Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #82

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Apr 15 – Apr 16, 2017

Within your linear dimensions where interaction in participation in constructive progression from your animated organism is integrated into the expulsion of forming of energy into your world as you go forth, yet with intrinsic energetic creation being the means through which all of your reality comes to be, there rises the question of where your linearly-minded architecting of your reality would be enhanced more through yielding to autonomy of energetic creation rather than linear-minded mapping.
You become the energy of which the creation is generated and act in your role as architect as instrument of the energetic creation, allowing the linear mind to be instrumental in providing linear-world solutions in the course of energetic flow of creation, and you're good.  Linear mind is an instrument, a tool, for linear world matters, and not the creator.  The trip-up which trips you up in all of this is that the linear mind does not come with this knowledge in its basic installment package included in the finite world being organism.
The wire that trips you up when you are tripped up in the linearly-minded trip-up is the concusion the linear mind draws into conviction that the resultant product of the energetic creative flow (precipitation) is the source of your emotionally-recepted feeling states.  Such conviction precipitates correlations in the linear mind between finite domain precipitations (physical - emotional - mental configurations) and emotionally-recepted feeling states, and causes the removal of clarity regarding the distinction between the source of emotionally-recepted feeling states and the execution of action which is purely in the interest of supporting finite world matters.  The linear mind, being duped into playing the acting role of creator in this way, unwittingly imposes strict funnels through which the infinite creative energy is allowed to flow in course to following the architecting linear mind is attempting in the quest for achieving the specifics of energetic configurations it believes will strike the chords of feeling states it seeks, or avoids the chords of feeling states it fears.  Thus being the case, linear mind, in its installed package form, is designed to effortfully achieve the opposite of the seeking of the consciousness with which it is paired to function.
Furthermore, the linear mind is paired with ego, the individuation concept, which takes pride and separation into its realm of linearity, creating a tension bubble of resistance to allowing the source energy to flow and assume the linear being with linear mind as instrument.
You can get the ego mechanism trained to reach conviction in realizing its purpose and maintain effervescence in its relation to the creative energy flow of finite existence generation.  If you consider that it is common practice to be instrumental in the process of creating a garden and at the same time release the process of nutrient absorption in the growth of life, the photosynthesis process in plant nourishment, and all involved in the creative life-giving energy of the garden, to the creation energy flow from source, and to take appreciation in the development of the garden and therein derive happiness, as well as satisfaction in the role played by gardener, it is not a great chasm of leap to consider the ego must have the wit to take part in the orchestration of details of finite world operation whilst serving as instrument through which the creative forces of energetic flow operate in the great procedure of reality creation.  You just must keep reminding the ego mechanism that this is how it must work for it and all parties concerned to be truly happy.  Remind it enough, and it will get it, eventually, as dense as it is.
Directly infusing feeling states through immediate immersion in energetic vibration in transcendence of the illusory precipitated state of finiteness is highly effective in convincing the ego-mechanism of the revelation of significance of finite details in the course of sensing feeling states of elevation which are of source energy origin.  This is of deep-rooted power of conviction and disempowers much of the ego leverage for distraction.  It must then relegate to using the speed of mental energy to distract, and as experience in elevation of mind states waxes, such distractions weaken in power.  You must, thus, gain momentum in detracting your attention from the ego buy-in and infusing your spirit in direct energetic absorption of vibration state.  This will encourage the ego mind to learn to appreciate rather than to gloat.  This is key, because the gloating energy can, for a brief time, appear to resonate with higher elevation feeling states, particularly for organisms who dwell frequently in low vibration energy, and this dynamic can be seductive in drawing the autonomy of spirit driven by linearly-guided mind into enslavement to the ego whim.
You thus learn to directly invoke your inter-dimensional spirit into highly elevated frequency states directly through pulling your dense assortment of being into sensation of energetic vibration, rendering the role of the ego-mechanism to define its existence through appreciation rather than as pseudo-creator, lest its existence in any form become irrelevant.
In case you are wondering how you can know, how you can tell whether your 'call to action' is motivated through ego-mechanism or in response to instrumental direction via inter-dimensional spiritual energy, well, first, as your experience in pure vibration essence develops this question will cease to arise.  Interim, you can know when your inspiration is arising through inter-dimensional spirit as the crackling electric feeling of inspirational energy is carrying you.  If ego-mechanism is driving the bus, you won't get too far before derailing into disjoint association with source spirit energy, and you thus get sacked quickly with lousy feeling states.  The difficult part, initially, is letting the finite world drive itself and letting your habitual tendency to take over and try to architect it all be released.  Learn to catch this when it is happening, and the quicker the better.  As time goes on, your perception of your involvement in your own reality creation process will shift into inter-dimensional space.
As the cerebrum of individuality and separateness, ego is swiftly relegated to a status of opposition in the quest for spiritual unification, yet this in itself is divisive, and in contrast to the wisdom of integrating ego into expansive energetic progression into unification.  This in mind, your ongoing interaction with ego-state in your mental realm will be changed.  As we have indicated, ego need not be excluded from your interactive experience in your creative realm, yet be brought into waxing wisdom in understanding its involvement.  Realization that ego is not the creator does not imply sweeping it into a state of non-existence in the displacement of heightened understanding of its role as instrument.  You, thus, begin anew with a different companionship in relating to ego, as ally, and as instrument of mastery of finite plane navigation in the course of the greater mind in quest for inter-dimensional reality unification.
Integration of ego-energetic resonance with core inner energetic resonance, as we are about to demonstrate a process for doing, is effective in transmuting your energetic structure for executing your path of life in the dimensionally oriented environment which constitutes the world of your life.  So do this...
Sense inward, and seek out the ego-mechanism.  This you can coordinate with in sensing the I-ness of your being.  You can even resonate the word "I" in your mind, not just the word, but the essence, along with it, of your individuality.  Do this for a bit, and feel the energetic uniqueness of your I-energy vibration.  This is essentially the vibration state of your ego.  Now, continue to feel this vibration state, and allow the vibration itself to soothe you into higher resonance with this function of your being totality.  Whilst in this vibration state, you will notice at the center of your being in structured form, a core of energy, bubbling forth as an energetic brook emerging.  This, this is the intersection of your core resonance of inner energy with your structured being.  Allow this energetic brook expression to come forth and merge with, integrate with, and fill the structure of your being, in concordance with your resonance vibration state of your ego-mechanism.  Now, just feel this and allow it to be this.  You are aligning, in integration, your formerly-alienated ego, with your Core Inner Energetic Structure and instilling the shifts in your finite life experience which are thusly induced.  You just may find this to be quite transformational.
So, spend some time with this exercise now, repeatedly for some period of time, and have this become integrated into your nature.  In practice while walking through life, quest to become aware of how your 'attitude of separation' vibrations are still remnant, habitually, and watch as they arise, and remind your inner self that you are shifting now, and the ego-mechanism which has been thrusting this attitude forth has been doing so through perception of its own separation.  Instill the resonance of the integrated, source energy ego vibration, and feel this energy vibrating in the moments in the wake of these realizations.  Doing this will help you to efficiently pattern your humanic energy lattices for the transmuted means of existing in your finite world domain.
You are now going to find that there is a much more smoothness to coursing through your life.  The exclusionary spiritual/physical division has no meaning any longer.  The physical orientation of the ego-mechanism knows what to do to handle the physical world material factors, and now being integrated in your spiritual self, it will be doing so without disassociating with your spiritual self.  This will be a profoundly significang shift into equanimous functioning.  Strive forth in this way, and allow divisiveness to float into the wake of your energetic vapor trails through inter-dimensional space.