Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #59

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 6 – Jan 7, 2017

We are noticing your compartmentalizing of your conscious center, as though it must be contained in some physical boundaried coordinates, such as the 'head' of the physical body.  This is limiting and there is nothing to be gained from doing this.  This is a habit that is developed as your experiences accumulate, amassing the autonomic response of your conscious center to retract and hide from the sensory inputs from the physical environment as they become discomforting and on the threshold of what you deem unbearable.  We shall now offer guidance in releasing this restriction and for you to allow your energy of conscience to awarely expand into your entire being, physical and inter-dimensionally.  A lot of what you process as such as anxiety is caused by this compartmentalization, as you are trying to encapsulate your conscious experience of your finite journey from an observation deck that you feel is 'safe'.  This may have been instilled early in your development in finitehood, but is not to be a permanent habit.  Trying to observe physical experience from a distance generates gaps in experiential processing of sensory stimuli, which inhibits energy flow.  If you have been noticing slow responses in energetic vibration healing, and manifestation, this is part of the reason.
Let us proceed.  Your conscious center is the interfacing of your finite being coordinates with the consciousness dimensions.  Consciousness dimensions are of expansive dimensional nature and not of interest in whether or not there is conformment into some compartmentalized state from a finite dimension angular view.  Thus, your habitual progression of submitting your conscious center to a relegation of confinement in congruence with some subset of your physical coordinates, based on finite dimension concerns, has been enabled to progress without dissent.  Without dissent from your conscious energetic interface, because their allowment for energetic flow in their dimensional space is unimpeded by such confinement.  It is not even detectable.  So, you are really only doing the disservice to yourself by constricting your consciousness energy.
So... Consciousness Center being your interfacing with expansive consciousness dimensions, the entry point for your realization is awareness of this nature.  Close your physical eyes and bring your energetic awareness to the energetic condition of your conscious energetic essence, as it is in the moment, however it may be mapping into congruence with physical dimension coordination.  Feel this and acquaint yourself with its essence, integrating cognizance of the vast state of affairs it brings to integration with your finite dimension existence.  This is the first step - get to know your consciousness awareness in this way.
Notice that you may have a temptation to belie its vastness through habitual perceiving its intertwining with your physicalness.  Keep persisting in this exercise and gain a sense of the independence of your consciousness center and its dimensions of source, from your finite dimension physical operational being.
You will notice that there is absolutely nothing requiring your perception of your consciousness energy to be coordinated with a concept of physicality in order for it to function as the consciousness integrated with the will of your individuation.  The spatial interpretation is solidly an aspect that you have habitually introduced for the sake of not really ever giving it any thought, and the natural interpretation for a finite nature is to associate everything integrating the physical being with some aspect of the physical being.  At this point you must spend some attentiveness to gain a sense of discernment of your consciousness energetic essence, and its freedom from spatial restrictions which you have imposed in extension of your finiteness.
Notice, notice subtly, the energy vibrations of the consciousness dimensions are distinct and although appearing subtle in contrast to the physical dense vibrations of your somatic coordinates, consciousness vibrations are extensive in character.  You must attend yourself to heightened knowing in discernment of these vibrations.  As you do this, your distinction in the somaticisms in which you have been compartmentalizing your consciousness and the consciousness dimensions to which your consciousness brings finte interfacing, becomes keenly apparent to you.  Being accustomed to spatially categorizing your consciousness, you must release the spatial cavity association, and distinctly perceive the conscience vibratory states directly, abstractly.  This discernment now frees your entrapment of conscious energetic center from the spatial association you have been instructing to it for your entire lifetime of finite cognition.
Peer through the noise level, and allow your tactile sense to soften and distinguish the subtle vibrations of your consciousness dimensions.  This is softening your spirit into understanding, effortlessly.  You are feeling what is there already, as when peering at the horizon as a long dark night just begins to turn to day and the first glimpses of light are perceptible... uncertainty at first, then a dawning of understanding.  Be patiently aware and allow the distinction in the vibration qualities to seep in to your perceptive understanding.  As this does, the distinguishing between the energy of your consciousness dimensions from the physical arena in which you have probably kept them housed mentally for so long, becomes crystal.
