once, and notice where the gaps are, the dark spots, and relieve the surface tension there and allow the energy flow to rise.  If you find yourself feeling somewhat confused, this approach is best.
Through all, be aware that as a being constructed in involutionary energetic structure, there is a continuous tide of energetic flow inward, arising out of which is a scrutinizing subset of consciousness which has a mission to sustain the structure.  This creates the situation of criticality which places categorization on observation of reflections emanating from the created finite world.  It is the job of this arising personality to protect the existence of the involutionary structure, and hence the categorizations emphasize the threats to the preferences of the finite being.  It then follows that the priority for what is noticed is given to what is in contrast with the desires of the being, and thus this critical inner consciousness becomes habitual in noticing primarily what is out of balance.  The issue here is that it does not naturally do the proper energetic things to alleviate the imbalances.  To do this, you must enter with your higher consciousness and stem the flow of the strictly involutionary flow of energy and institute flow in the subtler, higher dimensional energies upstream to the involutionary flow.  This means that you will act willfully in contrast to the prominent display of dense plane phenomena, which are pulling you in the negative direction.  This means that, for instance, when feeling pain, your best interest is served by directing your energetic will toward being healed, rather than the sensory reactions to the pain.  It takes some doing to make this your nominal response, but you get the hang of it as you do it more.  Keep all of this in mind as you work with the ongoing flow of your energetic grid!