Inter-Dimensional Channel – Mar 11 – Mar 12, 2017
Extension of what you see as vision, through your energy point of vision, known as ajna chakra, integrates dimensions into your interactive three dimension life allowing your focus to be acute from a finite dimension starting point. We speak of bringing your attention, focus, in some way to allow the expansion of energy channels into your awareness. You may use your ajna point to directly accomplish this sort of direction more acutely. We shall now speak about this.
Opening fully into your vast array of mental realm energy feels to you as though you would be 'leaving your world behind' and have no way to find your way back. Gadding about in your world, keeping under wraps your mental energy flow becomes part of your 'survival arsenal' to keep yourself from getting lost in the mental realm, or from appearing to yourself to become lost. Yet, if you take to heart what we have been guiding you to do - bring your attention to your core energetic state through perception of vibrational sentience - the wraps of containment for expansive energetic flow must be loosened. Ajna, as a portal twixt dense organization of your existence and your mental gateway which is the entryway for you into higher dimensions, allows your direct interaction with mental space. This enables you to have say in direct flow of energy instead of deferring to the autonomic mechanism of clamping down on the flow of mental energy.
Ajna is typically associated with vision, yet this is one facet only. Your concept of vision entwines much in dimensions of which perception in your world is beyond discernment. Approaching energetic contact with Ajna chakra, and thinking of it as only a vision concept maintaining your linearly-minded understanding of such, you would typically be left with a flurry of visions passing through your mental stream and be at odds trying to forcefeed it all into something that makes sense. With knowledge that you are entering Ajna through vibration sentience, with comprehensible mental streams in each vibration as your assumption of what 'vision' means, experiential grasping dawns. Experiential grasping dawns with your maintenance of awareness of dense precipitated world, as you are in tactile connection through Ajna. This allows you some freedom in allowing your consciousness to be propelled into the vastness of energy flow. The small subset of your mind required to maintain awareness of your three dimensional world is still there and functioning, yet with widening of energetic flow through the Ajna portal readily according to your volition.
Now, as we have been guiding you to, upon noticing your being being pulled into the ostensible containment of involutionary inclusion set in place for definition of energetic form in necessitating dense existence, be that as reminder to shift your attention to your vibration sentience in assumption of focus on your core energy of source. As we have told you, 'attention' and 'focus' are for you actions of noticing and allowing moreso than doing, as you are accustomed to understanding the concept of action. Your doing in a three dimensional sense would be an obstruction to energy flow. Yet your inherent restlessness of programming for doing perpetrates the need for some concentrative act for 'attention' and 'focus' to be sustained through intervals of linear time. This is how your conentration on the energetic vibration of your Ajna point becomes involved here.
In the course of finite world attentiveness, once you become aware and do shift your focus into vibration sentience, and remember to notice your core energy source, the duration of the endeavor can be short-lived because of the quick revelation of vastness of your energy source. It is as you have a bottle filled with air, and release the cork on the bottle and attempt to maintain focus on the air which had been within the bottle as it merges and integrates with the rest of the air in the atmosphere. You would soon let that ides be and go back to considering the atmosphere as a whole and having no distinction for the air that at one time had been in the bottle. So it is upon first noticing your energetic state. At first you notice the energy shift, and soon you begin to feel that all of the enegy becomes mixed together and there is little or nothing for your focal mechanism to grasp in maintaining a sustained shifted orientation. In this transition, rather than to just go back to your linear world business, if you will concentrate focus through Ajna point, allowing 'visionary' representation of your core source energy to connect the circuit with your linear mind, the energetic stream is now in your awareness state through Ajna, and you can draw your volition dimensions into integration so as to effect the degree of expansion in your 'going back and forth' between inter-dimensional consciousness and linear world attentiveness.
