Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #69

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Feb 13 – Feb 16, 2017

Direct mental energy directly into, through your central energy core channel, Dynamic Inner Stillness within your being.  Your mental mind has the power to fire off in any directional path very swiftly.  This is all well-served when the path aligns with your central energy core channel.  With unbridled mind, such alignment is a chance-happen kind of thing, and the unwitted may feel somewhat exposed to being influxed upon randomness of not necessarily to their liking.  This kind of thing happens when you see that the mental mind gets running off on worrisome topics or overwhelmed with such array of voluminous mental energy along mappings of diverse physical plane paths resulting in a huge disarray of feeling state and not obvious course to proceed to calmness.
We offer, in proceeding to calmness, what would, may, at first appear contra to the objective - to direct all of this mental energy, as soon as you notice these situations are happening, directly within to destination of infinite point of Dynamic Inner Stillness.  The mind is a mental energy generating machine whether you think you are making use of it or not.  Channeling your mental energy through your core central channel into your Dynamic Inner Stillness center acknowledges everything produced by the mind and alchemizes the vast array of mental plane production into your being.  In the finite plane cross section of inter-dimensional space, your 'making use' of the mental energy thus arises through your central energy core, in an equanimous way, in concerted resonance with your being.  Some may use terms such as 'controlling the mind'.  This would imply some means of trying to stop the mind's natural ability as an infinite energy generator.  We would say more like alchemizing into the stream of the mind's energy and into your production of consciousness onward.
Now, how you can channel mental energy inward, into your Dynamic Inner Stillness, in this way.  Noticing is the first step.  Mental energy which appears to be running amok from finite vantage place gets your attention somehow - anxious feeling, anger, overwhelmed feeling.  This happening, there is energy in the mind which is beyond containment in your finite scope of definition for mental interface.  This must be so.  Now, you really only need give energetic wind a nudge to begin the momentum for flow of the energetic mental.  With the nudge, the energy stream knows the flow, and you become the process, you vibrationally feel the flow of energy into your depth of Inner Stillness.  For the sake of your threshold of understanding we speak in linear way of flow in a direction, yet your realization clarifies the omnidirectional flow and dynamic nature of the Inner Stillness and assumption of mental energy.
Some of the premise for this discourse is the attention-grabbing which strikes you when the flow (or conscriction) of mental energy puts you into a pickle within the scope of your quest for maintaining a balanced, enjoyable, productive, purposeful progression of finte being life.  The undertaking of which we speak in regard to directing mental energy flowing into your Dynamic Inner Stillness need not be pickly motivated.  We bring it up initially that way because that is how YOU are usually motivated.  When things go amok, then you suddenly become inspired to find paths for change.  However, directing energy in this way can always be done.  Take the following situation as discussion.
Sometimes you happen upon mental thought energy which is inspiring, exciting, getting you momentarily uplifted at an idea - just say you suddenly think of the idea of becoming a chef and it is appealing to you.  We say 'momentarily' because the standard operating procedure in finite planes is for an idea such as this to inspire excitement, and as the finitely-filtered mental mind proceeds the path is often to course in the direction, in finite world constraint recognition, of how to make this happen: "Ok, how can I become a chef?" "Learn in chef school?" "Where would I get the money?" "How do I make a living in the mean time?" "Where would I find the time to go to chef school?" "How long would it take to go to school?" "When I finish chef school how would I find a job and what if I can't find a job?".  By the time these sequences of questions play out, and this can happen in a matter of a few seconds as the mind produces at its super fast speed, your excitement of becoming a chef is beginning to shift into worry, all based on sequences of mental thought forms premised on the unnecessary restriction that finite plane constraints must be imposed in order for your thought of a finite plane undertaking to become manifest in finite plane.  This pattern of excitement turned to worry is common in your field of species, and superficially extinguishes your creative energy.
