Inter-Dimensional Channel – Apr 22 – Apr 23, 2017
Distillation of vibration essence from mental streams infused with provokation of inspirational feeling states is a means for inception of such essence into creative energy stream evocation. This directly instills the essence of what you wish into the creative stream of what you create. This, in contrast to your nominal tendency of expecting to further the mental streams into direct correlation with the resultant manifest, is our recommendation. It is a direct superhighway to continuously creating what you are wishing to align with your harmonic resonance energy stream. Among you, this is relatively uncommon, for reason that your nominal conditions do it differently and doing it this way does not feel natural. At first.
In cases both, whether you are in identification with something provoking seeking relief, or identification with something inspiring expansion into more, more, more... actually carrying out your wishes in these cases entails stepping into the next level of indirection of your identification with density. The skill in this is a basis for huge life-transforming changes, which are imminent now for you.
Indirection in identification with your dense being alters your experiential unfoldment, dimensionally, in bringing higher dimensions into awareness in simultaneity with physical domain progression. All of physical happenings are experienced fully with complete sensory realizations, yet at the same time you are feeling broader in your state of being, being observer in addition to experiencer. There is immutability in the You, inter-dimensionally, and thus your stake in the happenings in the dense world is placed in the finite dimension perspective in which it belongs. When situations call for you to be wishing and reaching for things to be different (uncomfortable conditions), this has obvious beneficial results, as your being can be more fully aware of indirection in the illusory three dimensional realm. This is state of being we refer to when we speak of equanimity.
Now, which causes you to tend to move into identification with dense being is when along comes some conditions which concide with lifting spirit, which triggers your tendency to grasp onto the conditions in the interest of perpetuating the lifting spirit. As those conditions transit and shift into something more lower vibe, you tend to continue the identification in dense mode, and again find yourself in a dilemma of looking for dense solutions to inter-dimensionally available responses. The thing is, attaining a level of indirection beyond the dense being identification in itself places you in circuit with spirit lifting energy stream, irrelevant to whatever is happening in the dense world, and thus whatever those coincident conditions were, which happened along in your spirit lifting moment, they are completely irrelevant with respect to your intention to raise your ecstatic vibration connection. So, in chasing after the third dimension illusions, you are being mesmerized by the mirages, whilst the essence of your seeking is all the while within your being state, and in direct availability through awareness, awareness which instantiates indirection with respect to your identification with dense being.
Another thing is that, when you become acclimated to the lower vibration of the dense, from having been there for a sustained interval, the shift to higher energetic frequency has a transition shock effect. This is somewhat similar to when you dive into an inviting swimming pool on a hot day, and you feel a sudden contrast when the cool temperature of the water is sensed by your body. You could even feel it to the point of changing your intention about going into the pool, and just get out and away from that experience. Same kind of thing when you have been going along in the low vibration dense environment and attained some sense of adjustment therein. Stepping into frequency elevation shift will be a contrast, and at first feel disorienting and uncomfortable. If you react impetuously and retreat from the frequency elevation shift, you find yourself back in the lower vibration for likely another extended interval. Yet, if you follow through, through the transition, following your inner higher knowledge of the effects of shifting energetic state, then you will become fully entrained in the higher elevation frequency, and experiential therefrom. Just as, if you continue on in your swimming transition into the water pool and allow your body to establish temperence in temperature adjustment with respect to the water, your experiential progression through the water medium becomes a part of the natural flow of your being. This energetic frequency transition shock is part of the involution process which defines the shape of your organic being, energetically, in the dense environment, and helps to portray its existence. Your identification with all of this is an initial onset of conditions into a life in such a being's organization, so as to allow the being to grow and propagate its existence within that world. Yet, this is only an initial condition, and with growing into becoming wise to these conditions, you become able to raise your awareness level into existing in highly elevated frequency states, whilst continuing to maintain the existence of the being's organization in organic form.
Indirection in identification places your awareness into observation mode, releasing the coupling of your inception of feeling organisms into the precipitated conglomeration of dense plane. This allows your feeling perception to dimensionally extend, incorporating the elevated energy vibrations. Thus, once the indirection in identification step is crossed, you need no action as would be interpreted as action in finite land. Elevated energetic states are always incepted within your being experience. Indirection in identification lifts the garage door that is diverting their flow.
A reasonable wonderment would be, then, how does one initiate the step of indirection in identification? Primarily, you must click the volition into place to do this. You remember that this is your quest, this is your intention, and set the energetic consciousness in receptivity of the contact point with the volition dimension carrying this intention. This done, the energy snaps into gear and probably the biggest thing for you to do at that point is for you to develop the sense of how not to 'do', but to be and to be the omniscious observance of your heretofore individuated experiential conditions. Observe, feel, the energy stream, in vibration as it is, carrying you forward in creative unfolding. Being adept in this means mastering the non-interfering attitude. You are observing in sentience, the energetic vibration, and releasing your finite being tendency to impulse to try to make the vibration happen, or to make yourself feel the vibration. It is there. You are as a fish in water, and now deciding to notice the feel of the water amongst all of the other activities of attention grabbing nature within the water.
Given that you are in volitional resonance with incorporating methods of integrating elevated fequency energetic resonance into your earthly life, with these guidelines for initiating the steps through into indirection in identification, it is a matter of developing into more continuous remembering to involve your volition dimension with this intention. Some of this is related to re-patterning old habits. For instance when you have a 'mood shift', whether from good to bad, bad to good, into blah-ness, etc., your habitat has trained you to strike the mental path of attesting the shift to some precipitate conditions on the finite planes (like your mood sinks in coincidence with getting a large bill in the mail), and attributing your feeling state to mere finite planes conditions. You can be careful and train yourself to notice mood shifts, whether large or subtle, and that be a trigger to remember that no, the moods are not driven by finite plane conditions, and that such a time is appropriate for engaging your step into indirection in identification. As you now start to pay close attention, you have many, many such mood shifts in the course of a waking interval amongst the paths of your life. This you can train yourself to do, because sooner or later, even if you are bouncing along not noticing the subtle mood shifts, there will be something big enough to get your attention and if a bad mood, you will be seeking relief, in which case your vibrational essence is the path, as you know. If good mood uplifts you, you are getting wise enough to know that whatever coincident conditions are associated in physical plane along with the shift in mood, those are not the source of the energy which drives your frequency of energy.
So, whether mood-shifting, or any time when your sensory being feeling states permeate your attentive span, you are easily reminded to cause distinctive energetic engagement in shifting your state of being into indirection in identification. In addition, as you do this for a time, it will become more natural to 'just remember', and as you go further, it will become more a part of your functioning norm, rather than something you have to remember to initiate. Even those times when you seem busy busy busy and don't realize to pay attention to how you are directing in your identification mode, you still, in the midst, have shifts in energetic state which are detectable, and these too can trigger in a flash for your to remember, and that is enough. When the busy time passes, you may be stuck in finite mode and not think about it, but sooner or sooner, along comes a mood...
And, as we initiated this discourse with the mention of distillation of vibration essence from elevated frequency feeling states inspired by mental streams, such mental streams which trigger a flash of good feeling in you, also easily trigger the remembrance for initiating the steps of indirection in identification, which opens your channels for elevated frequency inception, which IS a distillation process to infuse your being with elevated energetic frequency states.