Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #87

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – May 8 – May 13, 2017

Observing, from within the view of a condensed organism, yielding to complete presence and awareness would seem to necessitate conscious movement along the paths of all that is moving in the immediate environment, and this would keep the prospect at arm's length indefinitely.  This appears so because when the mind is faceted for interaction with a structured dimensional environment, conscious knowing of uncountable dimensional paths is inconceivable through the mental channels of availability.  Dimensional expansion is reachable through conscious presence within your being, and it is continued awareness of presence within your being that cultivates awareness into transcendence of the necessity for traversing every finite path which crosses your field.
Your starkness of sensations, through sensory receptors, of physical environment orientation, intrudes and clips your attentive span during resolve to maintain sustained orientation of focus within your inner-energetic being, frequently.
Your automated response is just responsive to sensory receptor energy as 'external stimuli', which propagates the sentiment that physical world domain is happening to you and you are completely in receiver mode all the time.  In Truth, all sensory (physical, emotional, mental, highly dimensional) energy is omnidirectional and of availability for you to interact in direct energetic union.  That this is non-obvious in a nominal earth being stems from the reactive nature, which inspires retreating from the highly stimulant of the sensory conditions - the first thought in encountering something you fear is seldom to integrate with it and energetically transmute - try this in your dream states; in dreaming situations which engender fear, walk right into them and see what happens - this is a clue to take into your waking state density.
Assuming the energy around your worldly existence, energy which habitually enforces retreat response in you, in ways that integrate directly, in depth-dimension in your being, changes things in accord with your high frequency being, and in contrast with your nominal density approach.  This entails rising to energy states elevating from the stabilization established to give the dense structure of your world credibility for sustained presence as a capture of precipitation within multi-dimensional energetic reality.  As a life-form bearing being, this appears to require effort - effort to remember, to maintain will as the onrush or retractive force swarms at you in the interest of imprinting you within the dense imprint.  It is really simple - you need only notice that your dense imprint is a facet of, and not in contrast with, who you are as a Whole energetic being.
With this now, with the openness to direct merging integration into the energetic conditions, you assume the role of director of energy, rather than retreating escaper of energy.  Doing so is means for change, yet you must sustain awareness of the relative significance of your dense imprint, and the relevance of the energetic basis for constructing the dense imprint is not visible from exclusive focus on the dense precipitation.  Thus, the eventual effect of your energetic integration is not obvious if you allow your awareness of the energy itself to subdue, and get caught up in observing the effect itself.  You simply must train yourself to continue in sustained awareness of your essential energetic composition, and notice the ongoing effects of precipitation along the way.
It is the finality - think about it - connecting with your finite life, it is finiteness itself which keeps you encompassed into the involution which sustains the energy patterning that proceeds the existence of the form which creates the illusion of a finite world onto itself.  Finite, in your dimensions of existence, means of finite duration.  To this, your attachment of chords of meaning resonate, and these rattle the low ebb of emotional vibration states, and you thusly find yourself in repetitive patterns of ebbing emotions, such as dread and fear.  If it is not enough to bring this about through your concept of duration and termination, you tie in chords of physical density to shake you back down when your emotional states get some uplift into soaring into higher frequency realms.
Finality and endingness are always scoped to pare down the viewpoint to specific focals which, if considered exclusive, appear to be disappearing or changing inexorably in rendering incapability of providing as they have been prior to the phase of finality.  You can raise the wonderment when this happens to "what is left then?".  When there is some finality, is all of existence gone?  If there is some sense of identity wondering about this question, then obviously that cannot be the case.  Therefore, the question regarding what is then left, as non-ending, yields some response, and this, as your attentive focus, makes the chords of attachment to the ebbing vibration frequencies porous, and in becoming porous, flow is allowed through all directions, and thus dissipation and integration.  As this happens, your perception expands, and the sole vibration of something ending is known as the transient effect that it is.
