Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #81

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Apr 12 – Apr 15, 2017

In a limitless, infinite Universe, creation of a world of limits is what you are dealing with - finite perceptions of spatial availability, resource availability, participating in competitive flow for occupation of finitely-defined structure, in contrasting view with ostensibly opposite separated conscious occupiers of similar organic structures.  Why?  Who scripted all of this?  How can you make amusement out of it?
Structure, as we say, is representation of giving finite within infinite definition for knowledge, noticing and appreciating.  Just as the wide array of colors drawn from your spectrum of perception are energetically impermeable, bringing the channel of specific colors in a specific form, such as paint in the course of creating a work of art, at a specific set of space-time coordinates, creates a result which your energetic consciousness can know and observe and appreciate in varying facets.  These varying facets bring observance of alternative dimensions of infinite origin which propel further expansion along finite dimensions.  For instance, in the interest of noticing and appreciating a work of art, inspiring feelings may arise for further works of art, or shifts in life philosophy arising through thought streams of mental energy brought into intersection with your consciousness coordinates in just a special way through your interaction with a work of art.  Were it not for the squeezing of the colors into the form of paint and the effort of applying the paint to the material of the art form, the energetic essence of the colors would remain dimensionally vast among the energetic basis for infinite existence, and thus the art form would not cross your field of focus at all.  It is the field of focus which constructs your view of limited space, and it is up to you.  You could choose to view that work of art as the only work of art worth your attention and never consider observing any other.  This is your choice.  You could consider the creation of such works of art as only accomplishable by some other beings, and not within the possibility of your individuality for you to do something similar.  These kinds of limits are self-imposed, and where it gets to be really limiting for you is when they become subterranean in your consciousness, and you are driven by these limits without realizing it.
Instilling subterranean, autonomic, lets call them structure funnels, which channel energetic flow according to pre-determined parameterized paths (which translate into limitations for you), in our analogy of creating a work of art, would be the equivalent of a creative artist making a painting in which the image and all of the colors are already decided, and simply carrying out the mechanics of applying the paint to the paper.  Your immersion in energy flow and the creations of interaction with your conscious state are completely at your availability, and to be more fully aware of this whole process, the first step is to strive for continued internal awareness, within your definition of being-conscious, at the levels of finery so as to feel in inter-dimensional sensory means, energetic flow in transmission of change.  Keep reminding yourself to remember enroute toward remembering without routing through the reminding.  Your sentience in feeling the energy movement sensitizes and becomes readily activated, to the point where those times when you do not feel anything, you stop buying into the (structure funnels) thoughts that all that kind of subtle energy stuff is imaginary.  You are getting to where you just know better and the doubting dimension's relative amplitude in your finite dimension realm is reaching an equilibrious place with respect to the energetic channel dimensions which place you in direct accord with striving forth your inner energetic core source into direct precipitation into dynamic funnels of creative energy flow.
When you are in the middle of something dense-oriented - overwhelmingly busy, sick, encountered with other beings, physically challenged by sensory parameters, etc. - sensitizing the sentience of energetic vibration finery may seem something as difficult as trying to notice exclusively the chirping of a bird while someone has one of those loud leaf blower machines going on.  Yet, you can flash back and forth any time you wish, with your consciousness of intention to notice, and as you do this you are cultivating orientation toward integration of such sentience awareness in depth within your inter-dimensional being within your finite world intersection.  Such is means for transformational change of the entire course of your finite domain existence.
