Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #83

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Apr 19 – Apr 22, 2017

Complete in energetic fulfilling into your form of definition as intersection with your world of interest, currently, with expansion of your shaped energy form at frequency coordination with your sense of individuation, as you know of as ego, in unison with the depth of core resonance energy, source, emerging in integration to fill your form definition, this brings a sense of wholeness about you, as a functioning object in such world definition.  You now find that the form of being in worldly-defined structure is integratively continuous with the 'everything else' which is, in perspective of individuated concept, outside of the being form.
Breath is continuous.  Your organic object which composes the coordination of your spirit with a worldly functioning mechanism is breathing in unison with the totality of energetic existence.  Your feeling states are integratively merged with the energetic infinite.  The internal energetic resonance, merging you have been exercising is smoothing the turbulance which creates the boundary tension which makes the infinite seem so distant amid the isolation of being a unitary being.  Now, you can settle sufficiently to enter unification with the frequency level at the apparent boundary between your being definition and the 'everything else' infinite, reaching a realm in which your volition integrates with energy flow without impedance due to the illusory boundary tension of your heretofore experiential consideration.
As you are seeing now, integratively merging with your "I" energy, in unison for inter-dimension purposeful carrying forward, brings a seamless transition to feeling filling within your individuated being of your essence energy, with ego-frequency as a carrier.  As allied with unified understanding, your ego-frequency is now easily accessible, and the wholeness of being energetically complete as an individuated being changes much in your day-to-day interactions with finite world.  Also changing is motivation for change.  With ego allied with higher dimension considerations, you are learning to allow the impulsive, reactive push back and forth of finite existence to flutter in the energetic wind, rather than to define your experience.
Inter-dimensional You finds elevated frequency natural, and thusly, your inception into density interactions confronts attributes therein which are not inherent in elevated frequency travel.  Such being the case, you encounter means of proceeding in the finite domain which require willful persistence, for example, in order to maneuver the density matters.  In wide-open inter-dimensional space, time-related concepts, such as persistence, are unfounded as time is a minisculed concept itself as one dimension among the infinite.  Thus the concept of persistence is indigestible for your inter-dimensional being, as the application of the concept of mass is incomprehensible within perspective of pure light energy.  Yet, in the finite dimension view, persistance is a big deal in orchestrating a life.  Your inter-dimensional being, in the course of a finite life, is absolutely capable of applying persistence, yet in your habitual ways, doing this can suck you into the locked-in view of strictly seeing the finite dense world.  So, we would like to enter into discussion for applicability of persistence concepts whilst navigating a dense plane life, and whilst maintaining awareness of your elevated frequency state of inter-dimensional being.  This just may be useful in such as your healing intentions, which entertain change in the course of substance which has reached equilibrium in dense plane environment.
Key to this is knowing that, although persistence implies some permanence in conditions, unchangeable in essence, which portrays itself along the time axis, such impermanence is illusory, and always change is happening at a very high energetic frequency, as well as varying levels of energetic frequency coursing through dimensional planes.  Even the supposed impermeable conditions are changing, just usually not at a rate that is noticeable from the sensors available to dimensional beings.  This knowledge must be integrated into your dimensional mind and become forthwith demanding of instillation into all finite conditions you undertake.  And thus, even when your finitely-oriented spectre is consumed with persistence energy, different points along the time axis are faced with completely different configurations of conditions, and the basis for persistence has shifted, even if the parameters for taking stock of the shift in conditions do not reveal this.  You must now be able to sense more subtly than the parameters of obvious availabilty through finitely-oriented spectre sensors.  This means that when conditions arise which appear to be persisting, such as somatic cases detectable through sensors of sentience which translate to you as something like pain or unease, or emotional conditions which repetitively arise despite your most noble efforts to combat them, you are now to swiftly move into deeper inter-dimensional depth in encountering these kinds of peresistent-looking conditions, and remember the truth that all involved is ever-changing and continuously being created in momentary infinity.  This means that if you are behaving as though you have some somatic condition, for instance, which is settled in and persisting, it is not that, yet is just being continuously re-created to appear similar enough to appear stagnant within the granularity of your finite being sensors.  Know this truth, and when you notice yourself reacting in a way of categorizing something as being the same, know that it is not the same even from infinitessimally tiny moment to moment of progression in what you know as time.  Train your responsive reactive systems to instantly move beyond the habituary categorizing of sameness, and see, in inter-dimensional sensorality, the changing conditions as they are happening in the moment.  Our oft mentioned advice to notice yourself in perception at the most subtle sentient vibration level is in congruence with this attentive objective.
