Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #91

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jun 16 – Jun 24, 2017

In the course of evidentiary rushes influxing your cross-sectional traversal through inter-dimensions via a medium of influence created through and around the being of physical density amidst a world of ostensible density of energy, resultantly you snap into a less-conscious existence within a narrow band of responsiveness to conditions emanating from the resultant creation of the dense physicality as a very minute subset of inter-dimensional expansiveness.  It is the level of engagement of your conscious attentiveness which determines the degree to which you relegate the responsive vibration oscillations to entrain with the lower frequencies of the denseness.  This thins the band of operation in which you experience.  If your intention is to make the created dense precipitation world 'seem' more real and absolute, then lack of consciousness is the way to go.  If your intention is to elevate your feeling states and experience the rising frequencies of your true being, consciousness expansion within and toward the end of expanding the thin band is the way to go.
Expanding your conscious engagement toward this intention involves dimensions of remembering and striving in inner will and energetic intending, for sensing of the environmental subtleties, ever-present yet inautonomous to sense through physical banal sensors, of energetic vibration limitlessly inviting of the infinitessimal density.  To do this, oft in the midst of dense world activity, your only entry point is to just remember and trust in your judgement to resolve to grow in this way.  As you do, those moments when the feeling of awareness reaches palpable energetic sensitivity become more oft and more meaningful.  It is that 'trust' factor, the faith factor, which keeps most of you from striving, of just putting off raising your consciousness level.
Perhaps we can offer this analogy, which will give you some perspective on the operations underlying your shifting densities in real time in the duration of dense plane involvement.  When the weather is hot, and you are walking barefoot on a hot surface, you are motivated to seek relief from the feelings of heat as they affect your physiology sensors, and a cooler body of water is attractive.  So you jump into the body of water, and shift your conditions immediately, so as to relieve your temperature sensors from the extremity of the heat.  If you are not near a body of water and you are in such a state, then you may at least 'think' about a body of water at that time.  Although your interpretation is with respect to temperature sensitivity, you are doing more than finding some way to cool off your dense shell of physiology.  When you jump into the body of water, you are shifting your environment and your attention to a different medium, and it is the temperature difference that is getting your attention to notice.  Once your temperature normalizes with the water, and your episode of discomfort fades into memory, the water as a medium becomes integrated into your experience, and you don't notice so much.
Now, when you are going about, with focus on the dense world environment, and being plugged by discomforts, yet not so easily mapped into direct sensors, as your temperature situation was, with emotional-mental complexity, leaving you with some mishmash of vibration state that you only know as just plain old not feeling so good, you can take a similar approach, except rather than jumping into a different physical medium, such as water, you jump into a different energetic medium, which at first you see as a difference in subtlety, and with the effect on relief not so obvious from the physical world vantage state.  The water temperature relief is noticeable to you in regard to the temp difference, yet there is much more going on that is below the surface of your obvious conscious noticement.  It is this level, which reaches you into inter-dimensional space, which we now must present for you to make conscious direct effort to acknowledge and understand.
Being in discomfort within the world in which you have chosen to journey is a reminding factor, which triggers you to shift your direction of focus into the relative subtle energies, which is how you allow in the energies of inter-dimensional expansion.  Being reminded in this way of course requires being in a state of discomfort in the first place.  This is like driving along the road and continuously wandering off the road and bumping into things to use as a mechanism for keeping you driving along the road.  After doing that for a time, you eventually, most of you, conclude that it is more flowing and natural to simply stay on the road and keep your direction following the road itself.
In the interest of our water/temperature discussion, you need not wait until you feel overheated and are seeking relief from the temperature before you decide to swim in the water.  The heat temperature reminds you, yet you can jump in and swim any time.  And, once acclimated to the water temperature, at the point where the heat discomfort is remitting into the background, you needn't just get out of the water because your temperature relief is accomplished.  You can 'just swim', and enjoy the swimming.
