Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jan 1 – Jan 2, 2017
Being instilled with the ability, as it is also a necessity for definitive life form in a structured world, for paring the hoards of streams of energy flow from all directional sources into a mold of definifition for how you create the understanding of a world, upon circumstantial deployment of conscientiality as the world uncovers its exposure to existence, your interaction interjects energy responses in the being-state of your energetic encapsulation of individuality. This summation of your encapsulation of individuality in experiential response with the energetic circumstantial stimulus, leads you to a state of identification with whatever is happening in the moment and all of the mental/emotional effects of it. Thus, if difficult emotions or mind states or physical sensory reactions are occurring, your basis for reaction as a finite being is to think that 'you' are made up of all of that and your world is defined by all of that, which provokes a somewhat downturn of representation of how your creative life form will progress. It takes some will of consciousness to step beyond this identification and to be aware of your core energetic presence as a creative being. You are experiencing, creating and observing the result of your creating, all at the same time. Experiencing need not become identification. This is simply the state of settlement when the consciousness of energetic expansion is subsiding.
The finite being installment may not come with inclusion of understanding that identification is a choice, in which you need only engage your volition dimension coordinate consciousness, and thus becomes your focus. As with much of your response triggering, the basics which enable the duration of propagation of organic life are driving forces for the identifications which occur independent of swirling forces of consciousness involvement. Thus, you become identified with feelings such as hunger, to motivate the body to feed itself to continue on in physical domain energy. You become identified with pains and discomforts in the body so as to tend to the basics of life propagation of the body. You identify with emotional conditions that stir you within your current coordinate frame, as motivation to change and grow in some way. Do you notice that a common domain in these instilled triggers which command identification in the less conscious beings is of some sort of discomfort, something unpleasing to the being's response? This is a basis motivating factor of physical life. If all is comfortable and secure, there is nothing calling for change. If you were never hungry, why would you think of eating something?
Following this type of dot-to-dot identification with discomforts that motivate survival propagation and/or change in physical life is a starting point that assures a life is not just immediately relegated to a flash in the pan. For dense life forms to exist and have some duration, these kinds of mechanisms have been installed. Limitations which render the scope of identifications of conscious volition to these discomfitting qualities are nowhere instilled in your being, however.
Identification with systems of function for physical dimension life need not be a part of using such functions for the propagation of life. This was simply a way to implement the generation of being forms such as you humans, and assure that you would not screw things up by chaotically haphazardly tending to, or not, your basic life functions. For similar reasons, your breathing, a multifaceted function of your life integration, is both autonomically and voluntarily responsive, dependent on the degree of involvement of your volition.
Your system functions do not require for you to identify with their effects for them to do your job. For instance, you can notice the presence of hunger ("hunger is present"), and act upon it, without having to identify with the hunger ("I am hungry"). Such is true for all of your facets of existence which are finitely filtered in some way. Sadness does not have to consume you - you can notice sadness with greater conscious awareness emanating from your harmonic energetic core.
Some feeling of entrapment, of inevitability, of powerlessness in the situation is typical of an indication of inappropriate and unnecessary identification with physical life stuff. In such moments, you need wake yourself up enough to realize that such is happening and that you can immediately shift in your identification. First step. Now, how to shift so as to allow the physical plane its due and for its functions to be fulfilled, yet for your conscious evolution to be in alignment with your harmonic resonance energy?
Well, if things are rolling around and your ride is rosy, and your feelings are of some peaceful nature, equanimous with whatever is going on, then there is at least a majority of alignment with your inner energy core, and shouldn't be any reason to seek out a major shift in motion toward re-identification in any way. Awareness and allowance to some degree for a gravitating in amplitude of alignment would be a natural progression. This is when you are riding on the higher mind state frequencies which resonate with your true nature. Gentle easing into gravitating amplitude of alignment will enlengthen your duration of riding the wave of high frequency alignment. In the physical arena, it is usually your mental element which intersects and takes you into a course which shortens the alignment period. Involving your mental element in the course of attuning the gravitational amplification of your experiential identification with harmonic core resonance, let's just say, keeps your mind productively activated if your intention is to move forth with more maximal exposure to your harmonic state.
Now, times of lower phasing with the fundamental harmony of your true energy frequency, you are going to feel something that distastes to your liking. If not, then you must be in a relative equanimous, higher energy state as just discussed. So, say there must be something you can notice that is out of alignment. It may be pinpointable, such as a physical pain or maybe an emotional offset which is encapsulable, relatively. Or, it may be evasive, continuously shifting from physical to emotional to mental to some complexity of these, and shifting in a way where the conscious focus causes immediate change so that attempt to get a grip on what is going on is evasive. For any of these cases, at or near the level of the being boundary, there somewhere somehow will be tension - a constriction of energy flow which you can palpably discern. This too may be shifting and changing but there will be something like this going on. If not, then you must be totally relaxed everywhere, and we then would ask you just what the heck is the nature of your misalignment anyway? So, bring this tension into attention, and we invite you to proceed thusly...
Hold in perimeter conscious view your understanding of identification, your intention of aligning in identification with your core harmonic energy resonance. Be adamant with your finite being's subset, intersection of consciousness with finiteness, that identification expansion is at hand and resolving the wrap of finite-specific exposure into your identification consciousness is to be executed. This as a firm entry point, notice - not identify, but notice - the tension; there may be multiple points and they may be dynamic. Notice, use a conceptual surface-connecting stream to concern all elements if there are dynamaticisms occurring which strike distraction chords with your intent to bring the tension into focus. Now, noticing the tension, deepen the noticing dimension into the tension beneath and within the surface, into the vibration state - bearing in mind that all the while your intention to identificationally align with your core harmonic resonance is in scope - and feel yourself into the vibration of the tension. As a tense unit, the tension would not from a distance appear to be divisive into vibration cells, yet moving into through the noticing, you feel the vibration cells. As you do this, feel the softening of the surface and at simultaneity feel the light of your harmonic energy resonance core emerging and integrating with the tension of the surface. This strikes the chords of shift in your identification state, and you need only then allow the harmonic energy waves to blend with your conscious being.
You can actually do all of this very fast, even if our description of it would imply an extended duration of focus with meditative intent. You can do that, and it may depend on circumstances, where you are sometimes dealing with the more evasive types of feeling/mind states and taking some focused time to gather awareness of the tension and moving into the vibratory surface would be entailed. You need not always do that however. If you have a trigger thought come into your mind, and you notice the precipitous exposure to some abysmal identification descension, you can immediately in one swoop gather the tension of it and dissipate the vibration into your ongoing higher energy identification process. Because a particular thought or sensation is tugging at your mind to pull it into identification, this does not mean you have to follow the tug. You can notice and retain your faculties in being the master of the control system in determining how your identification conscious proceeds.
You may also take this as an entry method for a world of peace, rather than a reactive method to the distastefulness to your likings. Calmly enter your being's perspective and inquisitively vibrate the query as to whether everything is equanimous, or in harmonic resonance. If the vibratory response is yes, you will feel what to do. If not, then the procedure into realization of the tension points ensues, and you move forth as we are guiding here. You can do this regularly and thereby progress your finite being into an ongoing entrainment with your harmonic energy core on a regular basis, thus employing a regularity of inner peace throughout your existence.