Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #60

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 7 – Jan 9, 2017

It would be really good if you could be awarely consciously vibrationally experiential throughout all of how you perceive as 'time' periods on your physical plane.  When you get pulled into the physical vortex of its energy, the divisive boundary between ostensible solidity and source essence of your energetic nature allows you to forget about the latter and to get caught up in the former.  This can leave you feeling like you are bouncing around like one of those metal balls in one of those old pinball machines, somewhat randomly being subject to stimulus of irritation and somewhat at the mercy of being in relinquishment of the controls which conduct the shaping of the reality you experience.  The tendency is for you, when things get to bothering you enough, to get around to remembering to shift your conscious focus to the energetic essence of your harmonic source stream.  Nothing is to stop you from having your awareness arise from within your harmonic energetic source stream at all times, and for your enterprising in physical environment to shape in peripheral coordination with your ongoing energetic essence.  How to effect this kind of shift in your existence?
You must enliven your relegated, autonomous dwellings.  Habitual is your means of interacting with finite world in which you subterraneously sweep into autonomy dimensions of elevated consciousness which are not first level interaction with sensory stimuli involved in finite world facing.  It is through awarely interacting with the dimensions which have receded to subterranean autonomy that your continuous vibrational consciousness will be active and alive.
Your breathing is a common focus in meditative techniques which are taught on your planet.  There is no arbitrariness about that.  Dimensionally, your breathing process intersects fundamental systems coursing through physical, organic life.  Breathing function is enabled to perform autonomously, and indeed life would cease without it.  When your conscious attention has enough reason to be interested, active participation in the breathing function is available.  As a means to loosen the grip of physical plane stimuli, attention to the breathing process is a useful endeavor, because you can count on it always being in process, as long as there is life in the organic being of interest to conscientious attentiveness.
In your quest for continuous vibrational awareness, we will be introducing several suggestions for entertaining yourself with means for effecting such a shift in your conscious execution of your world.  One such method is to first recall our recent discussion in which we have been opening your mind to understanding that the habitual compartmentalization of your consciousness dimensions, usually in congruence with the head of the somatic coordinates.  Remembering the freedom from spatial confinement available for consciousness dimensions, and as is easy to do in a physical life form, remember with conscious attentiveness, the breathing system as it is alively happening.  Sensing the vibrations of the consciousness dimensions, in their uniqueness, feel that they're independently moving from the somatic association and integrating with the entirety of the vibration of the breathing process.  In this integration, feel the unifying of the autonomy of the breathing process with your expansion of consciousness dimensions.  Use this as a means for activating your vibrational awareness via your ongoing physical breathing process.  Often!  Make a practice of this, which by such expression we mean as a habit yet conscious habit, rather than the unconscious nature of most habits you beings develop.  Make this into something you can do when you think if it, and train yourself to think of it regularly.  This must stay alive in order to remain conscious.  It will feel differently at different times.  There is no set pattern to feel.  It is a matter of willing your conscious attention to perceive the vibrational sentience of your breathing and to interact your consciousness dimension vibrations so as to integrate your inter-dimensional consciousness with your physical vibrational autonomic system.  Your breathing is always happening and therefore you can do it this way any time.  That is one of the powers in this method.  It can also be useful for times when you are 'less in touch' with your physical being, yet know to bring vibrational conscience into cross section with your momentary experience.
Times when you are feeling spatially present in concordance with the physical being, your vibrational consciousness can be directed to the sentience of the vibration of the being-boundary, and your conscious will to extend consciousness presence to congruence with this.  If somatic harmony, rebalance, healing is needed, extend the energetic modules of consciousness vibration into the areas of sharpness, where your mental definition has associated the gathering of energy for healing focus.  As the mergence occurs, be aware of the presence of your consciousness spirit in accordance with the vibration sentience of the healing area.  Healing area encompasses energetic definition, and synchronization with somatic congruence need not be forced.  It is up to your cognition to assume energetic mass for vibrational aspect of healing direction, and it is here that your consciousness integrates.
