Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 14 – Jan 20, 2017
Awareness and sleepiness appear to be stringent tensions of opposition, incapable of merging into co-habitation at any point from finite, physical world positioning. This is a dialecticism of function instilled by the nature of the finite being, to track the path into sleeping the physical being, and get it into dormant mode for its own sake and for the sake of freeing conscious state from constraining forces particular to minimal dimension function. Understanding this intimacy of interplay between conscious awareness and physical sleeping state, you are able to unify the ostensible opposition of forces in such dialecticism and enter experiential understanding of concomitant presence of these states. Thus, heightening awareness and enhancing sentience of perception of your being state vibration with onset of physical fatigue and sleepiness, as well as sleeping with full conscious awareness in presence are at our fingertips of discussion here.
Understanding the mechanisms for which the organic life process propagation is enabled is fundamental to positioning yourself to be still within and perceive the subtle vibrations within the dense weightiness. We speak of finite-only perspective in the sense that of complete, or almost total, consideration is the life form of the organic being in three dimensional world, and from this perspective, states such as sleepiness and fatigue and servicing ailments contrast with the usual wishes of the finite-only perspectivizing being, which creates the perception of dense weightiness. This perception is the result of contrasting views between the desires of the inner energetic spirit and the resultant precipitations of what is being created in the finite domain.
Allowing the boundaries which create the surface tension that keeps the finite-only perception in place to thin and enable the expansive inter-dimensional energetic perception to come to life, purposeful understanding of the contrasting weightiness brought on through situations such as the body becoming fatigued and sleepy simply to assure that there is motivation for the darned organic being to take a rest and enable the energetic spirit freedom to expand as its nature is, is allowed to seep into the active consciousness. With integration of this understanding, during times of contrast, there is recognition that value lies in attending to subtle perception of the energetic forces, which are initiated through sentient vibrational perception, from the finite being starting point.
Knowing this, there is always multiplicity in approach, you are of option to course through inter-dimensional space whilst willingly awake in the three dimension body, upon onset of weighty encounterings, expand your channels of energy, vibrationally, and send your spirit soaring to meet the prompting for the contrasting preparation which compels you into sleep or some semi-conscious undertaking. When your entire dimensional attributes are functioning, there is no need for, indeed no such thing as, sleep. It is all within your mental power to shift. Deprogramming your habitual response when the vortex of physical dense vibraion is pulling you into involuted finite dimensional subconsciousness, set your mental vectors moving into expanded dimensional coordinates, and allow the denseness and weight you are encountering to dissipate, and move forth with that starting point.
How do you feel way, way elevated in spirit, internally, in your frequency domain which drives your emotional body interceptors with the physical plane, and still be in motion in the physical plane, amid the dence receptors of physical domain frequencies which strive to grab the emotional body and pull into entrainment with those amplitudes? If this question is leading you into wonderment, we have a question for you. Which is more fascinating to you - physical plane progression of dense undertakings, or existing in elevated spirit of high frequency mind states? Being enthralled with the finite dense world and its undertakings connects the chord with your spirit that pulls into entrainment with its frequencies, and it is this enthrallment which repetitively draws you from realm of elevated mind states into encapsulation of the three dimensional vessel which enables you to interact with the finite realm. These states of existing seem to be diametrically opposed, yet they are not. It is your habitual rendering of the finite dimension realm as an existence of completeness unto itself which harbors your exclusion of dimensional frequencies other than those directly feeding its finite existence.
