Inter-Dimensional Channel – Mar 31 – Apr 5, 2017
Everything is moving, always, and at different rates. If this were not the case, if movement of all energy were at a consistent relative rate, there would be no perception of motion, and the concept of movement would not be understood - just as if there were only one color and no variations of color, the concept of color would be of superfluity. Your consciousnes-viewer, the peephole through which you sip in energetic streaming of what you are considering 'real' in the moment, is autonomously adjusting its fundamental rate to match the rate of what is being noticed at a moment's notice. With underdeveloped raising of awareness above the level of mundane essential for the continuation of bodily functions of a planetary being, the most easily noticed, the densest phenomenon, are moving at the slowest rates and consumption of band-space of your conscious-viewer is almost exclusively tweaked to vibrate at a comparable rate. This is what we mean by lower vibration states.
Now, for rising your being in frequency vibration, assuming awareness of inter-dimensional consciousness, there is a suck-hole effect of the usually-entrained denseness to draw your conscious-viewer into the range of energy frequency rate range of the accustomed, more noticeable effects from the origin of mundane conscious involvement. To this effect we are alluding when we speak of getting entrained with the lower vibration of the dense plane. This entrainment, suck-hole effect, clumpiness of the dense vibration is what keeps you feeling like you have to climb out of a hole, again and again, to shift the rate of your conscious-viewer into inter-dimensional realm frequency. Having your conscious-viewer enlocked onto slow rate objects seems to you to have the effect of slowing the process of shifting to higher frequency rates of energetic interaction. This is on one hand, by design, so as to maintain focus and scope your perception to be able to absorb the lower density - because, as you see, your inner being is at a resonance rate of very high frequency. But, on the other hand, it need not be such a slow rate. You become somewhat mezmerized by the dense objects. They are so different, the 'interesting' factor dimensions into your experiential involvement, and it is somewhat difficult to gain the leverage to 'tear yourself away' from what you are seeing.
We would like to guide you into understanding of development into adept ability to flex the ranges of your conscious-viewer rates of achievement more readily.
If you will reverse your thinking and set your viewer frequency to high rate as the normal situation, and narrow the orifice to tend to situational effects in the dense matter world, then you will have this. You see, if you were to really pay attention to how much of your width of focus the dense matter environment really demands of you, it is indeed miniscule. You can exceed expectations as a finite being whilst remaining in lucid awareness with alignment of higher domain frequencies. Why don't you do that, then?
There is the interest factor. Left to your own third dimension go-around, you will get absorbed in the goings on of the dense because it is so different and unusual a situation for an infinite soul to be experiencing. This, and the connecting of the dots of the times where your attentiveness is needed for a brief period to be exclusive to the dense environment, lead you to remain in that kind of focal state unless something compelling is drawing you to sustain the effort to keep your energy level moving aligned with your infinite soul.
Zoom in, zoom out. In the interest of this conscious-viewer metaphor we happen upon, this can be a handy mental-image assistant, yet with an interesting enigmatic twist. With elevating interest factor, or when physical dimension intersection is legit in demanding attention from your inter-dimensional consciousness intersection, you are zooming in to the focused dimensional world. This is somewhat easy to grasp in comparison to the mechanics of how the relevance of the term 'focus' is understood in your world. Yet, in doing this 'zooming in' you are 'zooming out' with respect to energetic streaming of your being in higher dimensions. This is not so obvious from the standpoint of faceted view from your world. This is the twist, and understanding this is well worth integrating into your habitual activity of getting mezmerized by the illusory effects of the energetic formations of a finite world view. If you will take an inverted view of your understanding of your viewer, you will establish your higher dimensional frequency resonance as the realm in which you dwell, and the brief interludes of noticing and being significantly scoped in attentiveness to the sharp definitions in physical-oriented environment as momentary 'zooming out' from your realm of natural existence. Seeing in this view adds the credence of your purpose of zooming out from your energetically aligned state, rather than lapsing your strings of accord with your own conscious awareness, with drift into mezmerized state in sensory response to the world of finite precipitance.