You may feel that your consciousness dimension interface is latched onto the coordinates which correlate with your chief physical sensory input areas, hence the head - where sight sound taste smell all have receptors for physical plane stimuli.  When you are trying to mobilize your conscious center and there is a lead-filled balloon feeling due to this, restore your attentiveness to the unique subtleness of the consciousness dimension vibration states and perceive this where the situational correlation is in the moment.  Use this distinction to allow the latching of the lead-filled balloon to loosen, and mobility to energize from that point.  As much as a pin-pointed area awareness can do this, with vibration feel and consciousness awareness, vibration feel - conscious feel and the distinction emerges, from thence the sense of consciousness dimension frequency is more awarely available.  Keep doing this and your dexterity will develop in the distinguishment.
There may be a spring-loaded reaction to snap back into enwrapping your consciousness dimension threads around your sensors - vision and all usually associated in unison with the brain - and we encourage in a passive way observance and inwardly traveling into the expansiveness of these dimensions all the whilst remembering the independence of mobility of the dimensional threads.  You get to know the feel of their vibrations wherever they are, and thus no need to force the issue of mobility, yet mobility is available and need only be allowed.  In healing vibrations, as time goes on, you will understand more deeply the distinction between feeling the vibration from the vantage of your "head corporate center" and moving the consciousness center expansively into the healing propaganda.
In the quest for continuous vibrational awareness, at any moment it is just a matter of having the mental notion to think about it, and you can just "be there", however the state of things are at the moment.  However compelling a flurry of activity is in the physical environment, this kind of thought can bring you to awareness.  Your sentience in any given moment is always varying.  There is not and should not be any "success/failure" assessment of the endeavor.  It is all about your awareness and your quest for deepening awareness, and it is your volitional dimensional integration which initiates the energy for this transformational development.  So, attrain your volition to pay attention to your vibrational awareness continuously, at all facets of your life, at all phases of your experiencing, whatever is happening, however you are feeling.  In more intricate thoughful phases, we are encouragening the deepening of understanding of integrative blending of your consciousness vibrations into your integrative vibrational perceptions.
At any moment just feel all of who you are, all of your extensive in all of the coordinate system in which you are currently operating your angular conscious projection as a complete vibration state.  Your restoration of healing balances is effected in this way.  Have expectancy for this balance and healing is for all facets of your life, all energetic threading of involvement in all worlds in which you are engaging consciousness interaction.
You will notice that your energetic vibration surroundings, that which you have been thinking as solid and impermeable, are of vibration fabric nature, and just perceiving this shifts your psyche understanding of how creatable it all is and how it is of creation nature, much subject to your involvement in the outcome of it all.  As your continuity of vibrational awareness deepens, your interaction with your finite world exteria becomes of a vibration interaction nature, rather than a more separately discrete nature.  You can feel more alive in interacting with the conditions in which your evolving life plays out rather than feeling such a victim of circumstance as you have been throughout much of lifetime.  Training must be done to, no matter what is happening, respond firstly through awareness of your consciousness vibration state and awareness that the effects coming your way through finite world coordinates are of the vibration fabric of which your vibration state is constituted, and that the onward flow from every moment thereafter is directed through your frequency projection into your world domain.  Keep training in this way, persistedly.
Times you feel being poked and prodded through facets of your finite existence, whether through observed reflections through the energetic vibration fabric, through expressions from beings constituting the life forms of your environmental energetic vibration fabric, your own mental thoughts in regard to any of this... refocus when your emotional states are thrown in this course, refocus and remember your energetic vibration consciousness is ever-present through all of this, and is at the central nervous point of moving forth from the now moment.  In other words, don't buy into what you are seeing and experiencing as the done deal end point of your journey.  Buy into yourself, your inner consciousness energetic vibration, and render the objective interactions with your surrounding energetic vibration fabric as reminders to focus your attention on your energetic vibration essence.