Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #76

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Mar 12 – Mar 19, 2017

Transmission of inter-dimensional energy in what you perceive as energetic centers coordinated with your physical body chakras is customarily categorized according to energetic characteristics receivable by you in a transmutable sense.  Much of this is for convenience, and just as your consciousness center is not of and not confined to some location of congruence with your physicality, so too the case with the energy portals.  The congruence allows your concentration to focus, and with some understanding of the energetic characteristics, you need not depend on the three dimensional localities.
This means that in invoking the resonance of Ajna, for instance, your third eye point becomes a contact point where you can feel the vibration.  This is a contact point of spatial convenience, and integration of the energy for that frequency has no spatial restrictions, and the vibration of that frequency can be taken into integration with your interactions in inter-dimensional space as you will.  We point this out because it may be implied that the somatic coordinates associated with the chakra points are necessary constraints in invoking the energy for the chakra points.  This can make it somewhat awkward if, for instance, you are amplifying vibration energy for healing in your foot and invoking Ajna energy in the process.  Bring your consciousness center where it needs to be attentive, and bring the energies of invocation along.  This is always according to your will.
Another reason we are mentioning this is that in the process of orchestrating the energetic essence of your existence, you will be interested in integrating various energetic components and directing the energy flow.  Restriction to somatic mapping is highly limiting in this.  The sensory components introduced through the chakra points must be integrated according to your energetic intentions.  Restriction to one-at-a-time focus, as linear mind would expect, is illusory.  Release this limitation.
With this in mind, we extend our discussion.  As we have been speaking, Ajna as a contact point for mental energy realm, resonating closely with your visionary sensory receptors, can serve as a means for bridging your contact with the vastness of the mental energy realm amidst the concourse of your three dimensional underpinnings.  This can be a projection process for invoking 'visions' of your mental creations into manifestation.  This is yet a portion of possible sensory facets which can be involved.
In somatic healing, your sentient sensory receptors are of prevalence in your interaction with inter-dimensional space.  Capable of sensing vibrations in any mapping of coordination with your somatic structure, it is advised to keep the entirety of your involutionary structure in focus when intending restoration of harmonic balance.  Your entire somatic being is vibrating in unison, and although there is an obvious pull to associate your energetic involvement with the obvious out-of-balance condition, restoration of balance entails the entirety of your being.  So, approach healing in this way.
Conscious resonance of your consciousness vibration with your core energetic vibration...  As you pay attention you can feel the distinction of the vibration of the consciousness itself, in your being state, and adjust your attunement to the qualities of its vibration.  It can be a constructive endeavor to allow your perception of source energy in your being to integrate in this process, and entrain resonance with your consciousness in your source energy.  This would have a profound, rapid, purifying effect.  Being in preparation for this level of purification is essential for this to sustain you.
If you are acutely aware, of both your consciousness vibration and your source energy vibration, in unison, your frequency oscillations are of a fineness which renders density evident from intrinsic energetic state rather than the macroscopic observance of usuality in the finite world.  This translates, for one entering with finite world as a premise, to necessity for relieving burden of attachment to precipitations in finite world.
Your experience will be to go back and forth between the macrocosmic view and the finely perceived merging of your energy of consciousness and source energy.  This is how your purification streams forth.  As your finite world living progresses, it is part of your nature to establish attachments to objectives, goals and such.  If you will make a practice of releasing the grips of opacity in your being so as to allow your experiential merging of energetic consciousness with source energy, such will your goals, objectives in other than resonance with your source energetic vibration be released.  In turn, your progression into finite establishment will adjust and you will 'bother' less and less to try to forcefeed your reality with out-of-alignment manifestations.
You will become adept at purifying your goals and objectives, tuning the origins of intention into modulation with your energy frequency, and allowing your visions of intention to shape energetically, once the inception of desire from the physical world is established.  You get to wanting something or get excited about the idea of something, and rather than to get caught up in all of the physical world part of how it will come about, vibrate energetically about it and allow the excitement and the idea and the vision to merge and shift your awareness into energetic resonance with your consciousness, with this as lead-in, and your source energetic state.  Your spawning of intention, desire, objectivizing will evolve and become more aligned with your source energetic state, and the back and forth of your arising energetic creations and your inter-dimensional consciousness will become efficient in the purification process.  You must be prepared, however, to allow some 'old habits' to change, and deal with the reverberating effects on the mental/emotional/physical standing wave patterns that have become settled into the crystallization of the being for which your organic life is ensuing.