We suggest this, continuing with your become a chef idea.  Upon notice of the excitement, be aware and unhitch the mental stream from the constrictions of the finite plane, and assume awareness of the energy of the excitement arising from the mental energy.  This excitement is your chord striking of inner resonance, and this is where your attentiveness must be directed.  At this point let your mind unhitch from the finite plane details sequence.  This does not mean to try to inhibit the thought streams - remember the mind is a generator and your finite mine will is only a restrictor not the generator.  Direct your focus to the energy itself and as we have been describing, direct the flow of energy into your Dynamic Inner Stillness.  Allow the flow and proceed onward.  Be content and equanimous to allow the story of whether or not you actually do become a chef, and how it plays out if you do or do not, to unfold on its own.  If it gathers momentum and is going to happen, more excitement thought forms will follow and so will the resonance to render that long string of questions either answered or of shifted relevance.
Streaming mental energy in direct circuit to Dynamic Inner Stillness point is doing many more than finding solution to frequency elevation when you realize 'the world is getting you down' or using as a means for keeping your own reactiveness to your own finite precipitation from being the hindrance in streaming creative precipitation in alignment with what you are seeking.
We say stream inward toward your INNER stillness because this is how you understand it.  Yet inter-dimensionally there is no inward and no outward.  Inward is outward.  Outward is inward.  Streaming your mental energy, streaming your excitement energy in the way we are teaching, is teaching you to live in your energy stream of harmonic resonance, rather than under the weight of your precipitative environment.  This is the magnitude of value in approaching your states in this way.  As you go on and continue with this, your division between that mindset in which you can feel and know the energy streaming onto Dynamic Inner Stillness and what had been your usual state of existence in finite world now evolves into vaporous concept.  This is what we reference as living the energy stream.  Your directed creation and your experiential realization of creation become one.
How to develop strength - strength for sustained intention for heightened awareness of the numinous amidst the surface tension within defined domains such as the physical world, surface tension that shifts and changes, mutating into differing forms as you try to lock your consciousness around it in the interest of dissipating its vibration.  Surface tension, as we reference, assumes definition at varying levels of subtlety in the interest of giving the precipitated in the finite domain definition.  Thus, physical definition is easy to observe and to frame in a surface tension kind of way.  Emotional surface tension gets more blurry, and behaves in slippery ways when you try to get your arms around it.  Add the mental coordinates, and the interplay of all of the levels can create situations in which your intentions to transcend the finite which is in discord with your harmonic energy source become ostensibly insurmountably difficult.  Strength in facing these situations is what keeps you persisting and developing into a spiritual being.  Strength is your using your will to choose to maintain your focus inter-dimensionally amid the most dominant reflections from finite space as a rush of tide in the opposite direction.  This is your will, at the finer levels of subtlety beginning with your mental plane, holding steady with a pull from finite world symptoms, evidentiary doubt-raising precipitations, finite beings and their contrary opinions and communications, to believe in the progression of your being in pure energy form.
One of the biggest steps in cultivating the strength we are talking about here is to be aware that strength is called for in this way.  In the midst of a 'surface tension experience' your remembrance of this is the key to the beginnings of unlocking the tension, and the seedings of deepening of the knowing which will lead into more widening of the mental portal which summons your strength of will.
Effectiveness of activation of Dynamic Inner Stillness is worth noting.  The whole surface tension thing is a consequence of your conscious being being squeezed into a finte plane dimension parametrization of surface.  When the surface tension itself appears dynamic to you and the methods we are teaching you to re-center become elusive, because you would appear to need some relative stillness to focus on them, calling forth your Dynamic Inner Stillness brings your centeredness into transport with your consciousness coordinates, in its own dynamics, to integrate with the surface tension dynamics you are experiencing.  This changes the dynamics of the whole experiential situation.
As your dynamics transition and the parametrized surface of three dimensions becomes relevant for its relative significance in the infinite, your perception shifts into streaming in harmonic concordance with your natural energy frequency.  Through this too, strength is summoned to remember to direct your mental will in alignment with your source streaming, and continuing to do so, sustaining awareness of your presence in the infinite!