Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #4

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jun 13 – Jun 16, 2016

Heart Center Vibration.  Inner Resonant Frequency.  You feel vibration physically.  Entering your Heart Center, accessing your pulse of inner frequency, maybe the sense of physical feeling of the vibration is fainter, or does not even appear to be there.  This should not, and need not be a hindrance to making the connection mentally.  There is an inflation of the subtle energy channels that is invoked by the mental connection, and thus much is going on which would not necessarily be feelable in a given moment.  Yet, you must and should persist in doing this connection, because the inflation process is reliant upon it.  There is a momentum gathering, and you can see that the alignment of phase with your resonant frequency becomes more common, and hence the enhanced effects of your experiencing mind states of rapture and such, of which your resonant frequency's interaction with your finite dimension existence is composed.  The habitual blocking of the frequency to maintain the interest of blending with the norm of dense world reality becomes less and less, and so does your sense of belonging among the dense beings who are dwelling in that plane.  You get accustomed and familiar with this and learn how to deal with it rather swiftly.
The tug to get caught up in the drama, dense plane linear threads, catches your awareness sooner as time goes on, and you realize it quick enough to suspend the hooks that tend to grab your conscious stream and refocus according to the energetic stream that emanates from your deepmost innermost being.  It is a training, and the training becomes more motivated as you notice changes occurring.
One thing you will start to notice is that the feeling, the being in resonance with your inner state, is more fun and interesting than anything anything on the physical plane has to offer.  The physicalness and dense, and all of the precipitated creations are certainly fun and amusing, but they themselves do not generate states of rapturous energetic resonance, which is inherent in your being.  As you engulf your vision to be confined within the finite world, thus filtering out the states of energetic resonance, you occasionally align in a way where glimpses of these resonance states show forth or where you experience relative improvement in feeling states, which you attribute to the conditions of physical environment occurring at the moment of the feeling occurrences.  This is by association and not a cause/effect duality as you would conclude, except upon further scrutiny.
As this realization dawns, assuming you have found sufficient leverage for continuing as a finite being dwelling organism as the dawning progresses, you will become interested in attending to your inner energetic state more continuously rather than to be mezmerized by the physical plane precipitations.  As this happens, your mechanism for extracting misery from worldly existence is unhitched, and along with it your impediments to creating according to energetic projection of your inner being.  You see, as your inner stream becomes more active in attracting your attention, as an enjoyable pastime, the hindrances to creating your enjoyable pastimes in the precipitated world of finite existence are dissolved.  So, by either inner or outer avenue, the path toward the pastime you seek is via the inner.  Just, now, how to go about the degree that the precipitated outer can be dealt with as such a distraction, all the time???
Make it your practice to relentlessly give your attention to your inner stream, rather than to await some wake up call from the outer world to remind you about how dependence on it for life force sustainenance is a guaranteed let down.  Strive to make attentiveness to your inner resonant vibration as natural to you as breathing.
If you pay close attention, during moments of weightiness or stress, take just a moment and notice that all of the weightiness is related to the dense, and that it can all be precipitated en masse, and that your awareness can come to a light body which is superscribing it all, yet not attached to it in any way.  This immediately throws your awareness state into awareness of the perspective of all that has managed to engulf your perception of existence into an apparently stressful configuration.  Once this realization kicks in, the power starts to shift immediately, yet you can hold the awareness in your field of vision, until you can feel the weightiness in the encapsulated precipitated conglomeration soften.  Besides soften, you can feel this encapsulated state vibrating, vibrating and morphing, whilst your drink in the higher dimensional consciousness frequencies.
According to some lines of thought, your world is supposed to be a paradise, right?  Paradise, a concept that implies idyllic life, pleasure and enjoyment, with no indication of the negativity and pain that is part of your world.  Individuated beings are subject to ostensibly external bombardment, both physically, with threats to the well being of the physical body such as collision with dense objects or attach from other beings or organisms, and emotionally/mentally, with threats projected from other individuated beings whose intentions are anything but to allow pleasure and enjoyment.  Why is it this way, and how can you find hope to realize the paradise that your world is supposed to be?
All of your experience that is other than paradise, pleasure, enjoyment, arisis out of your expectation that your created physical world is the source of your paradise, pleasure and enjoyment.  This may seem a perverse lesson to be learning, in a world in which you find yourself, but if your awareness will understand that the infinite, of which your being is, is the creator of the world you experience, it would be more obvious that it does not make sense to seek solace out from the world itself or anything in it.  The paradisic idea is to maintain awareness of your infinite presence, and experience what is in the world as an experience, rather than a source.  Your perception of the world as a source comes from you starting a life in the world with a forgetting, filtering, of your awareness of the infiniteness of your being.  That, and attending to the world itself to sustain the organic needs of the projected lifeform, divert your attention, and you grow into believing things that are themselves limited and filtered, and replete with forgetfulness.  Surrounded by hoardes who are grownups and doing that still, it becomes an endeavorous journey to come to a place of realization of your true inner energetic value.  Energetic value.  Allow this idea to resonate...
Most of you have some experience where there are moments of viewing the aspect of your world as a paradise.  Some nature settings in confluence with moments of calm in your mental states will intersect you with the essential feelings of paradise.  In moments such as these, you are allowing your inner source energy to be phasing into your physical intersection, and that is why the sense of paradise is being allowed then.  The conundrum, of course, is dealing with all of the rest of the times when the paradise that you wish your world experience to be seems so remote.  This is why we are telling you to make it highest priority to attend yourself to your inner energetic feeling, rather than seek results from the outside in, using the worldly physical as a starting point.  At times, this can seem as difficult as trying to balance on one foot at the top of a flimsy tree branch in a heavy windstorm, when the absorption into the physical plane seems at its strongest.  These times are always transient, and what you can do is remember, and refocus back to your energetic inner self, even when you feel that your course has been derailed for some time period.  Better yet, is to remember, at least mentally, to keep your focus in scope of awareness of your energetic center even during these times of course derailment perception.
It is the coupling of your feeling states with your thinking states, which becomes enrooted in your psyches, that is at the root of your forgetfulness to be aware of your infinite internal energetic streaming process.  Yet, below the radar for your feeling states, your thinking states are coupling with your energetic source more closely than your feeling states are.  Your energetic source feeds the process of creation that results in the coordinate intersections of your energetic being with finite dimension existence.  The missing link, in your quest to experience continuous paradise, is your willingness to press your thinking states, your focus, to keep attentive to your inner energetic source, thus procuring a creative process that elevates your feeling states to a higher frequency, and that is what paradise is.  This is why we keep telling you that in the midst of finite journeys, when your feeling states are signaling the essences of finite challenging frequencies, your highest mental focus is the direct road to the desired frequencies that your being is seeking.  Training yourself to remember this is the essence to directing the course of your life experience in a high energy way.