In these analogies, what we are leading up to is that rather than keeping to get into states of irritation in your world, and using that as a means for motivation to seek entry into a less-filtered assumption of inter-dimensional energetic expansion, start choosing to 'just remember', and swim in the energies which appear of more subtle form in your world, and which are, in your usual state of evolutions at this time, typically relegated to miniscule significance.  This is the trick.  Your world stands out because of its density, and all that is associated in life in and of and around it is relatively more dense.  This attributes density as a prominent factor in that world, and such attribution carries into the psyches and expectations of the navigations of consciousnesses among the energies of intersection with that world.  Yet, in swimming directly, consciously, into the appearance of miniscule energetic subtlety, if you will quietly allow the belief of such being of miniscule significance to float away, you will find that the opposite is true, in regard to the role of energetic subtlety with regard to significance.
In knowing this, suddenly you can realize quite a shift in paradigm to multitudes of energetic forms to which you have given little thought, such as the energies of your thought forms.  Yet, to do this and consciously direct your energetic being in this way, the energetic wind of consciousness is itself subtle, and in a world of dense loudness, designed to distract in the interest of protecting the propagation of existence of it, in its dense state, it takes a training of the consciousness, with some key ingredients of trust and willingness to believe, for you to take the consciousness initiative to direct your energetic subtlety of consciousness accordingly.  This, we encourage you to do!
What is immensely different, from the norm in your dense world, in your immersion into infinite energy space, is the infinity of variation in experience.  The coarseness of the density is lifted.  In your world of physicality, you learn to categorize and group experiential conditions together, so as to allow your interaction with the fast-moving, vastness of the mental plane to function.  You categorize, such as snowflakes, which are all snowflakes, yet when focused closely, each has uniqueness about it.  As we say, for purpose of communication, something like focus on the subtler energetic vibrations, each experience of doing so has uniqueness about it, and it is the noticing and allowing of expansion of this uniqueness that propels you into inter-dimensional spatial recognition.  When you are watching snow fall, in the parameters of your physical world you do not see it as possible to absorb the uniqueness of each snowflake.  You may tend to approach the expansion into infinite energetic state with a similar attitude, yet if you will allow your consciousness to expand, you very well can absorb the infiniteness, experientially.
Remembering and noticing that your entire gathering of consciousness is 'swimming' along through the medium of infinity has the effect of bring your attention to presence.  Infinite energetic presence is timeless, as the dimension of time is among the infinite, rather than an addendum to the three physical dimensions known in the physical dimension.  Transcendence of time is indeed in noticing integration with energetic medium, as noticing of the water is an integration of swimming among it.  What happens then, is that, rather than seeing your transgression among the dense media as point to point objectives of some significance altered through injection of filtered mental plane energy, your transmittal through course of life becomes continuous flow through energetic medium.  As this is always the way it is, you are always in position to notice.  If you are not noticing it is simply because you are not noticing, and employing your mental plane freedom of choice changes this instantly.
As you do this, your sense of the palpable of what had been considered so subtle as to warrant little, if any, attention, grows and grows, and this becomes natural to you.  As this happens, your tendency to be thrill-seeking through means of solely physical status lessens, and yet, ironically, as you will soon see, more thrills of such nature will now be crossing your path.  It is your attachment to them, as well as your specificizing of them, which creates the stricturing surface tension which itself keeps them from entering your sphere of realm of influence.  So, keep yourself mindful of the riptide effect of this, and the draw of allure which can suck yourself into the attachment mode.  The attachment arises from interest, and interest can deepen.  Keep yourself mindful to allow the attachment contacts to be brief and of the nature of touching, rather than deep rooting.
In your assumption of energetic awareness, and the infinity of sensory expansion which thereof arises, directly you realize and participate in your dreams and visions which form the vapor of eventual crystalization into the precipitation of dense reality world.  Allow your inspirations which arise through experience in dense reality world to stream energetically through your conscious awareness within energetic infinite assumption, and allow this energetic integration to formulate into dreams and visions, which you appreciate with clarity of mind.  Continue in this way, as the fundamental nature of your dense reality world shifts dramatically and paradigmatically, as does your experiential involvement through and around and in it!