Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 30 – Feb 3, 2017
As your development with operating from multidimensional energy space in concordance with your existence in life on an organic planet of appearance in finite dimensional space progresses, awareness dawns in you that the planet, along with all forms of appearance in finite dimension space, is of multidimensional existence, and it becomes natural for you to synchronize your harmonic energetic state of your consciousness of being with the alive harmonic energy of your planet and the scope of the extense of the entire world of definition. This, for enhancement of your experience and all involved in this world.
We have spoken about mobility of consciousness, as your tendency to consider your consciousness as co-located with your somatic coordinates in some way is really an arbitrary consideration, and there are no spatial, nor location, constraints on the presence of your consciousness center. With this understanding, your ability to welcome the opportunity to place your conscious center in concordance of the conscious center of your planet, bring forth your Dynamic Inner Stillness in concordance with the Dynamic Inner Stillness of your planet, and radiate, and vibrate in unison. This empowers your presence in finite dimensions, and this aligns your will and intention with the higher realms of expansion which are interacting with your finite world.
Harmonization with your planet in this way has many effects. Anything your feel to do as an individuated being, inter-dimensionally, you may do in resonance, along with your entire planet. This brings a unification to your finite dimension experience with which you may as yet be not so familiar. See for instance the difference in some of your finitely-precipitated states of origin, such as isolationism. In unison with the entire planet, there is no isolationism. Every living organism in the finite world in which your finite being dwells is coordinated with the entire planet. Conflict with individual beings will cease to be a path that could appear productive in any way. Deception of other beings would be tantamount to being self-deceptive. Drawing energy, entire planetary energy into your immediate realm of reality stream, your most daunting challenges in the finite plane cease to be undertaken whilst feeling alone.
At the same time, in harmonizing with your planet, co-merging your conscious center with the conscious center of the planet, and allowing your Dynamic Inner Stillness to radiate forth in unison with the Dynamic Inner Stillness of your planet, you are feeding your planet and allowing growth resonance with the will of your planet, inclusive of all forms of life of existence throughout your planet's realm. Feeding your planet in this way exudes in you a vibrational experience which defies description, elevating you to experiential states of immense exaltation.
In your finite world undertakings, if you are faced with uncertainty in some situations, feeding, activating your intraplanetary energy channel vibrations in quest for seeking guidance allows you to receive inspiration which unifies with the resonance of the planetary world of your environment.
This will deeply integrate the seam which seems to be a divisive factor in your quest to be aware and exist inter-dimensionally all the while contributing to the pool of finite life existence. This seam is a birthmark which is implanted in your undertaking, stepping into the finite life world. Consciousness heightenment, one path to which is withdrawal from finite life, is the means for thinning the prominence of the seam. We have been referring to many appearances this can take, such as being-boundary and surface tension, as well as means for becoming aware and navigating the illusory boundaries of containment within ostensible separated individuated finite being existence. In this discourse, we are banking on your perception of the subtle being keen to the extent that the Dynamic Inner Stillness is noticeably perceptible from any vantage situation in finite planes, and the extension from there to integrated mergence with the planetary sustainment of organic life in unison with the dawning realization of such planet as extensional inter-dimensional being rather than a separate object strictly within a finte dimension domain as had heretofore been believed. Noticing and seeing this, your experiential undertaking in worldly life is thresholding on dynamic change, as you realize that your physical transport through the ostensibly physical universe is of inter-dimensional integrated nature, as are you!
If this revelation is contemplated with some depth, the implications are of dramatic shift in your basis for outlook on your physical life. Integration of your being and planetary being, always of essence yet not initially of your noticeable awareness, renders your state of life in your physical domain of continuous connection with higher dimensional realms. As you are always in the physical vicinity of your planet, the bridge from physicality into inter-dimensionality becomes ever more seamless.
We therefore encourage continual development of your keeness of perception of the subtle, the vibrations which are way, way below the consistent 'noise' level of the physical environment, the deep Dynamic Inner Stillness which appears infinitessimal from the finite physical vantage, yet is of gateway to infinite. Your persistent development in this way will open you to enhanced understanding of the discourses we are now undertaking.
Discourses concerning the role of persistence in heightening pervasive awareness notwithstanding, when you some time notice that your scope of awareness seems to be in totality confined within the perceived boundaries of physicality, just what is it that is creating the force that pressures your awareness state back into that mode of operation, despite your intentions and efforts striving for continuous, pervasive, expanded awareness?
