Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 3 – Jan 6, 2017
Consciousnesses are infinite. This means infinite in magnitude and infinite in number. Infinitely capable is your accessibility for accepting unifications of consciousness through your source energy stream, and into your experiential flow of reality. In common linearly structured finite worlds' terms, concepts of 'beings' of higher consciousness meet the threshold of limit of understanding from within finite scope. This allows your expansion of mind to reach toward understanding that infinite consciousness is there always and it is only your choice of view which restricts the flow to cause the appearance that the finite world is a boundaried environment from which there is inaccessibility to the infinite realms.
Your entry point, as most of you are initially taught, is to seek help, guidance, in response to conditions from finite structure from which you desire change. Natural to an earthly being is to ask as an earthly being and envision some form of higher dimension being as the recipient of the query. This is an entry point of understanding for what it really means to 'ask'. Really, the words you would formulate are not deciphered by the interaction of higher consciousness. Understanding in the vibratory state from which you seek change is instantaneous, and response is instantaneous. It is your receptivity which is the factor in allowing change. Your formulation of words is for your sake, to help you sort through the finite enumerations which are part of existing in a finite world. If you wish to enhance your flow of energetic response in your life, of higher consciousness energy, be cognitive of your vibration state and your sense of allowing the energy to flow through your infinite coordinate intersection with your finite life, and release the constriction of your mental strictures. Know that your words help you to focus on intention, but this is only to help YOU, and your communication with the higher mind energies is ongoing and persistent. If you want change, ask through vibration and allow energy to move forth.
Asking through words or some formulation of thoughts as you would be accustomed to doing in the physical plane requires discretizing concepts for which to ask, and this compartmentalizes your experiential energetic stream and divisively separates this from your interaction with infinite energy stream. Your vibration state is always interfacing with your infinite being, and always there is interaction going on. It is how you interact with your vibration in the asking way that makes the difference. Bouncing around, with limited conscious awareness of your energetic state and allowing the physical plane to poke at you creates a haphazard projection of scripting your progression of created reality based on the obstructions to your higher mind states. Awareness of your vibration state and assumption of your intention to gravitate to higher mind states from wherever you find yourself creates the environment of vibrationally asking for creation which would feed your high vibration experiential progression.
Personification of higher frequency, consciousness sources which can integrate into you consciential coordinates, although somewhat useful in conceptualizing and in communicating with other finite beings, establishes a false boundary of individuality that interferes with your ability to assimilate and integrate the energy. So, this personified method, as a lead-in to focal conscious scope is helpful, yet we advise once the attention is gathered to proceed in this way...
Gather, essentially, the protrusions of energy into your world of scopal attention that are summoning your attentive calling for change. Allow the finite representation of these parameters which have driven your state to seek change to fade as your awareness heightens in feeling these in a purely energetic vibration way. Aware of your presence of conscious energy beyond your finitely-scoped world, allow all definition of surface tension boundary which is defined as utility for the existence of finite world to drift into porously being opened in allowance of integration of the higher consciousness energy into your summative vibration state. Allow and feel this vibration integration, becoming the beingness of your consciousness as emergence through this integration moves forth. Allowing from your higher mind states, for the deliverance of energetic, vibrationally harmonic, change to your vibrational reality, your forth movement incorporates these shifts in your resultant energetic state as interaction with finite world proceeds. This is the means for effecting changes through interaction with what you nominally speak of as Angels and Ascended Masters, and such. If they amuse you, ok, enjoy it, but if health and healing and evolution and change and higher energy vibration is what you seek, we are guiding you here in how to proceed.