Healing conditions in your social environments are customarily seen as spotlighted onto isolated focal points of symptomatic parameters.  This is the case in relation to somatic considerations for the individuated being as well as the social membranes which interconnect beings within the functioning of a finite world environment.  We realize that sometimes it may appear to be sufficient to address healing in this way, pinpointed focus in such way does not reflect what is really happening and what true healing really means.  The totality of your complete interconnected environment must shift in order for healing (change) to occur.  If you have some psyche condition which causes you to hit your head with your fist 40 times a day, and you are noticing symptoms of headaches, and you approach healing by trying to address the headaches or take some chemical assistance in nullifying the sensory response mechanism which allows you to detect the imbalance in the head area, then even if briefly successful in shifting your perception of existence of headaches, they have an automated mechanism for returning due to your predisposition to hitting yourself in your head with your fist.  The more complex route of opening your energetic totality of consciousness-being into healing realm is needed along with your willingness to allow shift in your psyche and all membranes of interconnectedness to your condition of causing you to hit yourself in the head with their emotional and mental repercussions.  This, maybe somewhat silly, example illustrates the point here.  Underlying your perceived sensory conditions of something being "off" with your harmonic balance can be an explorative array of conditional connections which have crystalized into place to produce the result, and nothing short of transmutation of the crystalized conditions would constitute true healing.
It is pretty easy to see by extension, with our example as a guide, that following a linear-minded route of pursuing all of the membranes and threads of mental, emotional, social, subconscious and conscious, facets of the energetic patterns which underly the perceived conditions you are inspired to heal would fastly become too daunting to undergo in endeavor to emerge with successful feeling that your healing quest has been achieved.  Thus, there must be some way for you to proceed which would produce healing results.
Consider now, what is holding those energetic crystalization patterns in place?  Your tendency, in linear mind, is to simplify it into view as some external master-force which is responsible for it all and that you are subject to receiving the result of whatever is dealt to you.  Not true.  It is YOUR reality state and only YOUR state that is involved here, and it is YOUR responsibility for holding the energetic crystalizations in their structures.  Secretive to true healing is this realization firstmost.  Deepen your understanding of this and more and more deeply integrate this knowledge, as this is fundamental to your shifting relationship with the harmonic balance of your reality states, and your experiential involvements therein.
Reaching forth, with understanding that the entire totality of YOU is your complexity of webbed interweavings of energetic domain, and the entire energetic constitution of all you perceive and experience is YOU, you can step forth into understanding of initiating and allowing healing to achieve.  As a metaphor, and with understanding that healing, in a most general sense, really means change toward what is viewed as improvement in some way, for change processes of healing, let's say you have a gold statue which was made through a process of liquifying gold and pouring into a statue mold.  Say you wish to change the statue into a different structured form and contemplate how to go about it.  Of all the options, such as trying to forcibly alter the shape of the solid structure, somehow breaking it into parts and rearranging them, finding a way to restructure the statue by arranging the individual gold atoms and molecules, it would seem that a viable means is to allow the gold in the statue to soften and return to liquified state and allow the reforming of the structure in your new desired form.  In the physical logistics of this metaphor you would find a way to apply heat to melt the statue and you would require a mold for the new form, but the allowing to liquify and reform is the analogy to healing that we would like to emphasize.
Knowing that you are in essence all that you perceive and experience, including all that appears to be separate and external to your egoized, individuated being, any point where your conditions have precipitated into your desire for change (healing) begin with this remembrance and depth of understanding.  Your trigger points (symptoms) which inspire your desire for change are the lead in points for your endeavor to shift the energetic structures which comprise your current state of reality.  These should be seen as such and that is the extent of it.  Perpetuating the existence of symptoms by giving attention to them and making them a point of spotlight focus perpetuates the energetic structures which comprise their ability to exist, which are the basis of your focus for change.  So, given your inspiration for change, its time to move on to change, and let the symptoms be left in the wake of your energetic vapor trails.  From this point, with the essence of our gold statue idea in your psyche, take a higher-being-consciousness energetic path to allowing/perceiving the entire totality of your structured energetic reality, on whatever finite planes you are traversing in the moment, to soften and 'liquify' (energetically) in allowance for shift into new form in alignment with your resonance of desire, which, one would suppose, would be in resonance with your energetic core source energy.
This, friends, in essence, is how you heal!