Inter-Dimensional Channel – Apr 23 – Apr 30, 2017
Inter-being communication in energetic continuum is fixation on merging vibration, settling in frequency transmission in resonance with all being vibrations. Thus, transmission and reception are one and the same. This is communication.
Separateness of being is itself a selective dimensional view, and communicational vibration can thus be selectively dimensionalized. This you know as your 'norm' in the being-oriented physical world. At the vibrational soul depth of being, communication is a unification with clarity in vibrational understanding. Your common practices in communication among a web of selective dimensionalized strictures, such as deception and misunderstanding, are products of such dimensionalized strictures. Knowing this, you, your depth of being, is always in inter-dimensional vibration of clarity, and ever accessible through your consciousness portal. The vibraions which scratch the faceted views of finite planes, such as language wordings and dimensional being feeling surface vibrations, are replete with adherence to parametrizations within the finite structure in coercion with volitional productions of finite beings projecting individuized finite intentions.
Soul-depth communication strikes energetic vibration within the consciousness awareness of being, and replicates through this vibration, inner clarity of representation of being. Effortlessly, ostensibly 'other' consciousness is in communication in resonance as the depth of soul communication in 'other' being entrains with such energetic vibration. Thus, there is no action, nothing to do to effortfully aim for understanding of your agenda of being. You inwardly vibrate and that is it. If other beings are involved, their resonance is effortless, and there is nothing for you to try to manipulate. This all means that true communication, from the depth of your being, entails being aware to allow clarity in energetic vibration to resound forth, and absolutely no external to your being consideration is involved. We contrast this with what is thought to be understood as communication in finite plane land, and reach into mergence of soul-depth communication with finite plane land experiences.
Physical being communication is the opposite of soul-depth communication in many ways, striving to progress finite plane agenda through effects created with finite plane means (words, actions, etc.), to have influential impact on ostensibly separate finite beings, involving dimensional coordinates which almost exclusively employ finite plane prominence. This is both restricting the communication process to finite dimensions exclusively, and using external source of precipitated conditions in finite world as motivation for intended effect. For the more pragmatic affairs of finite plane nature (such as: "to boil a pot of water, do this..."), this works effectively. Yet, for reaching in-depth soul-to-soul interaction at deep energetic levels, constricting to finite dimensions, through which concepts of separation emerge, complexities of integration of mental/emotional states emerge in projected finite plane form, such approach produces energetic diffusion into the physical world prism, leaving clarity of soul-depth in obfuscation. Most physical being communications integrate the soul intentions in this way.
Learn to communicate in your soul-depth, in full inner-awareness, leaving any of the 'other' out of it. When approaching communication on the surface plane of physical oriented environment, come from this place and allow the communication at the physical level to proceed in autonomy. Let the agenda and the precipitations which ensue, most notably the effect on other beings, take the energetic course they take.
Communication depth invokes 'listeners' by frequency resonance. It may seem unusual for the uninitiated finite being to approach communication in a unitary path, within the self, and just communicate through attainance of inner clarity. This has direct effect in your worlds of all realms, however, and brings forth your projection of being upon those surface worlds in authenticity of representation into your inner soul, which is always your deepest goal of intention.
If you will make a practice of attaining inner-depth communication, inward into your being, through inner vibration perception and allowance of gravitating clarity, you will pass through the initial phases of awkwardness. Soon you will realize that the trained method of communication upon finite planes, wherein surface effect upon other beings is the initiated motivating factor, is a quite onerous means for trying to achieve some yearnings at your soul-depth which are quite natural for you to reach within your being. Trust your soul vibration and allow the energy frequency to emit in multi-dimensions, in elevating amplitude. All whilst in the midst of activity in communication with other souls in any world of finite definition, simultaneously be aware of your emanation of soul vibration in streaming forth your surface vibrations of communication (words, expressions, actions, etc.). As you progress in this way, your reactionary response to surface vibrations (as in wordings and actions and emotional states emanated from others) becomes muted, as your confidence strives forth in inner clarity. With whomever you are interacting, their soul-depth vibration is attuned to yours, in order for the contact to be made at all. You can know this and cease to be swayed to and fro in response to emotional states and deceptive surface communications projected by other beings. This changes the 'listeners' who show up in your field of transmission, and your interaction with ostensibly finite beings becomes more depthful.