So, when you find yourself getting caught up in that emotional pitfall as you conceptualize that something meaningful to you is coming to an end, simply remind yourself to ask inwardly, "what is then left?", and allow your energy vibration to stream in multidimensional direction in response to this query.  It may seem daunting to approach some of your major life transitions in this way - such as the life of a loved being coming to an end, or your own life, or a relationship that has been enriching for you - yet, it is especially for these times that we expect this, because these are the most energetic, the highest amplitude of dense vibrations with the thickest, less mutable chords possible.  If you will train yourself to approach lighter topics by asking this query, then the larger ones will flow more naturally.  Such as, a fun weekend coming to an end, or the demise of some material posession that has been meaningful for you.  You can always ask "what is left, then?".
Not only in destruction and finality can this approach be meaningful.  When you are flying high and enjoying things that seem distant from coming to an end, you can ask "what is the true source of fulfillment in association with this?".  Allow, in the same way, for your energetic response to flow in all multidimensional directions.  You reach the same kind of being-filled trek however you reach an entry point.
As you oscillate, vibrating in resonance with experiential wonderment and inter-merging with response to such queries, your permeation of energetic deployment in conjunction with living among the finite dimension parameters becomes of a more continuous nature of living in the expansive, energetic, multidimensional response to such queries.  As you find, the process of needing to ask the questions and deliberately immerse into the response becomes superfluous.  When you have experienced the question and response procedure enough times, you become the response readily, in a most slight shift in conscious attentiveness.  This, this brings you to energetic awareness, at the level of finery, where defiance of the forming of chords of attachment to finitely precipitated focal points must be.
Dimensions through which your energy of creation participate in intersection with finite dimension world result, coalesce in one form through which you know as effort.  In this way, your individual beingness is serving as instrument, and your motivation interjects your dimensional will in the seeking of effects observable through your being viewport.  In such doing you are creating a situation for upcoming finalities and endings, even if not so obviously, when caught up in involvement.  Your inspiration for effort derives from desire for effect, and your desire for effect creates chords of attachment to the sought eventual effect, which either would end through playing out differently, or through the desired effects being of transient nature.  You must, thus, see your involvement in effort in a new, multidimensional light.
Strictly interpreting finitely leaves gaps in interpretation, as - effort is motivated by desire, effort is the leverage for dense plane resultant effects, desire produces anticipation of resultant effects, yet the matching of the resultant effects with the anticipation is subject to innumerable factors which are beyond the direct control of the finite individual; wills of other individuals being among the biggies of these.
Reaching inter-dimensionally then, beyond the linear pattern of finite, you must seek to means yourself into effort yet in ways that free your hosting of dense chords attachment to anticipation.  Yourself as instrument, effort must be drawn through you rather than impulsed forth in ignition from desired anticipations.  Independence in your ignited impulses with respect to inspiring for manifestation into finite world domain from your energetic involvement in effort accompanying the process of their becoming is reached through approach of your establishment of impulses of intention with realization in awareness of the energetic essence of such impulses, in a very similar consciously chosen focus to your shifting to "what is left, then?" when something ends, or "what is the true source of fulfillment in all of this?" when you are riding high on the waves of current resultant manifestations.  Be aware when impulses arise which would cause your base finite being to undergo effort, and realize the impulse energetically as just such, and remind to "allow effort to draw forth as energy flows".  In any given moment there will be multitudes of impulses having led to it, and your effort, if allowed to be drawn through the inter-dimensional energetic swarm of swiftness, will align and resonate with what has been truly inspiring your impulsiveness, which aligns in resonance with your core energetic being.
In this way, your impuse ignitions have very powerful energy, because they can be freely brought forth.  They ARE energy, and you are free to boost their amplitude as your inner will will.  See and feel these as energy, and you are free because you are releasing the anticipative chords which bind your finite dimension effort channels into some projection of a maybe that was imprinted in a stamp of one moment in time.  Boost the amplitude of the current impulse and just inwardly acknowledge "ok, that energy is in transmission, what else is there right now", and move your conscious view port into the current energy vibration, letting any effort of which your physical being is capable to be energetically drawn forth from the higher dimensions, and enjoy yourself as instrument in the whole darn thing!