Weekly Channel – July 6 – July 12, 2014
How may I engage in what would be magic, or manifestation in the physical world, particularly with healing, beginning with healing apparent conditions in my own physical body?
You must establish concentration points that are acute, and hold the energetic principle in your consciousness. The consciousness is not merely the ‘thinking’ mechanism of the human. It is the Great Eye! The vision is of the energetic, which encompasses the physical world. Your intention must be concentrated upon at this level, and you must hold this vision. There is not a time factor, because the energetic realm is not of time. However, in your physical realm, you must hold your energetic concentration for a focus that would appear to span some time. The length of time does not matter. It is the clarity of focus that matters. Once this is done, the matter is in process, and there is not any effort required. Just allow it all to manifest.
How can I develop this clarity of focus, and how can I know when I have reached a state of focus in order to manifest the intention?
You can train yourself to reach the clarity of focus by entering the vibrational state of the irritant. The desire to manifest arises out of something in your observation that you are dissatisfied with, and that you would like to change. This creates the motivation for manifestation. So, you can hold the contrasting situation in your field of awareness, and feel the vibration of it, but not just feel in the usual sense, also see the vibration of it, hear it, smell it, reach into the Great Sensory receptors of the entire being, and exist in that vibration. As your engagement in this state reaches a depth, your awareness of the energetic purity will heighten, and you can then hold the focus of your desired manifestation arising out of a natural progression from the contrast.
Is there any exercise I can do to practice and train my mind for this ability?
The best thing to do is look at what is going on in any given moment, and see what there is that you would like to be different. Bring your attention to that and the ‘Healing Solution’ for it, and hold this as a dual, energetic vibrating mechanism. You can also practice directly the engagement in the ‘Great Sensory’ receptors, just by focusing on your entire being, and merging all of the senses into a multi-dimensional energetic expansion of the vibration feeling. Some of your meditation methods are designed to lead you to this, by focusing on one of the senses, such as feeling or vision or hearing, and that, with enough persistence, eventually takes you to the ‘Great Sensory’ awareness. However, you can do this directly, with understanding that the senses, as you know them, are merging into a vast energetic realm of sensory awareness, in which they do not separate out the way they do in the physical world. So, you can do this. The recommendation is that if you have something apparent that you want to change, focus on that, holding the irritant in conjunction with the healing solution, and allow that to energetically vibrate you to a place of concentrated focus. Hold this to the point you can and then just let it go, and don’t think too hard about it. Allow it to take its course. This is how creation is accomplished.
You will become more and more adept at doing this if you persist with the effort. This is a skill that will increase, so that your ability to manifest in this way will be of a ‘lightning fast’ capability on the physical plane. You will become more attuned to the energetic alignment. This will naturally entail being attuned to that which is harmonious, and thus the kinds of manifestations which would appear to be destructive from your vantage point will neither be attractive nor possible to become engaged in. When you find your time somewhat idle, in other words no blaring contrasting situations, engage your conscious stream into the Energetic Eye, and focus there. This will develop your ‘energetic muscles’ to become adept at creating your desired manifestations. And, really much more than that. This will enable you to become a true healer in the physical realm. Your healing qualities will become sharpened, as will your encounters with those who are energetically aligned with your healing powers.
Is there any way I can progress in this quest while I am sleeping?
Yes, you can focus your intention on this while you are becoming ready for sleep, and you can enter the sleep realm through the energetic eye, and this will have a vibrational tuning effect while you are sleeping.
In the course of changing and transforming, there are mind states that are challenging to experience. Is there a way I can make use of this knowledge about which we are now speaking, to help myself to work with these mind states?
When you speak of challenging mind states, that is the case because you are experiencing some discomfort at the mental level. You can use the desire for manifestation in the same way. Focus on the irritant, which is the mind state in this case, and focus on the ‘healing solution’ at the same time, which would be a mind state that is expansive and peaceful to you. Really, this method at the mental is the same for all manifestations, because any desire for ‘healing’ arises out of some mental irritant caused by that which is calling for healing. So, it is really the same thing. It just may take some skill to work at the purely mental level, because there is not the physical leverage, but you will become more comfortable with this as you go on.
Can these methods be directly used when feeling fatigued in the midst of activity in the physical plane?
This is a bit more tricky, because from the physical vantage point, energy is required to engage in the mental acuity to perceive the vibration and work with the contrast of the irritant with the healing solution. Now, being tired or fatigued is perceived in the physical environment as a lack of energy. So, the answer is yes, but it is the challenge which requires more skill, because you have to be finely tuned to perceive the subtle energy. Really, there is no tiredness, no fatigue. These are products of the physical. Nevertheless, from the physical perspective, they appear real. So, in a sense, you can do the same thing. It is just that until your skill evolves sufficiently, it will feel to you like your effort is fruitless and the skills you are developing are imaginary. As the leaders of many of your religions exclaim, have faith, and persist!
Let us move onward!