Inter-Dimensional Channel – Feb 11 – Feb 12, 2017
Energy dynamics which you experience in persistence in fatigue or sleepiness or anxiety arise as your inner being being like the softness of the embryo inside an egg and surrounded by the shell gravitates to a dynamicism of energetic state exceeding the capacity of your egg shell for containment. Your always available means for avenue into inter-dimensional space in remedy comes through withdrawal from exclusivity of finite world containment. Sleeping is the one natural form which you regularly encounter, and when the rip tide of energy is drawing you in the direction of sleeping yet this in disproportion with the ongoing agenda of your physical environment, energy inner/finite disparity is going on. Now we are ready to learn some means for avenueing yourself into paths of rendering your eggshell of physicality into energetic perspective, such as to consciously invoke, all the whilst maintaining cognizant physical world undertakings, entry into inter-dimensional space into allowance of full expression of your inner-being's energetic state.
For the energetic configuration to have stretched to a point of commanding your dense attention, there must be enough tension for your attention to notice, and thereby there must be a definition formed to shape the sensory interface of feeling states which feed into your perception. If you are feeling it enough to notice, then there must be enough of a shape for your inner eyes to notice in energetic form. It is such energetic form which we direct you to command your attention of conscience into awareness of vibration state. With awareness of vibration state, extend awareness fidelity into comprisation of energetic cells within vibration. Such cells, each of creation cycle dynamic, source and transmit light among the creation cycles. See feel know, perceive this light with multitude sensory dimensions. See the Light! The Light, energetically emitted from the creative energetic cell vibrations of the formation of the energetic shape of intersection with your dense dimension, and be there. Be in this as you allow the energetic state which has commented enough to turn your three dimensional mind into notification of its vibration to course through its present gracing of energetic space in concordance with your three dimensional experience.
You will learn, can learn, are learning to attune your awareness level within the layers between the firmness of density and the openness of inter-dimensional space. Habitually you are accustomed to allowing that weary tired feeling to lead you directly into the world of sleep, skipping quickly through that layer. So be it, when it is time to go to sleep. When you have that weary tired feeling come up and you are situationally appropriate for finite world awakeness, now it is our approach to be more fine-tuned in your inner eyes to remain aware within the gulf of the feeling which overcomes, and notice the layers of subtlety between the firmity of denseness and the expansionary world into which you would be carried whilst sleeping. From this awareness, learn to discern and notice the energetic shape of the fatigue, tiredness itself and proceed into vibrational, energetic cells, light emitting creation cycles, as we are discussing.
With infinite dimensions, there are infinite paths. Just as your immersion into light emission through energetic cell level pulls your three dimension space into inter-dimensional light dimensions, so too does the intent of your volition to strike intersecting chords of connection uniting your vibratory being state with inter-dimensional light dimensions. As you are in place with awareness of vibration sentience, your finite extent of being, or some intersecting sections presenting feeling states and such, multipurpose your mental arms of attention focus to reach into light realm dimensions and pull the dimensional intersection with your vibratory orchestra into place, with the mental/volitional energetic thrust. Allow this to develop and you will more naturally gravitate to be in this mergence of light and vibration, just by thinking it and willing it as you will.
We have been speaking of mixing vibration perception and light in context of stray configurations of feeling states which present to you as bothersome. But, don't wait for things to go of track and for you to get frustrated with finite dimension situational life before you get enough purpose in your linear minded driving force to do these kinds of things. Do this with your entire being, looking for opportunities for uninterrupted focusing time for stilling your whirl of attention on the screens of precipitated finite domain and settling inward to feel the vibration states of your finite being, henceforth allowing light dimensions into mergence and your awareness in multifaceted dimensions to dawn into effulgence. Working at the entire being level when feeling spiritually spry will actually make it more productive when you, for some reason, find yourself dealing with lower vibration states and resolve to effect healing state through educing light emergence into vibration states about the shaping of the domain of protruding finite-dimension-produced feeling states.