Now with this, the subject of change occurring in a way that IS perceptible for the sensors of finitely-oriented spectre, is more addressable.  Couple of things here.  One is that, just as when you say fill up a large vessel with water at a trickling rate so as to render the change in volume unnoticeable to you within short time intervals, know that for such change which is grossly unnoticeable to you in your own personal conditions within short time intervals, it does not service you to look for change frequently.  Second, your assessment of conditions feeds the creation and re-creation of conditions which look similar to you, and frequently seeking evidence of change when it is undetectable feeds right back in to the creation of similar conditions.  This is why conditions such as pain and discomfort seem to persist.  Your autonomic response is to seek relief from discomfort, and this motivates frequent seeking of relief and noticing that conditions have not yet shifted enough for relief to be noticed.  The tricky part for you is to undergo such discomfort and sustain attentiveness to the finely occurring energetic frequency of creation, whilst undergoing the discomfort on the dense level which is commanding all of your dense attention.  Our guidance to approach sensory, whether physical or emotional or complex mixtures of these, conditions with notice of vibration feel is in intention as means for transporting your configuration of consciousness whilst integrated within dense transport means, into transcendence of the exclusive attention to the facets of interaction detectible via finite-being sensors.  Emotion-inducing sentience situations require a strength of leverage on the induction of your volition dimension deliberation in phases of earthly dwelling when encountering those kinds of challenges.  In other words, you need to summon enough strength of will for you to maintain sustained attention to the immersion into your vibrational essence even when the more challenging encounters, causing emotional and/or physical uneasiness, are occurring.  This flows right upstream against the currents of usual course of treatment of life on the planetary level.
Practice in some of the simpler situations.  Such as, when you bump your elbow on a doorway or stub your toe and you feel the pain sensors kick in yet know that the pain is transiting and will subside quickly especially if you rub the area with your hands, intersect your volition before your instinctual impulse to rub the affected sensor area with your hands kicks in and attend your conscious subtly to the finer vibration of your sensation, practicing disassociating your tendency to wince from the pain in such situation in favor of using your consious focus to absorb vibration sentience.
Similarly in emotional situation when some identifiable sensory feeling states arise and you know they are not sustaining long term and not wreaking your sense of existence, rather than to allow your conscious airwaves to be dominated through these feeling state arisals, intersect your volition dimension with intention to sense the subtle vibration states of the feeling states in transcendence of your finite being's interaction with the resultant product of experiential interaction with such feeling states.
Practicing in these simpler situations will give you the feel of how to entune your inter-dimensional energy vibration sensors in the midst of heightened activity affecting your finite dimension being sensors.  Having the feel of this makes it more readily for you to do this when the amplitude of demand on your finite being sensors is higher (strong physical pain of extended duration, great emotional upsets), and having practiced assoiating with the fine energy vibration rather than the sensory bell-ringing, your experience in allowing the finite plane change to carry on at its own rate while your attentiveness is inter-dimensional, waxes.
Use the metaphor of the vessel being filled with trickling liquid, or the one that glass is a liquid yet remains ostensibly fixed in windows and other structures for years before change can be observed, as a mental tool to remind you how change in the physical dimension way has its own observable rate, yet this has no bearing on the energetic change in continuous motion which you are able to directly sentiently experience.
Sleepiness, which brings your conscious coordinates to the division between finite 'wakingness' and restoration of your natural being energetic state, is a place from which your strengthening power opportunity is vast, if you will at such times attune your conscious receptors to enlist the reception of awareness into vibration feeling sentience.  Do this, whilst sleepiness onsets at its will during the course of finite wakingness, and also whilst on the threshold of entering into sleep state in the course of registering your finite being life.