As you acquaint yourself more with vibration essence, conscience-dimensionally, the feel of it will become apparent and it will seem odd to think of going back to the way you have been interacting all this time, with the integrative component so tightly wound with somatic coordinates that the essence of conscience would not be distinguishable.  You will now notice some factors for moving forth which are quite different too.  Mobility.  Boundless are the realms in which your conscious dimension interactions can reach, and your interaction through will, induction into vibration state, allows for guidance for your conscience extensions into inter-dimensional space, which of course includes the finite dimensions in which your scope of organic life is defined.
As your sensation receptivity becomes attuned, so that you are able to distinguishably feel your consciousness vibrations, entering some of the means you have been learning is now becoming available for integration with your consciousness energetic dimensions.  As we have been guiding you in various ways to release the physical-only hooks from your mental engagement in your reality states, and to sentiently feel your vibrations of fulcrum points for change, you now may enter these vibration threads directly with your consciousness stream, rather than as you have been doing with your consciousness confinement into physical compartments.  Integratively, you are finding that consciousness is alive in the most minutely conceivable energetic vibration perceptive components, and that your interaction with the creative vibration defining your experiential existence is conscientially active.  You must work with this and experience to understand deeply.  We could say that this enables you to directly effect the reality you create, yet the 'how to do this' of it must be experientially understood.  Allowance has multi-threaded multidimensional aspects to it which you have yet to more deeply understand in your quest to approach such from a physical oriented entry point.
So, as you learn adeptness with the deliberate feeling your consciousness dimensions into integrative threading through your existence, begin to involve this understanding into your endeavors to employ healing and manifestation into your reality spaces of attentive existential conscious intersection.  Say, for instance, that you are facing symptomatic effects from what you would know as a 'common cold' or 'flu'.  Allowing all of the historical gatherings of what that would mean in your usual physio/socio environment to thin into vapor, bring your concentrative attentiveness to the 'energetic protrusions' which you experience as symptomatic, and allow your concentrative focus to become vibrationally sentient in coordination with awareness of these protrusions as entry points.  Feel this with independence of physically-oriented mapping of how change will occur.  As you feel this, bring your memory into integrative focus with remembrance of your developing sentient understanding of your consciousness dimensions.  Allow your sentience to vibrate with the frequencies of your consciousness energetic dimensions, and allow these to blend with your vibrational generation which has arisen through your symptomatic energetic protrusion entry point for healing intention.  Allow your consciousness to drive the experiential unfoldment, and be aware, and you can see the infinitely intricate threading of your conscious intent uniting with your energetic cells of creation.  Allow this, and allow the energy to work and move forth.  Be open minded and ready to shift to a new paradigm regarding some lifelong beliefs and socially accepted beliefs about just what is really going on when something like a 'common cold' or 'flu' shows up into intersection with your physical world excursion.
Somatic symptoms are one form of what we are showing you here, but we are really talking about energetic creation in anything.  With your somatic area, there is a direct connection with sensors that you are familiar with, and the extension to the feeling of vibration is smooth from there.  If you are interested in manifesting some conditions in your physical world experience, such as some observable effects of factors which affect the quality of your life, or some relationship healing, gaining the vibration focus is of a more derivative nature.  Importantly for such motivations, be mindful that your consciousness integrating with energetic vibration sentience is in propagation of what you are creating - notice that our discussion about the 'common cold' symptoms not once implies that the intention is to 'make it go away', but rather to enter the vibration of what is happening and take it forward - and often the motivation for some change which inspires manifestation is due to 'energetic protrusions' which are causing discomfort in some way.  Using such conditions as an entry point, release the physical world conditions from your conscious grip, and allow your movement into vibration sentience.  Allow your vision for complement to the protrusions to be an entry point to shifting into abstraction of vibration essence, and allow your consciousness dimensions to thread into the vibration essence, and from there to take you...