Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #3

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jun 10 – Jun 13, 2016

While your wondering is wandering whither the plains of the plane of finite sensory parameters, whether there is really some inherent need for the discomforts of physical discomfort, fatigue when energy is desired, and such, we are expressing some understanding that most closely relates to your concept of temperature.  These coordinate configurations that upset you are analogous to elevated temperature, energetically, in a dislodged, disoriented kind of way.  The analog of coolness is the restoration of a harmonic resonance in your interfacing energetic waveforms.  Our analogy is loosely correlated with your concept of temperature because inducing, mentally, a temperature shift idea when in the midst of these sorts of configurations, shifts the effect, just as when feeling overheated, inducing coolness into your immediate environment brings relief.
Now, in the physical dense dimension, higher temperature means higher vibration of molecules and their increased motion and bumping into one another and all.  Energetically, our analogous chaotic representation of a higher 'energetic temperature' is energy vibrations, frequencies and amplitudes, taking on differing and varying sizes and attempting to migrate into unification within the confinement of relative coordinates.  This is the essence of a state of being with higher out of phase conditions.  Inducing the energetic cooling effect invokes a resonance among the frequency waves and gravitates the configuration toward a state of harmonic unification.
When you perceive the desire to shift the energetic norm of your configuration, such as when you are feeling sleepy yet need to perform in the physical environment, use the temperature analogy to awaken your mind to the connective concept, with coolness approaching, and the energetic effect being re-energizing with harmonic resonance.  This, invoking the knowledge frequency of such, leads to a shift in the norm of your current configuration.
Sleepiness is a guiding you to the doorway of inter-dimensional expansion.  If this is happening whilst endeavoring throughout the finite planes, and waking state is the expectation, your surface tension filters are sufficiently tuning out the higher dimensional energies to the point where sleepiness is creeping up to nudge you to find the most energy-efficient path to tune them in.  This is an autonomic thing, which means that your conscious intent, will, is not taken into the equation.  If you will allow your will to engage in the configuration, so as to flow the inter-dimensional energy throughout, then there is no need for the contrasting sleepy state, amidst your finite tour.  This 'coolness' idea we are presenting serves you as a waking up to involve your consciousness and will in this way in those situations, and it is relatively easy to remember.  You see, you tend to be lulled to sleep because sleepiness beckons you to release your intended will involvement in the finite plane.  You have become entrained in this way, through many numerous cases of going to sleep.  It would not automatically occur to you to recognize sleepiness as a tap on the shoulder to wake up and open the inter-dimensional channels whilst awake and performing in finite world endeavors.
So, embrace the irony in the idea of sleepiness being a means of waking you, whilst awake.  That being in process, your attentiveness can now attune to just how to meander your way through the crust of finite residue which feels to have engulfed you, and unite with the stream of inter-dimensional energetic essence.  The sleepiness energy has a vibration to it, and it would be of service to you to become acquainted with this vibration.  This can even be a game you play when going to sleep for reals, at night.  See how you can feel this vibration, and how long you can remain aware at the stage between the finite dimension world and your inter-dimensional consciousness realm.  Finding the sweet spot between these two apparent contrasting worlds is the trick.  It is an opening which can and will expand with your attentiveness to it.  Your accustomed recoil effect of reacting to waking state sleepiness is to recoil from it, to fight it, and push through with the ongoing world of finitism agenda.  It does not, at first, naturally occur to you to release the tension and to find the sweet spot that you have heretofore known only just prior to falling asleep.  The ingrained contrasting recoil due to the dialectic perception of sleeping vs waking in a finite dimension world is at the root of the installation of this accustomization.  Your consciousness, now knowing this, will be primed to enter in and approach these situations differently.  Find and get to know this sweet spot.  This bridges the apparent abyss between the worlds which are only perceived to be contrasting from the dialectic perspective of the physical plane.  The discrete treatment of sleepy states as being handled by either finding a way to go to sleep, or by fighting to stay awake, need not be.  These are installed as part of your basic organic being package, to ensure the basics are met, however recklessly you decide to handle your organic existence.  So, 'coolness', 'sweetspot'...  Work with these, play with these, loosely, and begin to entrain your conscious intersection of Infinite Being with finite world endeavor to release the struggle of the dialectic contrasting that is merely a result of the dis-conscioused engagement in an organic world.  The dis-conscioused engagement is a starting point, rather than intended to be a steady state throughout a lifetime.
You are finding that the 'world between worlds' we are opening to you has worlds of possibilities for opening channels beyond finding a ways to wake up through sleepiness.  The discrete harshness in your worlds is usually caused by the filtering that creates the dialectic nature, and the inter-dimensional energetic stream channeling fills in the void that is apparent because of this filtering.  For now, explore this world and see what it leads to you.  See when and how it becomes available in challenging situations.  Play in the midst of the in-between of sleepy and waking states.
Energy, wave transmission, encoded with intention, may be gathered in what would be somewhat like bundles, as you would understand, and pulse in concordance with finite dimension intersection.  Thus, you can for instance observe that you are feeling down in the dumps.  Stepping through the opening of worlds, draw energy of the frequency that would be aligned with your intention to feel up out of the dumps, and allow this to gather.  Go about your business as this cultivates and reaches a point of readiness to radiate in unison with your physical plane events.  Use this in multiple ways, simultaneously if you feel it fits for you.  This can take just a flash - to reach the mental thread connection.  Thus, in the midst of some activity that seems daunting, constrained by physical plane parameters, weightiness, flashing into the threaded mental encapsulation of energy with your energetic encoding intended to alleviate the weightiness, and propel you in a light realm state, can occur instantaneously and need not seemingly involve some interval of what you interpret as time in the finite planes.  Implementing shifts in your reality circumstances in this way seems imaginary when concentrated on the dense-only point of view, but if you reach high enough, believe enough, to just do it, your worlds will shift, and change to what was previously thought difficult or not possible.  Opening the gateway of the realms within the surface division of the finite restriction within the infinite becomes much into reality that is filtered out in the finite restriction.
You may then wish to know, sometimes you are thinking about these things and sometimes you are not, and when you go for a bit without thinking and directing toward energetic states that climb above the murky resonance level of the dense world, your entrained state gravitates back to the frequency of the environment, as you tend to observe.  How can you change the generation of energy frequency that is driving your state of things to seek the higher frequencies you seek when you are thinking about it, even when you are not thinking about it?
This is why we are seeking you to attend to your phase alignment between the inner resonant frequency of your being, and the emission of signal transmissions into your space of focus for imminent existence.  Our reference to the inner fundamental resonant frequency of your being is, we realize, a summative cumulative reference to what could be a very complex concept if attempted to be analyzed and understood the way you are used to doing things on your physical plane.  The mental connection is what is relevant, and using the summative cumulative reference allows the mental connection to make instantaneously, and that is why we keep it that way.  Important for your involvement is that you know that your inner source state effectively transmits a resonant frequency which is at the rapture level of your spirit being.  If this energetic transmission is allowed to radiate forth, all the whilst as your finite dimension excursion is in progress, then your alignment in phase is good.  Alignment of phase is the result when your experiential frequency is observable to be of a rapture state concurrent with your innermost being.  Attending to the pulsating of your resonant frequency provides a gradual trainment of your frequency generating process, and along with it, the division between conscious and unconscious energy generation faints.  Our consistent guidance to enter through your Heart Center Vibration state is with intention to provide your consciousness being with this trainment.