Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #74

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Mar 6 – Mar 10, 2017

When left to the coasting in the midst of a worldly life, idle attention settles into worldly matters, and thus your vibration frequency gravitates to the nominal vibration of the dense, which incorporates all of the friction you encounter in that world.  You experience this by finding your way to worry and struggle and conflict and trying to dig your way out of those things by constructing a path to something that you think, within that world, will elevate you.
However, there is nothing from keeping you in higher frequency states throughout, despite what is happening in the physical environment.  It is a matter of attending your focus to higher elevation frequency states at all times, and when the idle times occur, focus on your vibration states rather than whatever the world of environment has been reflecting back to you.  This is why we persist in encouraging you to attend to your inner state of vibration sentience, willfully, and persistently.
Linear thinking in finite, three, dimensions is designed to pretty readily incorporate two states into regular operation - doing, thinking; thinking, doing.  This is so ingrained in your functioning that prior to developing expansionment into consciousness of Greater Mind, anything other than being in cycle with these dualities would feel foreign to you, and your 'resting state' would still carry you into these - even if your physical state is resting and you are ostensibly still, your mental state continues and if you are not 'doing', you are often thinking about doing.  What snaps you back from immersion into inter-dimensional consciousness from entering through a state of awareness of your vibrational sentience is this feeling of foreignness.  From the linearly-minded point, entering inter-dimensionsl consciousness through sentient vibration immersion appears to be 'doing nothing', and your human psyche is not automatically programmed to process this.  As your experience will unfold to reveal, in inter-dimensional consciousness you are experientially 'doing' much, many more energetic endeavors than the two-state of finite three dimensions of your accustomment.
Meditation practices which you are taught sometimes reflect on the cyclic processes of your physiology, such as breathing, or vision or hearing.  Persistence in this way leads you into experiential awareness of the higher dimensions, reaching you beyond the shell of definition for form of your organic being.  Softening occurs with regard to the starkness of your physical form amid energetic space of constitution comprising your totality of being.  We are advancing encouragement for willful practice of what we will call sensory interaction in infinite gateway, representing conscious attention to awareness of sensations of connection with your being with energetic infinite, in regular activity throughout your life.  For you we are continually presenting attentive sentient noticing of your energetic vibration.  This be your means for 'unhooking' from the sense that there is a totality to the dense environment which renders you as a recipient of resultant separateness.  Representation of your consciousness into pure essence of energetic vibration renders your experiential understanding infinite, as you ARE the totality of all.
Short of untrained Inner Eye, finding the chord of your resonance vibration state could appear as finding a needle in a haystack among all of the disarray of energetic vibration states occurring on the surface of dimensional space precipitated upon the concept of density, as is the nominal basis for your third dimension world.  So then, suggesion is to train the Inner Eye to do this better!  Habitually you are accustomed to going about an noticing things in your environment, whether observationally in the ostensibly external to your being, or by thinking and constructing the precipitated consternations in mental energy form.  The transmittal components notwithstanding, the effect on your emotional states, and hence your operating vibration states, is to entrain with the least common denominator of your cross section of energy frequencies, and establish the lowest vibration available.  You are automatic in allowing the pull into such dense vortex energy swirls to propel forward and become self propagating as you 'tend to worldly matters', or not, even if you have the space available to just think.
It need not be this way.  Your natural vibration state, independent of your finite, precipitated being view of reality, is what you are, and hence must always be there, and hence must always be available for you to integrate into your immediate understanding of your reality state.  It is simply that you must make the initiative to bring your attention in this way, and allow your vibration state to change.  The first step in finding a needle in a haystack is to begin looking, and the first step in training you Inner Eye to resonate with your inner resonance frequency is to train your mind to look there and allow the resonance to occur, however the circumstances of your organic life are unfolding at the moment, and regardless of the grooves of mental track your mind is inclined to follow.  It is your conscious choice.
