Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 4 – Jul 8, 2017
You vaporize, energize, crystallize. Continuously, so fast you aren't aware as a macro being this is happening. It looks as though there is some constancy to your precipitation in being form, and that it is relatively stable, and the fluidity is in movement throughout the environment which is created as a projection of form. Yet, really, you are creating and self-destructing continuously so fast that it takes some extension of consciousness to be able to see this. And, seeing this, you are advantageously positioned for being actively participative in distributing the structure of your creative process.
Directively projecting the orchestration of structured form creation necessarily lies in the arisal from the level of vapored energetic allowance, which is one hundred eighty degrees out of phase with the structural conditions which commonly suggest being-level motivations for change. Macro arrival of motivations for change reverberates the macro conditions, as the effect is simply to reflect into the vaporization, energization and crystallization process, which is the only level of influence at which the macro being is capable of participation.
Crystallization is the emphasis in the macro world of structure, as this is a world that aims to have ostensibility of being self-functioning, and the coarseness of the states of crystallized energy allows for the construction of energetic structure of finite dimension. Sustained emphasis on crystallized energetic structuring in this way does give the point to point appearance of consistency in the precipitated environment, which is, from the macro view, a goal of finite world endowment. Yet, as en energetic being continues along trajectories within such world, motivations can arise which reach their end game when approached through strict view of the crystallized states.
Fundamental to your objectives for healing and manifestation is the full embodiment of your consciousness with awareness in the continual vaporization, energization and crystallization process. Training your consciousness to this is multifaceted, in the interest of rendering your views, as a macro-being, in their proper perspective, and in extending beyond the surface tension which keeps your organically oriented macro-being in a mode of crystallization emphasis in the autonomically-generated mechanisms which are instilled to assure its self-propagation of existence.
Perhaps most obviously, since of supreme emphasis in the structured world view is the energetic crystallization (end-state), enhancing awareness of the vaporization and energization facets of your constitution would be in order. For most of you, at first, to take a flying leap into complete awareness of vaporization, which is the other end of the energetic spectrum from crystallization, would be tantamount to walking right into your own death, and this is a huge feeling of discomfort for the organic organizm. It does not have to be done this way, of course, and awareness can be cultivated in more gradual ways, which will lead to your growing awareness of vaporization and energization as a dawning, not in necessity of some kind of flying leap.
Here is a simple exercise, which, maybe not obviously at first, will cultivate your awareness to seep deeper into your essence than the coarseness of the strict point-to-point focal along the precipitated energetic structures. Many times a day, mostly somewhat autonomously, you either close or open your eyes, whether resting, sleeping, reacting to physical conditions in contrast with their sensitivity, or blinking. As these openings and closings of the eyes go on mostly without dedicated focus of awareness on your part, you know that these operations can be carried out without your complete awareness. Yet, if you resolve to open and close your eyes whilst paying attention, your interaction in conscious awareness kicks into being a deliberate act. Our invitation to you is to spend some focus time on opening and closing your eyes, with conscious awareness, yet whilst allowing the openings and closures to be done with autonomy. Allow your organic being's tendency to take over and drive the act to disassociate from the process, and you thus 'will' your eyes to open and close autonomously. This may be seemingly not possible the first time you try it, but do persist. As you reach the point of allowing conscious autonomous opening and closing of your eyes, extension now becomes possible to allow for your conscious awareness of multitudes of more subtle autonomous processes; most notable your fundamental energetic essence nature of vaporization, energization and crystallization. This can be a real eye-opener!
Trying this just a few times, it becomes notable that for the association with crystallized energy to be rendered in its place, divorce from parameters of the physical environment is necessary. The autonomous allowing for opening and closing of the eyes cannot and must not have any tie-in to 'when and why' of the structured world. It becomes a pure energetic phenomenon, which, although this exercise sounds easy at first, really transforms your entire conscious interaction with your existence. So, hopefully this is motivation... keep doing this eye-opener (and closer) exercise, and have courage for the fundamental substance of your world as you have know it to become transformed into complete awareness of energetic existence.
