Inter-Dimensional Channel – Feb 5 – Feb 11, 2017
Along the course of our discourse concerning your effectivity of institution of change in physical environment, based upon reactionary states of feeling - emotional and/or physical, along with the most subtle energies of the mental organism being of first availability for direct influence subject to your volition, a pervasive theme in such undertaking is that it is the dense which inspires your desire for change, and it is the feelings arising in direct interaction with the dense that you experience in assessment for satisfaction with your effected changes. As your subtle mental plane energy moves lightning fast, and the dense moves densely, as dense does, there is a discrepancy in speed of energy movement between the entry point of your volition dimension into the mental realm, and the shift in your feeling states in the physical/emotional realm. Furthermore, and this is really what can trip you up time and again, your expectation also arises from your mind and moves at lightning speed, and your untrained tendency is to immediately begin looking for shift in feeling states upon immediate entry for guided change through the volition dimension into the mental realm. Unwittingly clipping along at the mental pace, the scenario is poised to play out with your expectations being defeated because the dense energy is catching up to your volitional injection into your mental energy plane at a slower pace than your expectancy is looking to your feeling states expecting change, and this immediately shifts you into a different mental configuration which supercedes your volitional intention for change, thus defeating your objective.
In guidance for leaping beyond this trait of physical life implementation, we have suggested things like to unhook from your current states of feeling, to allow the surface boundary of your physicality to soften, to allow your perception of the vibrational states of your being. These ways of approaching guiding your being into change from physical/emotional configurations of discord allow you to disassociate from your current state enough to allow your volitional injection into the mental plane apt opportunity to be effective. Knowing that you have to unhitch and give some breathing space between your perception of being state and the environment of its creation, and allow for the energetic flow to shift into something new is really a big step, and this in itself, just knowing this, empowers you for immense more in your ability to effect the nature of your existence in a finite world.
We shall now like to add to this, for insight into ways for you to actively infiltrate the rigid division between your deliberate creative endeavors and the interplay between your expectations and the interpretation of noticeable changes in your feeling states. Even if you know to unhook yourself from reactive response to the dense imminent, how do you engage yourself in the meantime while you are still driven with the reflective vibrations of the feeling states which have inspired you to initiate change? We have guided you to focus on the pure sentience of your vibration states, and this works, yet still requires dexterity in being able to keep your attentive focus at that subtle level. Just as it is easier for you to be attentive to air when it is in motion, such as wind, your attention span for focusing on energy vibration is enhanced with vibration in motion, 'energetic wind'.
See if you can feel this. Omnidirectional means from three dimension, finite space, there are directions which are not seen or recognized because of accessibility to dimensions of higher frequency than the finite dimensions, and therefore, do not try to wrap your linear minded thinking around the direction of this 'energetic wind' we are talking about. Keep the concept of the idea of 'vibration in motion' and begin to get the feel of this. As you may have realized, if you have ever tried to ride a bicycle, the balance, laterally, of remaining upright on a one or two-wheeled bicycle becomes of more ease as you are in motion. So too, with the feel of the energy vibration, and the sense of multidimensional self, with the motion of vibration, your linear dimension attention span is more easily able to connect and keep attentive with this. Pay attention, as this energetic motion is always with you, yet of a palpability level of sentience which would be overwhelmed in the typical physical environment 'noisiness'.
Allowing your fine tunement of perception to allow you to release the particulars of motion as being directional from a finite plane view, and your sentience as gravitating to the most noticeable from the finite plane view, feel in this way and sense this energetic motion. Use your deepening understanding of this feel to enhance the guidance we have been giving you to place your attentive states into the feel of vibration as your mental energy enterprising integrates and begins to effect palpable changes, so as to keep from interfering by taking your mental energy along a path of nullifying force against that which you most wish to achieve.
