Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #70

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Feb 18 – Feb 24, 2017

Mental energy level is effusively integrated with your live forces and such that high fidelity discernment provides the skills sufficient to ascertain its flow in the course of your live experiences.  Short of intentional conscious development of high fidelity discernment and careful awareness, high amplitudes of open mental energy channel can provide for a rapid-fire experience along the paths of physicalness.  The mental plane energy itself is uninhibited in its motion throughout and within the density, yet in integration is directly effectual upon density forces with which your sensors interact, in full transmission of its high amplitude power.
On the other hand, when focused direction of mental power concords with your energetic intentions of internal resonance, your witless density, although incapable of inhibiting the flow of mental energy, in diminished awareness, will implant obstructions of diffusion for scattering the mental energy from the focal which is summoned.
So, it would seem, through the integration of mental energy with your collection of substance defining your existence in finite planes, your unawareness of its full presence and effect in your experiential creations causes havoc for you; while, when you would be well served to channel your mental power and allow its speed to work in your favor, your lack of awareness of the distinction of mental energy and power causes your non-mental energetic precipitations to get in its way from performing as you would wish.  Don't ya think it would do some good to gain more awareness of your mental nature and the energetic power which constitutes the energetic medium of connection of your finite being with infinite nature?
You will be learning to understand to recognize when your mental energy frequency is elevated, such as when your absorption into mental activity is acute and preempts tending to attention for higher density concerns, such as nourishment and recreation.  You will recognize when there are sudden shifts in your emotional state, because the mental energy has interceded with visions of contrasting conditions to the presently reflected.  Any condition which tips you off that mental energy is in play of effect with your ensuing conditions becomes a trigger for your awareness state to know this, and to be more highly sensitized to the direction of mental energy.  This is the key.
Energy available for flow through your volitional intersection with your coordinates of spatial interaction is strikingly vast.  This to most is not realized because necessarily, without being aware of the intensity of flow, trimming down the flow spigot is happening simply for you to be able to function within the cross section of infinite dimensions which define the scope of your living coordinates.  Reducing the flow of the powerful stream of mental energy is a natural skill most of you have given at birth.  Awareness and using your will to direct mental energy is learned by choice and the right type of effort.  The first thing to consider exploring is the understanding of mental energy as energy.  From a path which has begun in finite plane birth, interactions with the mental plane are of the extent needed in finite plane life - thinking, remembering, figuring out finite things...  These are extremely limited in comparison to the scope of the mental energy and the understanding that mental energy is indeed energy, and transmutable into other forms of energy.  Begin now to understand this, to watch, to feel the mental energy flow through your being, and notice that its flow has by no means any restriction within a framework of what has finitely been considered the extent of the uses of the mind.  As this energy is available in abundant supply, so it is available for transmutation in abundant energetic form, to augment energetic aspirations of your finite plane intersection.  Thus, in your healing endeavors, you may deliberately transmute mental energy in course of your intentions.
Pulsating mental waves in a resonance with the ongoing current state of your emotional body is something which is available to you, yet not done autonomously as part of your life form.  Being aware of mental plane energy and your ability to direct its flow, intentionally, directionally and characteristically, your sensitivity to your current emotional state can define the premise for pulsating mental energy in integration with your emotional energetic state in the interest of effecting shift in your emotional configuration.  This harmonizes your emotional and mental states, the disharmonic resonance of which underlies much of your tendency to feel disoriented in your finite world.  You can use your mental powers to alleviate this and to feel much more oriented.
Times when your emotional states are getting you down, you are used to wrestling with them directly, or are inclined to pursue pathways in the physical world which you have come to associate with improved emotional states, or at least sources of relief from the intensity of the discomfort from them.  Not in the natural tendency is the seeking of mental energy in the resolution of your interests.  As the mind is often operating at rapid speed in ways which drive the emotional states, your accustomization is to see the mind as the enemy and therefore to shun mental energy when your emotional sensitivity is at prominence in your priorities.  Inclining into the energy we are discussing here, there is some path for reconsideration of this long-established strategy for emotional development.  Seeing mental energy as energy available for transformation, transmutation and direction according to your volition, rather than high volume uncontrollable energy which must, at best, be filtered merely to allow you to continue to exist as a finite being, you man now consider the integration of use of mental energy as an ally rather than something to be blocked out as being intrusive to your finite agenda.  So, rather than to try to shut out your mind when your feeling states are dismaying you, open your consciousness to channeling and using mental energy in any ways that you can think of creating, in support of your well being.
In speaking of pulsating in resonance with finite plane objectivity, such as emotional gatherings of energetic mass, this is a way of releasing energy of the vastly, fast moving capability of the mental plane energy in bursts of degree with ability to integrate at a rate which moves in conjunction with the finite world objects, and such bursts being resonated with fundamental frequencies of the finite world objects.  Thus, your mental insertion of energy is adjusted according to the details of the circumstances and your objectives so as to bring energy in alignment with them.
Our encouragement is for loosening of the straps which frame your mental energetic flow as a hindrance to the intentions for your finitel life's existence.  Ostensible hindrance arises due to rapidity of flow of mental energy in its natural state, which having understood, you are immensely capable of integrating into your consummation of energetic intentions in progression of your life.  In a metaphorical comparison, it is as the flow of energy which you sense as light proceeding in its natural speed, appearing to be a hindrance to the existence of physical matter that brings coordinates of translucency and opacity into the stream.  It is more typical for it to be the other way around, where you view the physical density as hindrance to the flow of light energy.  Why so?  Why do you perceive fast moving energy of the mental plane as hindrance to your intentions, and physical precipitations as hindrance to fast moving light?  The difference is that in physicality, you perceive light as being external to you, and mental energy as arising within you.  Neither of these is really displaying deep understanding of existence, only perception from a finite being who is filtering through a finitely-limited mind.  We urge you at this moment to notice the 'hindrance perceptions' you have in operation during your finite existence, and allow them to be seen in their own light of perception, and allow your inter-dimensional mind to carry you into deeper understanding about energy flow in infinite dimensions.
In endeavor for transmutation of energy, mental energy included, you are aided through your concept of what you know as light.  Encapsulation of multitudes of forms which would appear to you, as three dimensional being, too complex to grasp, occurs as appearance in the experience you recognize as visualization of light.  If you remember this and add this component, you are able to introduce more precision in transmission of mental energy, and using for positive results in your experiences.  Any time you notice some disarray and know that what you have been considering excessive activity of the mind, hence excessive mental energy trying to funnel through your finite dimension filters, float outward to broader dimensional perspective and prepare to focus your intentions and channel mental energy, and make use of light visualization for encoding of transmissions of your intentions.
Transmutation really means inception of inter-dimensional channels which prior have been quiescent.  Your intuitional involvement is the determining factor in the activation of energy dimensions of relevance for your transformational shift in present states.  For instance, say you have something you want to accomplish, you like the view of the result, and wish to carry out the effects, yet the apparent paths to the effected result are disappealing to you - so you have energy about something you can see, envision happening, but the apparent paths to get there are uninviting.  What can you do if your objective is to act only when inspired with resonance with your energetic core?  Channeling transmission of mental energy, through you and forward in space/time with this intention would activate the inspiration dimension, and transmute your current energetic state into a carrying forward somehow in an inspirational way.  What had been appearing distasteful may now become an inspiring path, or the vision itself may shift so as to align with paths that are appealing for you.  However it plays out, there is always a transmutational path which will transform your current state of finite crystallization into movement along resonance channels with your source being.