As your dawning occurs through the eye exercise, it will become very obvious to extend your conscious interaction of allowing for autonomy into any and all tie-ins your macro-being has with the energetically structured environment which defines its mode of operation. This awareness is key to allowing for continuous tactile response through understanding of the rapidly repeating vaporization, energization and crystallization essence of your being. Such tactile response is just how your consciousness becomes of active participation in the generation of the structure of the world itself, including your macro-being itself, and hence what you usually mean when you say 'healing'.
The subtlety you will be cultivating in allowing your eyes to open and close with conscious autonomy will be loosening the 'skin' you adopt as a functioning organic in the finite dimensions so as to 'become a part' of that dimension. What this does is unhooks your nominal tendency to cling to the motivations for participating in your crystallization of energetic structure, which arise through knocking against the energetic structure itself. If you sting your hand and you want it to feel better, your autonomous response, from the positioning of your macro-being, is to pinpoint your attention focus to the hand and the stinging itself (the crystallization), whereas if your interest is really in having a healthy hand, your attention focus toward this objective must release the crystallization conditions of the hand and the stinging, and smooth into the vaporization and energization in the process of re-creating your hand, most preferably a non-stinging one. When it becomes more autonomous to let go of the grasping compulsion to go to the stinging hand, and allow your awareness to be, rather than your current state of affairs, to be the vaporazitaion and energization and re-crystallization as of your complete essence, then you will know that you are having it!
As you will see, with your eyes closed and the allowance for autonomous opening, your involvement is now in knowing - knowing that they are on their way to being opened. Your linearly-oriented three-dimensionalness is not in the loop. It is happening, and that is it. Becoming more accustomed to doing this, now you can know how healing occurs. Same kind of thing. You notice some disbalance somehow, and you know that the initiance of the autonomous nature of being healed is being done through your induction of lifting the veils of obfuscation of your energetic infinite essence, in its cycles of vaporization, energization and crystallization, and thus you know that it is on its way. Whatever it is is on its way, and there is nothing for you to do, as autonomy is in action. Move on with your business, with this knowing in integration throughout your essential being.
What we are talking about here is already familiar to you, yet you may not see it as such, yet. Take, for instance, when you get a minor scrape on the skin, and there is a scratch. You know that it is going to heal. You have simply had enough experiences with the skin healing itself that there is no doubt. And you simply let the autonomy of the healing take over. It is really not different with the complexities of healing the nebulous circumstances of emotional/physical inter-twinings that change shape and characteristics as they go along. Here, you are dealing with something not so self-contained as a scratch on the skin, and the direct experiences of prior healings of such conditions are not so readily accessibly in your memory. Yet, you must do the same thing. Withdraw your orchestrating tendency toward imbalance, and allow the autonomy of your energetic essence vaporization, energization and crystallization to vaporize the imbalanced conditions, and re-form in harmonic balance. Just allow this, with awareness of your pure energy state, and know that healing to restore harmonic balance is happening.
It is the senses you are capable of experiencing which make your interaction with the world of definition of your finiteness unique. This is the product of physicality. You are quite familiar with sight, ears, nose, touch, taste, etc. These are of your attention span because being in physical form both enables them and from your perspective, necessitates them. Yet, if you will only look inter-dimensionally through your consciousness, senses of infinite scope are accessible. When some of these intersect your physical being, you either may not even notice, or you would categorize them as sub-products of the senses you know, or would group them into a general category (sixth sense) to classify the unknown. We have touched on extensions of sensors you know into inter-dimensional energetic scope, because this is one easy way for you to extend from your physical being starting point.
Use this knowledge to transport you into inter-spatial transmission of energetic feel. You can do a little exercise, which is very simple. Take notice of any of your usual five sensations of the physical, and summate the awareness of sensation into prime attentive focus. Continue to perceive the sensation in vibration, energetic feel, in transcendence of the mereness of physical interpretation. In this, allow your consciousness to be carried in through this energetic vibration sensation, and allow transport into inter-dimensional sensory extension. From here, the expansions of the meanings of senses expound according to the infinite.