Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #78

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Mar 26 – Mar 31, 2017

Why do you stream a sense of void into misery?
Energy Cells vibrating through creation cycles vibrate upon Energy Cells vibrating through creation cycles, conforming macro forms of creation energy states as precipitated material world composition.  The Energy Cells always continue vibrating, and lattice themselves into form, with creation cycles of origination, sustainment and destruction continuing at the micro cell level and perpetrating through to the macro level according to harmonic resonance with the assemblage of created-world strictures.  Such finite world creations are modulated according to the palpitations of density, causing witnessed reflections of varying macrocosmic states emanating essences of the bases of energy creation cycles.  Thus you will, if faceted focus is on resultant condensation of energy creation, witness predominant phases of creation cycles moving through your world of matter in varying rates.  Your sense of void is the destruction cycle moving through the thickness of density.  Your misery is achieved through clinging to the subject carrier frequency which is moving at such rate through the matter realm.  The issue is that although the concept of void is perfectly natural for you mental understanding, your feeling states have no means of resonating, and your emotional receptors thus become suspended with no circuits for connection.  This creates the disarray state you classify as misery.
Solution is to get over clinging to the carriers of the dense waves through your world of matter.  The vibration states of pure energy are infinitely fast, and there is no means of you getting stuck in a feeling of void if you are frequencily integrated with that level.  This is in essence what we are talking about when we speak of raising your vibration frequency.
Raising your vibration frequency is not changing anything.  Your vibration frequency is what it is.  It is your limited, faceted view which attunes you to lower vibrations as being the main prominence in your interactive experience at any period in your intersected world.  The draw into these faceted views is the quest for prolonging of the sustained phase of the creative cycle for the matter that matters with respect to your matters of concern.  Whether or not that quest is successful you are riding the waves of prolonged destruction cycles as well, and as noted, the detached emotional receptors with not any connection to follow signaling for which you are capably receptive.
If you try to solve this by numbing your frayed emotional receptors, then you must find a means to keep them employed whilst the favorable phases of the creation cycles are undergone and to disengage them whilst the void is present.  Sounds like a possible viable plan untli you consider that you are continually dealing with much in variation of various carrier sublimations at varying phases of the creation cycle, and that disengaging and re-engaging your emotional receptors with respect to all of them in just the right ways at all times would be a daunting endeavor, if even remotely possible.  It would be so much simpler to allow your energy frequency to rise to your natural energy state.
Yet this brings you face to face with the dilemma of having to let go of your dear prolonged state of created harmonious matters, which is illusory in the first place.  So, concluding that you are willing to face the misery of the void in the course of pursuing the experience of the illusory, can you explain to us how this could make sense in any way?
Perhaps you can continually be in a state of awareness of your high vibration energetic state and at the same time witness the macrocosmic waves of resonance throughout the generation of material world objectives, and thus experience all worlds as one.  Think about this.
As your frequency state rises in vibration, you are becoming the fabric of the composition of the waves which comprise the macrocosmic crystalizations of projected energy.  Your consciousness is not limited, as we have been instructing your integration of such knowledge, to confinement into forms of macrocosmic crystalizations, as you tend to surmise as a finite.  This is why we have been guiding you to assume control and knowledge of your energy vibration of consciousness itself.  This allows for enablement of driving flow of consciousness energy, and integrating merging frequency with vibrations of energetic cell level.  In doing this, 'YOU' are now becoming the fabric of the energetic waves, rather than seeming yourself as an object of macrocosm.  As the becoming of energetic waves, you are experiencing the creation cycles rapidly and thus not immersed into long finite dimension periods of slow moving creation states, such as the destruction phase of void.  Yet, as the same time, conscious is conscious, and your witnessing of macrocosm resultant precipitations is no less effective, and your experience is no less tactile.  It would just seem to you that it would be making you more removed if you were to approach in this way, because it would look to you as though you are diluting your physicality.  Not the case.  You are expanding into understandive knowledge of the becoming of the physicality itself, which allows for infinitely deep experiential involvement.
So, how you can proceed to become more this way we are describing, you can take the guidance we have been allowing in the last few discourses.  Awareness of your being vibration state, with loosening of the tightening which constricts energy movement; awareness of consciousness vibration with integration in entraining way with the vibration feeling of your energetic composition.  Enhance this understanding of your way of being through experiencing this through conscious intentional allowance.  Keep approaching in this way as it will now become more a part of your way of being.