Instead of formulating in anticipation of reactionary reflections from other finite's with scrutinizing, filtering linear minds, in course for release of communication energy, influx all of your energy inter-dimensionally into the vast Universe through which your central being coordinates allow consciousness access, and knowing that your communication dimension is broadcasting in vibration throughout the Universe, allow your vibrational essence to bring forth your message into this audience. What is your message in vibrational response to the complete, vast Universe? This is your purity in communicational essence. Grow into practice of this form of communication, and allow your finite being communications to evolve in resonance with the chords of your infinite being. This is authentication, from the inner depths of your soul.
You will find out something in doing this. As you have been living, with your attention-grabbing finite plane environment distracting you from your 'subtler' vibrational essence awareness because of the seeming prominence of the denseness of the matters there, there appears to be a more signifant palpable substance to your finite world, as you interpret as a finite being. Yet, take the finite world and it's being into their relative proper placement in respect to the entire Universe accessible within your being, and communicate solely with the entire Universe through the vibrations of Truth emanating from your depths, and you find it is really the opposite. If you even carry some of the dense plane vibrations into this communication, they will be rapidly diminished into transient nothings, yielding to the immense powerful resonance of your Truth of being into the Universe. This, this renders you, as infinite being into your proper place in infinite space, and exposes your finite world for the created illusory domain that it is. Doing the exercise of communicating within, in this way, regularly, will bring your awareness into direct unison with infinite reality, no matter what is happening on the finite domains. You simply cannot do this practice and continue to be fooled by the relegation into 'subtlety' of your infinite energetic vibration, as the finite environment tries to dupe you into believing.
Depth communication, as this, avails you the opportunity to resound your energetic "Voice" deep into Universal coordinate space, and thereby "Speak" your Truths, as reverberations from your innermost depth of being. This is the voice of your deep soul, vibrating into all-dimensional reality space. Much is, through this. You now become "Heard" within and into, every energetic particle of the Universe. In all effervescence, in multitudes of energetic layers of representation of your inception as existence being, yearnings for expression at every range of consciousness are deeply extending into vibrations of satisfaction. Satisfaction carries you into sweeps of energetic waves at all levels of existence, your finite domain occurrence being among these. And thus, now you arise from a deeper brace of origin into communications of all forms in all worlds, including your finite domain world of interaction with souls of individuation comprising organic body forms.
This has a clearing effect. You may have become encrusted with inhibitory residue due to apprehension concerning miscommunications and related repercussions. In Universal communication, there is no judgement; there is no misunderstanding; there is no inhibition. Practice with communication in this way, your miniature involvements with finite beings accept nothing short of clarity in your individuated forthcomings.
In this Universal communication form, you can see, indeed there is no alternative possibility, that unision is in broadcast and reception. Speaking and listening are One. Speaker and listener are One. Communication is easily manifested in unison of vibration. You are thus absorbing and emitting the fineries of the wisdom of the Universe, all in the same encounter.
The thing is, these separately appearing being you keep hanging out with - they're energetic projections of essence of Universal Source Energy, as are you. You know what this means? This means that in your soul-depth communications in vibration resonance with Universal Source Energy, they are receptors/transmitters just as you are, and thus are 'hearing everything you are communicating'. This is, must be, true, however their behavior in finite domain attempts to belie. As you move forth, we advise to reflect on how significantly your entrainment with your artificially constructed world will now be changed, knowing that every encounter with observably separate beings on the finite level will have a premise of resonance with your soul-depth communication in Universal space. In thus, you, being authentic and true in your communication, will have no availance for being-units whose choice of finite domain occupancy is if discord with your soul-depth communication. Thus, fewer and fewer people who are in discord with your Universal Source Energy communication will show up in the interest of having influential effect through linearly-minded communication streams. The resonance must be there for that to happen, and if you are resonating in your Universal accord, the alternative discords are dissipated through transience.
Heightened clarity in your energetic spirit creates deeper resounding resonance with Universal Source Energy in your soul-depth communications, and hence rises the platform of your existence in the worlds in which your being operates.