You may notice that when you begin to shift from linear thinking into vibration sentience, core energetic resonance awareness, sensory vibrations occur which are of appropriate sensation for sensors not known or dormant in the nominal three dimension environment. These become twined with the ones you do know such as vision and sentience, and from a dominant linear view become sensations of extension of familiarity - hence visions that are beyond the sight experiences of linear world, feelings beyond the familiar. Perceiving through Ajna and knowing these as such, you can directly have influence on the degree of experiential interface, and cognitively realizing these of expansive nature, you can approach with open mindedness which renders your linear-minded encapsulation into submission.
Now, in those times when you first shift your attention into your energetic essence, and you begin to see light and to feel sensations that are not known in the linear world, your heretofore method of dealing has been to go back to linear world involution encapsulation and take the shifted energetic realm focus as a momentary experience. Rather than do that, when the edges of the involutionary energetic finite-world forming begin to solidify, maintain your 'noticing' of core energetic resonance, and bring your concentrative focus to Anja point. From here you can adjust according to intentions for progressing onward. You can use the Ajna point's sentience as a node in energetic transmission, going back and forth between finite world and higher dimensions.
We have spoken of progression into seeing the inter-dimensional space integrated among the energetic structures of your finite world, and this becoming more seamless as your awareness dawns. We have also spoken of energy generation through oscillation of your point of focus being in infinite dimensions alternatively with finite world involution. Frequency of the going back and forth can range from few, brief encouners with higher dimensions in a lifetime, to rapidity that defies the most highest frequency imaginable in the physical environment. This latter is what we mean by 'seamless'. If you will use your Ajna portal connection as a fulcrum for oscillation between the ostensible separate worlds, and cultivate the adept ability to free will the frequency of oscillation, you will become aware of the integration into seamlessness in this way. Thus, with high enough frequency shift in consciousness, in oscillating between the worlds of linearly-minded perception and inter-dimensional consciousness, division between the worlds ceases to be, and so does your perception of 'getting lost' as you release your inhibitions with expanded consciousness.
Ajna thus, is the means for you to maintain contact with the 'pulse' of your inter-dimensionally expanded being - your 'who you are', energetic state. Use this in your arsenal for maintaining footing in the dense, three dimensional world, rather than to pull a total shutdown of flow of inter-dimensional space into your experience. Go to Ajna often. Use this as a means to remember. If you are feeling lost in your world, see what is going on with Ajna, and pulsate the frequency there, and step beyond your boundary tension fear of expanding into realization of your reality state.
Through Ajna thus, your precipitated states become transmuted into infinite energy 'visions', and your visionary states are pulled into transmutation in precipitated crystalization. This is how you can multivision from states of overwhelming mental energy noticed from your finite containment, and through viewing energetic manifestations accessible from Ajna energetic vibration, allow the manifestations to purify in crystal form in their expansive realms, flowing thus into the molds of structure of your blueprint intersection with finite domain, bolted by your resonance with core energetic stream. See your manifestations in this way, and after, allow them not to worry you.
In this way, you learn that your tendency to shoulder responsibility to 'do' everything in your finite world is a product of that world and in lack of understanding of the energetic nature inherent in how your reality states manifest. This too, can serve as a reminder, as your habit of feeling that it is all on your shoulders to accomplish anything that happens in your precipitated world is what creates the ostensible funnel through which you are expecting to channel all energy, and hence the sense of being overwhelmed when the mental energetic creations become greater. The trigger of this overwhelmed feeling can serve as a reminder to restore your attentiveness to your inner energetic core and vibration sentience. You can, from this point, view your energetic creations through your energetic portals, such as Ajna, and release the locking of mechanism of expectation that for manifestation a set defined path of your involvement is needed. Thus unlocking, your availability for involvement becomes open and you are free to participate as a participant in any way, whether as a doer or ochestrator or appreciator in any way the energy carries you.
Even when you are a 'doer', be understood in this way of yourself as an energetic participant allowing the manifestations to create, and be present in your resonance inner energy core as you are orchestrating and doing. In integration with energy core, you are aware that all of the other things you could be 'doing' while you are a doer in the midst of whatever energy stream you are doing (or which is doing you as an instrument) are progressing in the energy stream and you are not accomplishing by burdening yourself with feelings of burden about how they are going to get accomplished - so you can relax about all of that!