This is the kind of thing for which brute force effort is no good. You have to know/believe what is possible and persist in allowing, keep knowing/believing and keep persisting, and continue and continue. This is why we use the reference to 'dawning'. As the persistence persists, and time goes on, what once seemed incredulous within a physical world dawns into experiential realization. So if you do something like try for five minutes to feel your vibration state and think the idea of light merging into your state and see that it just feels distant and nothing exciting is happening, and give up, you are not getting this. You have to transcend beyond the finite world doubt and just get it into your psyche that your endeavors are realable, and keep your sights set on that inner knowing. This kind of experience empowers your inner knowing for continual development in ways such as this, requiring depth perception in you of what is attainable, and persistent belief in allowing it to integrate experientially for you.
Being of this nature, this is one reason why we are telling you to initiate light/vibration mergence at the being level, and at times when there is motivation arising from your own establishment of goal for which to reach, rather than a reactionary response to having been lulled into the sedative effect of finite domain existence. It is the persistence factor which challenges you to sustain focus in this way in a regular way. Persistence is how this looks from the third dimension, anyway. It is like one of your favorite metaphores about pouring molasses out of a bottle, yet in respect to your experientiality rather than strictly observation of physicality. In the finite domain, you see not too many options besides waiting for the slowly moving process of pouring the molasses, although you may have learned to inject energy into the process in the form of warmth to help the speed some. Inter-dimensionally, this would not need a second thought. The creation of the molasses in any form, in any time-space coordinates would be manifest instantaneously. This would be a natural thing, but these dimensions are obfuscated within your usual three dimension world.
It is just such obfuscated dimensions which are behind the processes of which we speak which entail your knowing/believing persisting and allowing. Activating the knowing/believing arises through elevation of the amplitude of the cognizant dimensions of intersection through your experiential coordinates. This - you sometimes encapsulate this understanding into what you call intuition, and keen, heightened intuition is instantiation of elevated amplitude of your intersecting cognizant dimensions.
One aspect of cognizant dimension elevation, which may at first appear counter to your dearly beloved status as social beings, is that cognizance of inter-dimensional nature is not reliant on direct contact with other beings and can indeed be hindered in that way under some very common circumstances. Let's say for example that you are traveling somewhere for the first time, and you obtain a map and some instructions from others of familiarity. Generally you trust this information and integrate what you are told into your cognizance in order to proceed with your travel. This is cognizance of strictly finite domain information and is transmitted through other finite beings. Now, say you are doing something as we are guiding in this discourse, and traveling toward experiential states which defy explicability in finite world terms. If other finite beings were to try to map out for you how to go about that, for YOUR experiential undertaking, their specifics would arise through their own filters and their own experiences, and if you tried to follow THEIR map, you would likely reach dead ends, because your experiences involve your unique integration of inter-dimensional coordinates into your NOW vibration, which only you can experience. Activation of the rising amplitude of cognizant dimension into your experience is like this. It is very uniquely personally experiential. So you need to remember to let go of some of your habits of asking others for roadmaps and looking to them for validation of what you are experiencing.
You may wonder then how to find your way to things to know/believe about for integrating into your cognizant dimension amplification activities. Start with thinking of things you wish to be. There may be a deluge of finite-plane-induced hindrances for these attacking your knowing/believing strength, and by the way other beings can be an unlimited source for these. Cultivating the strength to maintain your will in the midst of this onset of deluge is part of this. This is dimensional energy which serves to elevate the cognizant domain. Continuing to give heedance to your wishes at all levels of existence subtlety, your way will proceed in gathering prominence for some of them, and momentum will rise. Your thinking about them will grow into a firmer desire to see things become more real for you, and this brings the seeds of intersection with your cognizance. Your feeling that it can/will become grows and this drives the motivation for persistence in your growing feelings of knowing, and your continual allowing.
Your strength grows and this is ongoing in development, so the more you do this the better you get at doing it. The trickiest part is earlier on, in stepping through the surface tension of beliefs that are finite-world instilled, and are commonly transmitted among finite beings. It takes some doing to get used to the go-it-alone feeling about manifesting in higher dimensions in the whilst of physical plane activity. But do persist...