It is a matter of where you are looking. Part of the responsibility of taking on a life in physical form is sustainment of the life. When you were born into that life, when you sleep and awaken again, when you drift into physical life attentiveness and follow with a shift in attentiveness, your conscious focus is spring-loaded to restore the totality of scope to physical range. This assures that it won't be too easy for you to just blow off the physical life in the course of being distracted by multitudinous more interesting experiential endeavors in inter-dimensional space.
We have spoken about the involutionary nature of your physical being, energetic vortices turning inward so as to create definitive form for existence in a physical stature. If you can envision, uncountably numerous spinning vortices of energy at varying levels of subtlety, surrounding the contour of your physical, emotional, and all subtler levels of body, creating a force field of definition in which your concept of individuation is housed in your finite environment, such is defining for your 'starting point' of containment for conscious focus upon restoration of physical plane attentiveness from having spiritually expanded into multi-dimensions, your natural state of existence. It is this latter comment, your natural state of existence, which really makes the energy tension of containment necessary. As you reach into expanded states, if there were not some precision to point you into the finite dwelling, then you very well may not make it back, because there would be nothing compelling you into that containment. This knowledge is of essence in your quest for pervasive heightened frequency.
That is is a question at all, itself, rises from finite, linear minded thinking. In dealing with physical substance, the retracted thinking is of physical nature. If you are, say, stacking bricks to make a brick house, and you have so far stacked n number of bricks in a row and m number of bricks in columns, and you go to sleep for the night, upon awakening the next morning the expectation is that the bricks you stacked before going to sleep will still be stacked when you awaken. It would be a drama-inducing saga if the bricks were not in the configuration which you left them, correct? Well, in your endeavors to heighten your conscious states, whilst employing physical faculties for sustainment of life in physical form, and seeing some 'light' in the process, you are lapsing into treating this as you would your task of stacking bricks - expecting to drift back into less-conscious physical tendency and have your 'work' done to raise your consciousness readily available at your fingertips for slipping into the last high frequency consciousness state where you left off. As we have discoursed according to sustainment of organic form necessitating structure for shaping organic form at energetically subtle levels, it readily follows that expansive consciousness states would not be self-propagating from the vantage point of organic form. The boundaries are self-restoring, the shape definition is self-restoring.
The result of this is, throughout your life, you are repeatedly facing the situation where you feel like you are starting over with the raising of your consciousness. It may sometimes feel as though it would be just easier to blow off the physical environment and restore to your natural state of expansive being. Understanding the purpose of the physical plane boundaries, and surface tension, is helpful in allowing you to drift beyond these states of frustration and discouragement, upon finding that your dear-minded raising of conscious expansion has yet-again eluded you. The big deal about this is for you to understand that it only 'feels' like you have to start over, not that you have lost something, or something you tried didn't work. That in itself is linear thinking which is self-containing, and part of the subtler levels of finite being containment mechanisms.
It is at the discretion of your mental plane vectors to direct your momentum forward upon realization that you are once again entrapped within the linear-minded finite being existential containment, along with the basis of low vibration frequencies which go along with it. The knowledge we are presenting here is immensely powerful in establishing mental plane vectors to align with your will of raising your mind states. Knowing that it is a matter of perception that you are feeling entrapped, and not an absolute of inevitability, frees your mental constraints from the involuted finite dwelling focus, and thus begins, at such a fine level of subtlety, the expansion of your conscious state into higher frequency realms. There is no reason you cannot maintain a physical life concomitant with energetically realizing high frequency mind states. You just think these are incompatible because you are initialized with belief that physical plane life is exclusive. Such is a part of the self-containment strategy for sustaining physical life.
Train yourself at the mental level. When you get into that state where you obviously have become enmeshed in the dense world vibrations despite your aspirations to stay among high frequency realms, remember that this is happening just to ensure your organic life continues, just as your breathing does, and your striving for nourishment does. Remembering this, remember that your re-acquisition of high frequency mind states is initiated at the most subtle levels of your being's domain, and that your mental energetic place is your connection with your most subtle levels, leverage your capacity for directing your mental will in alignment with your endeavor to raise your frequency realm, using this knowledge for endowment in the process.