In quest for sensing your attunement to your vibration of consciousness, you can do this...
Quietening enough amid the noise level of your usual involvement in the dense planes, hone in on the beacon of awareness, paying attention to your awareness level.  As your maintenance of focus reaches a level of sustainment enough for you to be paying attention, notice the noticer.  When you are in intention for state of awareness, inquisitively feel for the 'who', the 'what' is experiencing the awareness and engaging the energy flow of such.  This is your consciousness.  In this connected state, feel for the vibration level of this 'who', 'what' of your being which is noticing and aware.  This will likely feel more subtle than the energetic vibration levels that usually grab your attention in the dense planes, and drown out the vibration of consciousness so as to filter it from nominal awareness view.  Spend some focus on this, and become attuned to feeling your consciousness vibration.  You will fastly find that you can sense this vibration upon intention to notice, even among the densest dilemmas you can imagine.
As you continue to do this, noticing of your consciousness vibration, you notice things.  You will learn to 'see' the containment of the shape of your consciousness coordinates in relation to your interaction with dense world situation.  In using terms such as 'expanded consciousness', we are specifically indicating release of conformment of your consciousness shape to the parametrizations of surface of intersection with finite dimensions.  Gaining receptivity to the frequency of your consciousness vibration will position you to carry your consciousness into expansive state, and directly integrate with your source energy stream.
As you see, seeing is energetic perceiving and light, as you physically understand it, is not the prerequesite for seeing energetically.  Light seeing is one form of energetic perception, yet in broader sense, energetic perception has arrays of vastness in perception, and your discernment of energetic fidelity allows you to extract energetic knowing of contours of energetic frequency states which define the shaping we are talking about.  In this way, you, knowing the feel of your energetic consciousness vibration, can perceive the quality of influence of your environment on the revelation of your consciousness into translucence with respect to your defined environment of existence.  If your perception is of opacity shaping the contours of your consciousness energy, then allowance of mergence with your source energy stream is a carrier through the opaque medium boundaries.
In your finite boundary state, the reception of your source energetic stream issues signals of connection via the vibration sentience perceivable even from within your finite being state.  Your source energy stream, infinite, is not forced into alignment with your consciousness energy, yet when you are aware, and you can energetically see the shaping of the consciousness energy, allowing your being vibration sentience to merge with your consciousness contour makes the connection which draws the veils of opacity, and your source energy stream will emit and bring alignment into essence.
Thus, as we have been guiding you, and as you have been practicing awareness of your being vibration sentience, you are now able to readily feel this energy, and with familiarity with its distinction in frequency characters.  The finer sublety of your consciousness vibration would at first be lost in the 'noise' of your being sentient vibration, and we are now guiding you to see the distinction in the energetic characters of your consciousness energy.  You can feel these energies merge together into entrainment and allowance for your energetic source to freely merge forth.
Spending available conscious bandwidth in these endeavors will have expansive effects and being-character shifts in dynamics for you.  These may be of significant proportions in requesting your releases from attachments of acquisition along the path of your physical environment life space.  Yet, it is time for that.  Such releases can have a rip tide effect of trying to pull you back into the familiarization of habits which have become habitual.  Persistence in attaining sustained feel of your consciousness energy in play with entraining to your fundamental resonance energies is called for here.
There is now a different light in which you can see your interaction with what you know as light.  Instilled in your finite being is the ability to stream light energy through your vision sensory receptors and thereby translight into perception.  As energetic character sensory reception, you are enslaving your reachable quorum of energetic pores of sense to dimensionally feel essences within the energetic forms.  Seeing light this way, you may now begin to enter a new tavern into which your encounters with light energy in the physical plane will propel you quickly into inter-dimensional space.