Here we have led into the discussion with regards to quest for change, as originating from finite dimension existence. This because that is how attention for finite beings nominally arises. However, we encourage, rather than to motivate according to energetic protrusions into your finite environment, which cause desire for something to be different, practice operating your life on a regular basis via energetic awareness, feeling the surface being vibration of your definition in finite world, and observing the fading and softening of the boundary tension of ostensible separation between infinite and finite, and open your inspirational channels to allow the higher consciousness vibration to integrate into your experiential being, on a regular basis. Start the day this way. Notice this periodically throughout the day. You will find that your means of response to the 'energetic protrusions', such as finite world disappointments and health anomalies and all, will more naturally proceed in an integrated way with higher frequency consciousness, and not so much according to trying to wrestle with such through dense world means.
With your energetic response thinned in dense terms, and your conscious regularity of inter-dimensional channeling energy integratively, your exudes along the course of the finite world's planes are naturally of higher conscious energy. Your interactions with other beings dwelling in the finite plane are of this nature, and your interactions with them will be summoned in response to their vibrational quests. The awareness of individual beings is their own business, but your awareness is yours. In contrast to the bumping and bruising of commonality in finite planes, high frequency interaction carries the skill level of being willing and able to withstand the tide of pull into the densenesses vibration state. Meeting the interfacing of such as bullying anger hatred resentment deception, and shifting your energetic composure of being so as to receive these interfacing dense energies transparently renders your ability to the level of continuous conscious will. Relegating to subterranean energetic response patterns, as dense world dwelling enmeshes your beings' states, entrains your response frequency to the dense vibration, and this entrains you with these very interfacing factors - energetic protrusions, as we say.
This is why Angelic beings are nominally perceived in the dense world as beings of light, of constitution non-dense, with perception easily discernable with the mental energetic faculties and light-beam interpreting physical faculties, yet dense beings are seldom seen as emitting the higher frequency Angelic light. As dense beings do emit such energy frequencies, it is nominally interpreted by other densers as transparent, and not readily noticed. The effects may be noticed, but the emission of energy is rarely perceived.
So, for these reasons, we encourage your participation in continued energetic high frequency integration, and in your ongoing submission of will to stand strong in the tide of dense energetic resonance which results in energetic protrusions which inhibit the flow of higher frequency resonance energies.
In some sense, this may appear to you as a transparencizing of your dense being, but the composure of your being as energy is still such, it is just that in less entrainment with the lower vibrations of dense energy, there is an opacity that comes with the dense territory which is lifted, and for some of you may feel as some sort of a loss. Yet we ask you to discern - if you are running around with rocks in your pockets and you release the rocks from your pockets, you may feel lighter or you may feel a loss because you were attached to having the rocks in your pockets because not having rocks in your pockets was an unfamiliar feeling. You can move forth and feel lighter with higher frequency energy flowing through you, but you must release the attachment to the denseness which has become acquainted with your being's states throughout your life.
We are using the expression 'energetic protrusions' in reference to facets of dense world and its experiencing which draw a vortical pull of your experiential consciousness being into the lower vibration of the dense environment, which contrasts to the freely flowing high energetic frequency of natural resonance for your being. In higher dimensional view, in traversal of your being through energetic protrusions, the transmission of your energetic essence is slowed, loosely analogous to the way light is slowed in shifting to traversal through a denser medium, effecting the perception of your light-being in somewhat of a similar way to inter-dimensionally being smacked in the face by a tree branch while riding along freely on horseback - in such an encounter the tree branch and its effect causing a negative turn in your otherwise flowingly free enjoyable experience - with the matters at hand in the physical dense environment gaining your attention because of impacting the vortices surrounding your feeling states. These protrusions have a way of gaining your attention because they trip you up from sailing along freely in your high energy states, and they have a way of compelling you to directly address them in your tendency to quest a restoration to higher frequency mind states. Indeed, once the tree branch has smacked you in the face, you certainly must know that cutting off the tree branch would not reverse the pain in your face, nor would it be of much benefit along a path which you may never ride again. So, when encountering the 'energetic protrusions' along the course of the finite planes, you are hereby advised to restore attention immediately to your internally-generated higher dimensional vibration, and move...