You find that seeing your view through inter-dimensional space as the 'norm' lends continuity and equanimity to your navigation through the finite dimension 'reality' you endear to your organic state. If you set your primary means of operation to orifically stricting the view of your conscious-viewer to the intersected result of consideration of three, finite, dimensions only, the effect is a scattering of your energy, and evidence to this is the racing discomfitting effects of your mental sensor to encap the ongoing distribution of your volitional states. Coupling with discord in the effects of your emotional receptors on your conscious assessment of how things are going for you, there tends to be an ongoing frequent development of disarray and discontent.
On the other hand, when you realize that normal focal steps for your conscious-viewer are into your view of inter-dimensional space, and that tending to subset-dimensional reality spaces are relative, and brief interludes of passing along the course of your consciousnesses existence state, then for one, things in the finite planes always work out and there is really nothing remotely calling for your energy to engage in things like worry and angst. Secondly, your mind is fully involved. When those brief interludes appear, there is something of intersection which calls for your attention to the finite plane level, and your mind, mental plane intersection, is fully in line with what is happening - so none of this scattering of the mind. As for your emotional receptors, that is elementary in the finite dimensions, and always understood as such from inter-dimensional space, and thus there is not ever any sense to be made of the identification therewith, as a finitely-focused being would have tendency of thinking.
Rapidity of infinity contrasts so sufficiently with world of time faceting that there is a vacuum effect which acts as a compressed coil in retracting the conscious view of the entity of finite residence into the viewing angle of through the finitely-focused world. As we are expressing here, duration of need for you to be truly encompassed in energetic interaction with finite subdimensions is extremely short, yet it seems not to you in that way, as your world of time is thus being contrasted with world of infinite, within which the time dimension is so microscopic that it is imperceptible. So, in contrast, when your viewing focal does center on the finite subdimensions which include time dimension in high prominence, the world of no-time to which your shifting back to your focus of norm appears imperceptible, and the motivation for such switching has no instilled basis for gaining leverage. For this reason, a complete overhaul in consciousness undertaking is needed to begin to live in your world of finite subdimensions in this conscious way.
If there is any question about our reasoning that your third dimensional plane requires so miniscule a measure of your attentive span, consider how much of what you do and how you do things is swept into the unconscious, subconscious, less-conscious levels.
If you have never tied shoelaces before, the endeavor of tying shoelaces becomes a focused undertaking, with much concentration and focus on how to go about it. Once the method of procedure becomes established, you have a way to continue doing this when the need arises. By the time you have done it one hundred times, you are capable of tying the shoelaces without even thinking about shoelaces, and with your mental focus completely on something else. You may even, if asked independently to describe how you tie shoelaces, not remember well enough to fully explain. Driving a car is another example. There are many processes that are part of your finite dwelling realm which you sub-wire into your dimensional threads to be mastered as autonomic whilst you tend to other mental streams. Of course, you are always free to choose to 'get interested' in the ongoings of your activity of tying shoelaces or driving a car and make the activity at hand the primary focus of your finite conscious lens.
Well then, these are things that you do without much conscious effort. With consciousness, you are capable of relegating most of what is needed to keep the motors running in your existence in physical plane whilst you keep your consciousness viewer trained on your inter-dimensional being, and this is all we are suggesting you do. Attend to the physical when you really do need to figure things out to function (as when you are first learning to tie shoelaces), and you are free to shift your focus when things really do become of interest to you. However, do raise your consciousness level to be aware enough to really know what is interesting as opposed to mezmerizing.
Entwining this sort of shift in paradigm amidst the noise levels of usual physical plane existence entails your consciousness understanding of the framework of membrame which constitutes your transformation. Trust dimensions are instrumental in allowing the congealance of the thresholds of perception of the formation of the membranes of energetic transformation, which are allowed into crystalline lattice-like structures of dynamic interaction through your consciousness, inter-dimensionally, in permeation of anything and everything that is going on within the finite world subset of your totality. Consequently, you become less and less inclined to be duped into thinking the illusory creation of the finite world is IT.