One illusory boundary through your appearance of finite world and expansive infinite consciousness is the capacity of your creative intelligence to construct energetic creations in multitudes of directional dimensions, way way beyond the level of possibility for the finite dimensions to assimilate.  This can create a surface tension operation in operating as a finite being, causing feelings of being overwhelmed and having inward anxious energy chorded to the mental capacity of all you are intending to create.  We assure that in taking a new paradigm of striking inwardly to resonate with your energetic state of infinite dimensions, this solves the boundary condition.  In infinite dimensions there is no limitation based on time or physical constraints, and no linear sequencing required as your linear finite mind is accustomed to believing.  So, when you get to having all kinds of ideas of things you want to do or accomplish or want to happen, whether they are dreamy wishes or responses to finite world responsibilities or conundrums, and that overwhelming feeling starts to arise about the constraints of mapping it all in a way the finite world would have it match your mental creations, the training is in releasing your mental/volitional grip on the necessity for the finite world to be the playing ground for it all, and turn your focus to your vibration state and use all of your inter-dimensional sensory channels available in the moment to embrace your core energy channel.  Train your mind to make a practice of deciding how to proceed in finite environment according to inner frequency uplifting vibration, and allow your proceedance into active reasoning to formulate from that basis.  For all other than what your attention is seeking in a given moment, allow the energy streams to work and as needed for physical precipitation purposes, the energetic resonance of inspiring volition will integrate as appropriate for your active involvement.
You see, inter-dimensionally, your capabilities are quite different from the proceedances that are available along the parametrized surfaces of finite dimensions.  You are capable of streaming energy in numbers of directions at one instant.  You need to become familiar with your inter-dimensional being in this way, and to begin to feel that this is the "real you", because it is.  It will get to the point where your realness in this way feels natural to you, and the subset of reality of your finite world will be seen for the construction that it is, within inter-dimensional space.
Keep reminding yourself to remember until you remember automatically, for your immediate focus to be on your inner energy channel, your resonant vibration state, always ever-present in your being.  Allow the filters which make the appearance of the finite, precipitated world appear to be entity onto itself to be eliminated in moment by moment conscious intentional will.  The substance of the ostensible boundaries between the finite and infinite will ensue to evaporate in this way.  You will become adept at, rather than to stress over how everything that is coming to mind for your accomplishments in physical plane will be carried out, allowing your energetic dimensions to expansively reach into all directions needed for their realization in inter-dimensional space, and satisfy the resonance of your being in this way, deeply achieving a state of inner peace and equanimity.  This will become more real for you than the physical environment which you have seen as such for so long.  Maybe it will just begin to dawn on you that your infinite reality is really all you need in your existence!
The trickiness for you comes in with the blending.  The, what is at first, going back and forth between 'caring' about all of the finite, created illusory existence, and being immersed into your inner core energy stream, and aware of inter-dimensional consciousness.  These would appear to be of opposing perspectives, and trying to 'figure it out logically' doesn't work.  Our advice is to, when you notice your motivation being physical plane oriented, whether for good feeling or bad feeling reasons, that be your remembrance to unplug your hooks from that limited reality space, and to open your attention to your inner vibratory energy core, and keep your attention there.  Keep on, and keep on doing this, and the issue of how the 'going back and forth' will be resolved will gain clarity for you.
So, upon remembering to resolve focus upon your core energy channel, what then do you do?  Once your mind knows and intends this, it is more a matter of noticing than doing.  This is why we emphasize remembering, because it is your inward energy vibration which is called upon for you to notice, and absent the remembering, you are going along noticing what is happening in the precipitated world.  Noticing is a deepening, infinite endeavor and brings you to the entryway for the portal into inter-dimensional space.  This is limitless, and if you will allow your visionary and other sensory receptors to thusly engage, your experiental forces will carry you.  There is no 'do' in your physical world sense.  Your mind and consciousness is your interface with your 'real world'.
You can actually make use of the going 'back and forth' once you are aware and notice the subtleties of the differences in these two worlds.  As you know, your three dimensional world is of dialectic nature, with oscillations of energy between two-state boundaries being of instrument in generating energy of radiation into your finite dimension realm and beyond.  Using your two states of 'noticing', your precipitated world, and your inner energy core, as state boundaries, and your shifting back and forth of your attention between the two, will generate energy as well as anchor your focus in expanding your attentiveness into your inner energy core in transcendence of the distractions of the physical world.  In knowing you are generating energy in this way, your inclusion of dimensional threads according to your volition into the energy stream is possible.  We ask you to begin now to understand this concept and to work with this in your expansion of consciousness.