You will now begin to see that your relationship of identification with your organic being changes.  Your sense of individuation, of separateness begins to dissolve, and your conscious is witness to the formation of the being's form as projection, and thus assumes interaction through experiential awareness of the being's interaction within its world.  For a being who is accustomed to identification with precipitated state, shifting into vibrational frequency of the fundamental aspect of nature, energetically, would appear to be losing the ability to experience, yet we do declare that your submission into identification is forming strictures of inhibition to your ability to assume experientiality, and that allowing disolution of your clinging to individual status begins to allow the energy flow into true experience.
You can use the energy of feeling states, as you use air to inflate a balloon, to inflate your conceptual assumption of state of being existence in dimensions that lie below the autonomous level of perception from the world in which the shape of your being is defined.  Thereby, in doing this, your feeling energy, often which consumes your attentive span, becomes useful in your consciousness expansion, and becomes of a level of amplification in the world in which your being shape is defined, which seems relative and appropriate for that world.  Thus, if some feeling states are feeling overwhelming for you or strong and discomfortable, 'blow' the energetic wind of their energy permeating your being in all dimensional directions.  This has the obvious effect of relieving such an overwhelming feeling state situation, yet there is much more depth to this.  In the usual sense of finite world the impulsive reaction is to wrestle with feeling states and try to make them go away or find some other feeling states you like better to amplify.  Yet this kind of approach builds a wedge in between your being and it's natural state of inter-dimensional reality.  Blowing the wind of your emotions, energetically, into and inter-dimensionally throughout your being, you are doing the opposite - aligning your presence with harmonic resonance of your core being.
Form in your planetary existence is defined by energetic clumping.  This may be somewhat more obvious when you observe dense material, and even its behavior often mimics this principle.  Yet, this 'clumping' aspect runs through all ranges of energetic finery, and the feeling state build-up to which we have alluded earlier in this discourse is such in the emotional-energetic states which generate the pulses of your sensory being which allow you to feel your finite experience.  Seeing this as energetic clumping may help you to be a director of energetic flow in arrangement of the course of your ways forward.  Your natal understanding would have you identifying with your feeling states, and somehow believing that they are attached to you and are inseparable.  With this as premise, not a natural occurrence of awareness to direct the resolution of the clumping states would be.  You just wouldn't think to try this.  So now, with awareness dawning beyond the natal, think to try this!
Clumping, energetic structuring, happens.  This is in succession with formal combination of energetic streams, and this what is creation produces.  It is not on your task list to go through some drawn-out effort to get this to happen.  When/if you have an interest in the energetic structure production, your interest is served through your contributions to the energetic streams - thought bursts, volition dimension integration, knowledge dimension integration, and such.  De-clumping, allowance for dissolution of inhibiting energetic structure factions, is for you to consider.  If you wish to learn, for instance, your natal impulse would have you stricting effort to intersect your mental frame with information sources, with little focus given to relieving the straints of constriction in your mental channels through which the information you which to learn flows.  Do this: notice the shaping of knowledge you intend to absorb, and now turn your attention to seeing (vibration feeling) energy flowing into/through your consciousness/mental intersection, with emphasized support for expanding amplification of energy flow in your dimensional consciousness presence.  This, and proceed onward, with trusting awareness that your knowledge is integrating.  Releive yourself of the need to convince your linear mind that anything has changed.  The knowledge is there; move onward!
Energy finery, of which we speak in terms you can more readily grasp from a basis of linear mind, such as frequency or sublety, is a relative perception of energetic condolence as perception in dimensional views within the infinite-space background.  More clumping, more density, lower vibration, lower frequency.  Less clumping, less density, higher vibration, higher frequency.  You are now needed to support your inherent ability to directly enhance the state of energetic structure, clumping as we are saying here, so as to allow dissolution of energetic structure to increase energy flow at a finer level, allow the clumping to take its course for that which aligns with your creative intentions.  Thus, as our example with knowledge indicates - allow knowledge to flow by allowing the structure of strictures to dissolve.  Allow healing to occur by allowing he dissolution of of energetic formations which inhibit energy flow throughout your being.  Allow your feeling states to rise in vibration through allowing the dissolution of the energetic forms which inhibit the flow of their energy throughout your being.  Allow your dimensional world dreams to manifest through allowing the dissolution of your energetic structure of thought forms which store beliefs to the contrary of what you desire.  Dissolution of energetic forms of higher density allows the energetic finery to flow.  Do not concern yourself to the formation of the energetic structures.  They happen as the energetic streaming moves...