Besides ameliorating the conditions of your wandering attention span, there is much more going on with your receiving the feel of energetic motion. It is change, the stream in which your volition is inserting, which motion represents, and seeing and feeling the motion of energtic vibration invokes your conscious stream directly into the change dimensions. You will see that this can be handy in many ways, as you get more the feel of the energetic wind. When you suddenly notice some 'energetic protrusion', you can invoke the wind and directly begin sweeping change into your readily perceivable experiences.
Metaphorically, wind has acute parallels with your physical wind as you know on your planet. Attributes are carried in the wind, such as when the temperature is hot, wind can carry coolness to you. This is how you understand it at the gross level, yet there are infinite subtleties going on as well. So it be with energetic wind. In moving into your Dynamic Inner Stillness, and resonating with your infinite being planet in Dynamic Inner Stillness, expand your understanding, using the 'cool breeze' metaphor, in bringing healing energies to current conditions from which you seek shifting in your consummation of physicality, in all levels of subtlety - so this will include the physical body, emotional bodies, mind and all.
Sometimes, like when there is that 'pressure cooker' feeling, where you are awarely feeling energetic frequency rising internally and simultaneously coordinating with your physical world experiential situations, yet feel that there is that 'boundary' defined by your physical body and physical presence in three dimension space - we have indicated consciousness involvement in the interest of softening such boundary - wind motion, energetic wind, is enabling for both focus in your midst of presence in the world of definition for your current experience, and for rapidity in effecting change in a directed way. Passively allowing the softening is effective, and is suggested as a basis for ongoing contemplative analysis of the dissection of your physicality in the interest of experientially realizing your inter-dimensionality whilst in this midst, yet for stepping over that doorway threshold of feeling as though you are subject to the reverberations of the dense world, as though you chose to employ existence in that world in some way and therefore must have some responsibility to succumb to its reflections, in the process of having put on the back burner that you are indeed the creator. You must step over this threshold and take command, and in those situations where you are most inclined to forget, your sweeping of consciousness into integration of your inter-dimensional consciousness with your finite plane existence is enhanced through your directed transmission of energetic wind in unison with your present moment coordinates - coordinates in all of inter-dimensional space.
In use of the metaphor of wind, realize that this is a touching connection with understanding of a depth that is infinitely vast in deference to your physical experiential senses. In physical world your interaction begins with a passive relationship with air moving and triggering your senses, as ostensibly a manifestation in your world which is divisively separate from the being you know as the individuated you. Energetically, what we are talking about is not something divisively separate; it is a network, grid, infinite-dimensional interweaving throughout the expanses of inter-dimensional space of all reaches of your consciousness presence. As such, your touching into energetic wind is anything but passive. It is both passive, active and everything in between, except that there is not a linear 'in between' here, but extensive omnidirectional paths of undertaking. As such, you may observe and perceive energy movement, 'energetic wind' as we say. You are also a transmitter, able to induce transmissions of dimensional encoding upon the energetic cells, as you pull in through your consciousness at will, purposefully directing according to your personal volition.
Inter-dimensional transmission, as we are discussing, is of inter-dimensional scope, and effectiveness is inherent in your ability to absorb understanding of inter-dimensional nature of your consciousness, and to exude transmissions from such a place of heightened awareness and high frequency enerty. In other words, if there is filtering in your conscious understanding and intention in employing directed energy movement, so too is the movement filtered. If your motivation is strictly third dimension matters of concern and you get the fanciful idea of using this energetic wind concept to manipulate the low frequency events, you are only blowing hot air, and this is not the energetic wind of which we speak.
However, when you are pulled into strong objective for manipulating low frequency events, there is something tugging at you which has attained the status of your third dimension attention span, and there must be something bothering you in a level of denseness so as to trigger finite dimension sensors, and thus there is some vibration about it which can be a portal for your inter-dimensional entry space, from which you can allow your consciousness to embrace expanded dimension coordinates, from which you can enter a consciousness vantage point for energetic movement. Do this rather than to just blow hot air. Deepen your inference with energy wind.