It has the appearance, being in the human body, that in order for the circuits to connect in physical plane so as to feel nerve impulses, for instance, there must be exclusivity of performance of the physical being itself. As you all have found your way to realizing, in your thus-far evolved states, the body is not strictly dense, and there are varying levels of subtlety - the 'emotional' body, the astral body, the mental body, etc. - and by extension of the relatively onto-itself representation of the somatic physical, your perception of these subtler forms of definition of energetic structure by which you function in finite plane extends to encompass the parametrized limitations which fall easily into comprehension for the denser physicality of the energy body complex. Such parametrized limitations are not needed lest one considers only the lazy route to reception of the data associated with organic life experience, and that is the starting point upon embarking in finite life form. Consciousness is slated to take the controls from that point, and that is where your activation of volition dimension strives to awaken your inner spirit. The energetic protrusions of physical life, which cause attention-grabbing discomfort are reminders along the way. These trigger your mind through your sensory receptors - and we mean this in the level of affecting all bodies of varying subtleties - and awaken you to remembering that the finite world is just that and in your infiniteness, ultimate elevation of spirit consciousness is necessarily filtered for finite-faceted perception.
You are in the dense world; your spirit is intersecting the dense world; your perception of the dense world is seamless in all of this; none of the facets of this congruence with dense creation require you to 'buy into' the solidity of the dense world. All that the dense in the dense world make of the dense world is light and transparent from your vantage of interstellar inter-dimensional expansion. Everything that is happening is there, and your dense being and its communicative mechanisms and presence is of no apparent difference to the densers if their willingness extends not beyond the finite boundaries of that world. Yet, with spirit traversing inter-dimensionally, your mind states are way, way elevated, yet not needed for communicability at the finite level. The energetic interaction of your existence among other dwellers in the intersected physical plane will filter accordingly to their existence and understanding. So, go for it! No need to limit yourself in expansive consciousness simply because you are noticing the intersection with a finite world planetary plane.
If your given perspective is of dense world nature at some point, transitioning into interstellar inter-dimensional space perception is of an opposite nature to making some kind of transition within the finite world parameters. Rather than to 'make it happen' it is accomplished through allowing the release of it not being happening. It is like when an air balloon is blown up and ready to fly, yet there is anchoring which keeps it to the surface of the planet. Flying is natural to the balloon, yet it is not allowed to fly to the significance of the anchoring. Yet, when the anchoring is removed, flying is automatic, and proceeds. Mentally, as a configured finite being, your anchoring is into the dense plane, and most of the inter-dimensional energy is being left out because of the anchoring. The anchoring is perceptive, and resulting from your attentive consciousness being finitely focused. Flying, inter-dimensionally, and hence the way, way high frequency mind states, occur through release of stricting the consciousness attention into finite-only dimensions. The effortlessness of releasing the anchoring coupled with the magnitude of the change in perspective compared with finite dwelling perspective coupled with the contrast with understanding of effort understood to be needed for high magnitude change in finite land, baffles the beings who have spent most of their organic life dwelling on the finite dwellings.
The air balloon analogy is a good comparison, yet something more personal which can give you the feel is something like simply releasing the tension around something. Let's say you have the experience of going swimming and under water, and you have the tension about keeping your breath closed so that the air you brought in prior to submersion stays with you and so that you do not ingest water in the process. This anchors your air-breathing non-water-breathing capability into your spirited being as your physical submersion takes place. This is a tension, anchoring in this process. Now, let's say you come out from under the water and restoration into your non-submerged status is on the horizon. At the very threshold of this transition is a release of the tension, effortless, and restoration to breathing air, effortless. This is of a similar nature, physically, to your transition process from the strict finite-dwelling existence to the consciousness expansion of interstellar inter-dimensional awareness, and thus elevated mind states accordingly.
At first the elevated mind states may be such a difference from usual perception that it feels unfamiliar, which customarily would be met with a retraction of will of finite being into the usual and familiar. This is why you sometimes have 'glimpses' of elevated states, yet are perplexed as to why they are so short of duration. Let us ask you this, in the spirit of our water submersion analogy - when you emerge from underwater, and your lungs begin to receive air again, do you retract from the feeling because it is unfamiliar in comparison to being under water? Your finite will likely would not because your finite life would be threatened in its propagation if you did that. The breathing is your natural state for organic life, and is welcomed. So too, the elevated mind states are the natural state for your spirit, inter-dimensional existence, your finite will needn't stand in the way of allowing this into its natural state. Allow this, and do remember this as you move....